
**  Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
**  Routines for dealing with virtual sound hardware from a 'sdev' component.
**  by Mark Cookson, Apple Developer Technical Support
**  --based on code by Kip Olson
**  File:   Hardware.c
**  Copyright ©1993-1996 Apple Computer, Inc.
**  All rights reserved.
**  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
**  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
**  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
**  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "Apple Sample
**  Code" after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the
**  source, we require that you make it clear in the source that the code
**  was descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include <AIFF.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include "AIFFWriter.h"
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
extern SoundOutputGlobalsPtr                    gGlobals;
// Initialize the hardware.
OSErr SetupHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    IOBufferPtr         ioBuffer;
    ParmBlkPtr          iopb;
    unsigned long       samples;
    short               i;
    OSErr               result;
    // setup our output data which we'll request from the mixer and
    // setup the output file as well
    globals->outputData.flags = 0;
    if ((**globals->prefs).sampleSize == 8)
        globals->outputData.format = k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat;
        globals->outputData.format = k16BitBigEndianFormat;
    globals->outputData.numChannels = (**globals->prefs).numChannels;
    globals->outputData.sampleSize = (**globals->prefs).sampleSize;
    globals->outputData.sampleRate = (**globals->prefs).sampleRate;
    globals->outputData.sampleCount = (**globals->prefs).sampleCount;
    globals->outputData.buffer = nil;
    globals->outputData.reserved = 0;
    // Setup hardware here. This example just calculates the interrupt interval
    // for the time manager task interrupt based on the current sample rate.
    globals->interruptInterval = UnsignedFixedMulDiv(((long)kHardwareSampleCount) << 16,
                                                    1000000, globals->outputData.sampleRate);
    samples = UnsignedFixedMulDiv(globals->outputData.sampleRate, kSecondsInIOBuffer, fixed1);
    samples *= (globals->outputData.sampleSize >> 3) * globals->outputData.numChannels;
    globals->ioBufferSize = (samples + kHardwareSampleCount - 1) & (~(kHardwareSampleCount - 1));
    result = SetupOutputFile(globals);                          // initialize output file
    FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)                                     // loop over both parameter blocks
        ioBuffer = &globals->ioBuffers[i];
        // get some memory for i/o buffers
        ioBuffer->buffer = NewPtrClear(globals->ioBufferSize);
        FailIf(ioBuffer->buffer == nil, NewPtrFailed);
        iopb = &ioBuffer->iopb;                                 // get pointer to param block
        /* fill up the param block with the fields that never change after this. Note that
           fields that are set to zero are commented out since we just zeroed things above. */
        iopb->ioParam.ioRefNum      = globals->fRefNum;         // refnum of file to write to
//      iopb->ioParam.ioCompletion  = nil;                      // no completion routine
//      iopb->ioParam.ioReqCount    = 0;                        // no request yet
        iopb->ioParam.ioBuffer      = ioBuffer->buffer;         // buffer to write to
        iopb->ioParam.ioPosMode     = (1 << noCacheBit);        // write w/o cache
//      iopb->ioParam.ioPosOffset   = 0;                        // no offset yet
    return (noErr);
    if (globals->ioBuffers[0].buffer != nil)
        DisposePtr(globals->ioBuffers[0].buffer);           // dispose of buffers
    if (globals->ioBuffers[1].buffer != nil)
        DisposePtr(globals->ioBuffers[1].buffer);           // dispose of buffers
    return (result);
// Release the hardware.
// BUG ALERT!  If we sample MicroSeconds at just the wrong time, we could be here for a long time!
void ReleaseHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    unsigned long       timeLimit;
    unsigned long       startTime;
    startTime = MicroSeconds();
    timeLimit = globals->interruptInterval << 1;                // wait for 2 interrupt periods
    while ((globals->hardwareOn) && ((MicroSeconds() - startTime) < timeLimit))
        ;   // wait until interrupts turn off, or we time out
    StopHardware(globals);                                      // make sure hardware is off
    if (globals->fRefNum != 0)
        CloseOutputFile(globals);                               // close output file
        globals->fRefNum = 0;
// Turn on hardware interrupts.
void StartHardware(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    if (!globals->hardwareOn)
        globals->hardwareOn = true;                         // the hardware will soon be on
        // Turn hardware on here. The example uses the Time Manager for interrupts
#ifndef FakeInterrupts
        // start the time manager task going
        globals->tmTask.task.tmAddr = NewTimerProc(TMInterrupt);
        globals->tmTask.task.tmCount = 0;
        globals->tmTask.task.tmWakeUp = 0;
        globals->tmTask.task.tmReserved = 0;
        globals->tmTask.globals = globals;
        InsXTime((QElemPtr) &globals->tmTask);
        PrimeTime((QElemPtr) &globals->tmTask, -globals->interruptInterval);
// Turn off hardware interrupts.
void StopHardware(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    if (globals->hardwareOn)
        // Turn hardware off here. The example removes the Time Manager task
#ifndef FakeInterrupts
        RmvTime((QElemPtr) &globals->tmTask);
        globals->hardwareOn = false;                        // the hardware is now off
// Resume hardware interrupts after they were suspended.
void ResumeHardware(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    if (globals->hardwareOn)
        // Resume hardware interrupts here. The example queues another Time Manager interrupt
#ifndef FakeInterrupts
        PrimeTime((QElemPtr) &globals->tmTask, -globals->interruptInterval);
// Copy samples to the hardware buffer. In our case, write to a file.
#define SamplesToBytes(samples, shift)  (samples << shift)
#define BytesToSamples(bytes, shift)    (bytes >> shift)
void CopySamplesToHardware(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr siftPtr)
    long            samplesToCopy;
    long            bytesToCopy;
    long            bytesLeft;
    IOBufferPtr     currentBuffer;
    short           sourceShift;
    short           destShift;
    sourceShift = siftPtr->sampleSize / 16;
    if (siftPtr->numChannels == 2)
    destShift = globals->outputData.sampleSize / 16;                // add 1 more for 16 bit, 2 for 32
    if (globals->outputData.numChannels == 2)
    samplesToCopy = siftPtr->sampleCount;                           // don't copy more than hardware buffer has
    if (samplesToCopy > kHardwareSampleCount)
        samplesToCopy = kHardwareSampleCount;
    currentBuffer = &globals->ioBuffers[globals->currentIndex];     // get current i/o buffer
    if (currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioResult != 0)
    {                                                               // oh, oh, write is still in progress
        FailMessage(currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioResult != 0);
        siftPtr->buffer += SamplesToBytes(samplesToCopy, sourceShift);  // update source pointer
        siftPtr->sampleCount -= samplesToCopy;                      // subtract amount copied from source and throw these bytes away!
        return;                                                     // throw these bytes away!
    bytesToCopy = SamplesToBytes(samplesToCopy, destShift);     // turn samples into bytes
    bytesLeft = globals->ioBufferSize - currentBuffer->byteCount;       // calc how much is left in i/o buffer
    if (bytesToCopy > bytesLeft)                                // limit to amount we have left in buffer
        bytesToCopy = bytesLeft;
    samplesToCopy = BytesToSamples(bytesToCopy, destShift);     // turn back into samples
    if (globals->fRefNum)                                       // only write out if file is open
        OutputToFile(siftPtr, currentBuffer->buffer + currentBuffer->byteCount, bytesToCopy);
    currentBuffer->byteCount += bytesToCopy;                    // update dest pointer
    siftPtr->buffer += SamplesToBytes(samplesToCopy, sourceShift);  // update source pointer
    siftPtr->sampleCount -= samplesToCopy;                      // subtract amount copied from source
    if (currentBuffer->byteCount == (long)globals->ioBufferSize)// current buffer is full - write it out
        if (globals->fRefNum)                                   // only write out if file is open
            currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioReqCount = currentBuffer->byteCount;  // write this many bytes out
            currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioPosOffset = 0;        // offset from current position
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
            PBWriteSync(&currentBuffer->iopb);                  // write out the data synchronously
            PBWriteAsync(&currentBuffer->iopb);                 // start the asynch write
        currentBuffer->byteCount = 0;                           // buffer will be empty next time we use it
        globals->currentIndex ^= 1;                             // switch to other buffer
// Slam the file.
void OutputToFile(SoundComponentDataPtr siftPtr, void *dest, long bytesToCopy)
    long    i;
    Byte    *sp;
    Byte    *dp;
    if (siftPtr->format == k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat)             // 8 bit offset source
        // convert the data from offset binary to two's complement
        sp = (Byte *)siftPtr->buffer;
        dp = (Byte *)dest;
        for (i = bytesToCopy - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            *dp++ = *sp++ ^ 0x80;
    else                                                        // copy other formats
        BlockMove(siftPtr->buffer, dest, bytesToCopy);
// Fake interrupt routine used when running the debugging application.
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
Boolean FakeInterrupt(void)
    SoundOutputGlobalsPtr   globals = gGlobals;                 // get our globals
    if (globals->hardwareOn)
        if (MicroSeconds() >= globals->nextTime)
            globals->nextTime = MicroSeconds();
            globals->nextTime += globals->interruptInterval;
    return (globals->hardwareOn);
// Entry point for the Time Manager task interrupt routine
//#if __MWERKS__ && TARGET_CPU_68K
//void TMInterrupt (myTMTaskPtr taskPtr:__a1)
//  InterruptRoutine(taskPtr->globals);                     // call interrupt routine with globals
void TMInterrupt (myTMTaskPtr taskPtr)
    taskPtr = (myTMTaskPtr)GetRegisterA1();
    InterruptRoutine(taskPtr->globals);                     // call interrupt routine with globals
// This routine is called every hardware interrupt to fill the hardware
// with audio data. First it should suspend interrupts so it will not
// be interrupted again (this example just queues up the next interrupt).
// Then it should get more data from the source mixer, and copy the data
// to the hardware. In the way out, if all data was copied, try to get
// some more so it will be available next time.
void InterruptRoutine(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    SoundComponentDataPtr       siftPtr;
    siftPtr = GetMoreSource(globals);                       // get source from mixer
    if (siftPtr == nil)                                     // no more source
        StopHardware(globals);                              // turn hardware off
        CopySamplesToHardware(globals, siftPtr);            // fullfill hardware request
        if (siftPtr->sampleCount == 0)                      // exhausted the source
            siftPtr = GetMoreSource(globals);               // get more for next time
    ResumeHardware(globals);                                // queue next interrupt while we are processing
// This routine returns the component data pointer to your mixer source. If there
// is no source or it is empty, it will call down the chain to fill it up.
SoundComponentDataPtr GetMoreSource(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    ComponentResult         result;
    SoundComponentDataPtr   siftPtr;
    siftPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;
    if ((siftPtr == nil) || (siftPtr->sampleCount == 0))    // no data - better get some
        result = SoundComponentGetSourceData(globals->sourceComponent, &globals->sourceDataPtr);
        FailIf(result != noErr, Failure);
        siftPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;
        if ((siftPtr == nil) || (siftPtr->sampleCount == 0)) // source has no more data
            return (nil);                                   // stop the presses
    return (siftPtr);                                       // return pointer to source
    return (nil);
// This routine initializes the output file and sets up the i/o param block
// used to write the data to disk.
OSErr SetupOutputFile (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    FSSpec          fspec;
    OSErr           err;
    err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, kSndFileName, &fspec);         // make the FS spec
    if (err == fnfErr)                                      // file not found is OK
        err = noErr;
        FailIf(FSpDelete(&fspec) != noErr, Failure);
    FailIf(err != noErr, Failure);
    err = FSpCreate(&fspec, kAIFFCreator, AIFFID, smSystemScript);  // create file
    FailIf(err != noErr, FSpCreateFailed);
    err = FSpOpenDF(&fspec, fsRdWrPerm, &globals->fRefNum);     // open file
    FailIf(err != noErr, FSpOpenDFFailed);
    err = SetupAIFFHeader(globals->fRefNum, globals->outputData.numChannels, globals->outputData.sampleRate,
                          globals->outputData.sampleSize, globals->outputData.format, 0, 0);
    FailIf(err != noErr, SetupAIFFFailed);
    err = GetFPos(globals->fRefNum, &globals->headerLen);       // get length of AIFF header
    FailIf(err != noErr, SetupAIFFFailed);
    return (noErr);
    if (globals->fRefNum != 0)
    return (err);
// This routine makes sure all asynchronous i/o is complete, writes out any
// remaining data, updates the AIFF header and closes the file.
OSErr CloseOutputFile(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    long            filePos, bytesWritten;
    IOBufferPtr     currentBuffer;
    OSErr           err;
    while  ((globals->ioBuffers[globals->currentIndex].iopb.ioParam.ioResult > 0) ||    // wait for PBWrite to complete
            (globals->ioBuffers[globals->currentIndex^1].iopb.ioParam.ioResult > 0))    // for both buffers
    currentBuffer = &globals->ioBuffers[globals->currentIndex]; // get current i/o buffer
    if (currentBuffer->byteCount != 0)                  // still some data to write out
        currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioReqCount = currentBuffer->byteCount;  // write this many bytes out
        currentBuffer->iopb.ioParam.ioPosOffset = 0;    // offset from current position
        err = PBWriteSync(&currentBuffer->iopb);        // write this buffer synchronously
        FailIf(err != noErr, PBWriteSyncFailed);
    err = GetFPos(globals->fRefNum, &filePos);          // get current file position
    FailIf(err != noErr, GetFPosFailed);
    bytesWritten = filePos - globals->headerLen;        // calc no. bytes written to file
    filePos = ++filePos & ~1;                           // make sure file length is a word-aligned
    err = SetEOF(globals->fRefNum, filePos);            // set current file position to EOF
    FailIf(err != noErr, SetEOFFailed);
    err = SetFPos(globals->fRefNum, fsFromStart, 0);    // rewind file to beginning
    FailIf(err != noErr, SetFPosFailed);
    err = SetupAIFFHeader(globals->fRefNum, globals->outputData.numChannels, globals->outputData.sampleRate,
                          globals->outputData.sampleSize, globals->outputData.format, bytesWritten, 0);
    FailIf(err != noErr, SetupAIFFHeaderFailed);
    // all non-error conditions can fall through to the clean up code
    FSClose(globals->fRefNum);                          // close output file
    globals->fRefNum = 0;
    return (err);
OSErr GetPreferences (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    HardwarePrefsHandle     prefs;
    HardwarePrefsHandle     oldPrefs;
    OSErr                   result;
    prefs = (HardwarePrefsHandle)GetComponentRefcon((Component)globals->self);
    if (prefs == nil)
        // no in memory preferences found, then create them
        prefs = (HardwarePrefsHandle)NewHandleSysClear(sizeof(HardwarePreferences));
        FailWithAction(prefs == nil, result = MemError(), NewPrefsFailed);
        // set our preferences to default values and put them in our refCon
        (**prefs).size = sizeof(HardwarePreferences);
        (**prefs).version = kSoundComponentVersion;
        (**prefs).volume = 0x00100100;
        (**prefs).sampleRate = rate22050hz;             // default sample rate
        (**prefs).sampleSize = 16;                      // default sample size
        (**prefs).numChannels = 2;                      // default num channels
        (**prefs).sampleCount = kHardwareSampleCount;   // default buffer count
        SetComponentRefcon((Component)globals->self, (unsigned long)prefs);
        globals->prefs = prefs;                                         // set global
        oldPrefs = (HardwarePrefsHandle)NewHandleSysClear(sizeof(HardwarePreferences));
        FailWithAction(oldPrefs == nil, result = MemError(), NewOldPrefsFailed);
        result = GetSoundPreference(kAIFFWriterSubType, kAIFFWriterName, (Handle)oldPrefs);
        if (result == noErr)
            // we found our old preferences, check version and size of old preferences
            (**prefs).volume = (**oldPrefs).volume;
            (**prefs).sampleRate = (**oldPrefs).sampleRate;
            (**prefs).sampleSize = (**oldPrefs).sampleSize;
            (**prefs).numChannels = (**oldPrefs).numChannels;
            (**prefs).sampleCount = (**oldPrefs).sampleCount;
        result = InitFromPreferences(globals);
        FailIf(result != noErr, InitHWFailed);
    return (noErr);
    return (result);
// Setup the hardware according to the user's preferences.
// Configure as much of the hardware as possible at this time, and use the
// InitOutputDevice() method call for the configuration that needs to be done
// everytime the component is being opened to play audio. If altering a setting
// would cause a click, then it would be better to do that here instead of everytime
// the user started a new sound.
OSErr InitFromPreferences(SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    globals; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    return (noErr);
// for 68K, the macro we are using only returns a long, so the PPC version
// will just return the lo part of the number to be consistent
unsigned long MicroSeconds(void)
    UnsignedWide            microTickCount;
    return (microTickCount.lo);