    File:       ALAW.r
    Contains:   Defines needed to make a fat sound decompressor and compressor 'thng' resource.
    Written by: Mark Cookson    
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/13/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#define UseExtendedThingResource    1                   // we want the extended thng resource
#define SystemSevenOrLater          1                   // we only run with System 7, right?
#define FATCOMPONENT                1
#include "Types.r"
#include "SysTypes.r"
#define kSoundDecompressor          'sdec'
#define kSoundCompressor            'scom'
#define k16BitIn                    (1 << 2)
#define k16BitOut                   (1 << 10)
//#define   kRequiredSndMgrMajorRev =   0x03,               // 3.0 or later required
//#define   kRequiredSndMgrMinorRev =   0x00                
#define kALAWVersion            0x00010000              // version for this sound component
#define kALAWSubType            'ALAW'                  // codec type
#define kManufacturerType       'appl'                  // manufacturer
#define ALAWDecompressorID      911                     // resource ID for MSG decompressor
#define ALAWCompressorID        912                     // resource ID for MSG compressor
#define k68KCodeResType         'cdec'                  // resource type for 68K code
#define kPPCCodeResType         'cdek'                  // resource type for PowerPC code
#define kDecompressorFlags      (cmpWantsRegisterMessage | k16BitIn | k16BitOut)
#define kCompressorFlags        (cmpWantsRegisterMessage | k16BitIn | k16BitOut)
// A-Law Decompressor, 68K, PPC
resource 'thng' (ALAWDecompressorID, "A-Law decompressor") {
    kSoundDecompressor, kALAWSubType, kManufacturerType,                    // types
    kDecompressorFlags, kAnyComponentFlagsMask,                             // flags
    k68KCodeResType,    ALAWDecompressorID,                                 // code
    0,                  0,                                                  // no 68K code
    'STR ',             ALAWDecompressorID,                                 // name
    'STR ',             ALAWDecompressorID+1,                               // info
    'ICON',             ALAWDecompressorID,                                 // icon
    kALAWVersion,                                                           // version
    componentDoAutoVersion | componentHasMultiplePlatforms,                 // registration flags
    0,                                                                      // icon
        kDecompressorFlags,                                                 // flags
        k68KCodeResType,    ALAWDecompressorID,                             // code
        platform68k,                                                        // platform
        kDecompressorFlags,                                                 // flags
        kPPCCodeResType,    ALAWDecompressorID,                             // code
        platformPowerPC                                                     // platform
// A-Law Compressor, 68K, PPC
resource 'thng' (ALAWCompressorID, "A-Law compressor") {
    kSoundCompressor, kALAWSubType, kManufacturerType,                      // types
    kCompressorFlags, kAnyComponentFlagsMask,                               // flags
    k68KCodeResType,    ALAWCompressorID,                                   // code
    0,                  0,                                                  // no 68K code
    'STR ',             ALAWDecompressorID,                                 // name
    'STR ',             ALAWDecompressorID+1,                               // info
    'ICON',             ALAWDecompressorID,                                 // icon
    kALAWVersion,                                                           // version
    componentDoAutoVersion | componentHasMultiplePlatforms,                 // registration flags
    0,                                                                      // icon
        kCompressorFlags,                                                   // flags
        k68KCodeResType,    ALAWCompressorID,                               // code
        platform68k,                                                        // platform
        kCompressorFlags,                                                   // flags
        kPPCCodeResType,    ALAWCompressorID,                               // code
        platformPowerPC                                                     // platform