
    File:       OTARPModule.h
    Contains:   Types and constants to interface to the OT ARP module.
    Written by: Quinn "The Eskimo!" 
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/21/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#pragma options align=mac68k
// Pick up the standard UInt32 types.
#include <Types.h>
// Pick up the MIOC_CMD macro.
#include <OpenTransport.h>
// Pick up queue_t.
#include <mistream.h>
// Pick up the MIOC_ARP constants.
// #include <miioccom.h>
// This constant is actually defined in <miioccom.h>, but
//  commented out for some reason )-:
#define MIOC_ARP        'h'     /* ioctl's for Mentat's arp module */
// ARP Command Structures 
// arc_t is the standard header for all ARP command structures.
// The structure you should use is determined by the arc_cmd
// field. See the command constants for details of which
// structures to use with which commands..
typedef struct {
    UInt32  arc_cmd;
    UInt32  arc_name_offset;
    UInt32  arc_name_length;
    UInt32  arc_proto;
    UInt32  arc_proto_addr_offset;
    UInt32  arc_proto_addr_length;
    UInt32  arc_flags;
    queue_t * arc_client_q;     /* context save area for client module */
} arc_t;
typedef struct {
    arc_t   area_arc;
    UInt32  area_proto_mask_offset;
    UInt32  area_hw_addr_offset;
    UInt32  area_hw_addr_length;
} area_t;
typedef struct {
    arc_t   areq_arc;
    UInt32  areq_sender_addr_offset;
    UInt32  areq_sender_addr_length;
    UInt32  areq_xmit_count;    /* 0 ==> cache lookup only */
    UInt32  areq_xmit_interval; /* # of milliseconds; 0: default */
    UInt32  areq_max_buffered;  /* # ofquests to buffer; 0: default */
    UInt8   areq_sap[8];        /* to insert in returned template */
} areq_t;
typedef struct {
    arc_t   arma_arc;
    UInt32  arma_proto_mask_offset;
    UInt32  arma_proto_extract_mask_offset;
    UInt32  arma_hw_addr_offset;
    UInt32  arma_hw_addr_length;
    UInt32  arma_hw_mapping_start;  /* Offset to start of the mask&proto_addr */
} arma_t;
// ARP Command Codes for use in the arc_cmd field of arc_t,
// along with the true structures you should use.
#define AR_ENTRY_ADD        MIOC_CMD(MIOC_ARP,1)
// Add an ARP cache entry.
// Use area_t structure.
// In:
//      area_arc.arc_cmd = AR_ENTRY_ADD
//      area_arc.arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      area_arc.arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
//      area_arc.arc_proto = ARP protocol type (eg IP_ARP_PROTO_TYPE)
//      area_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = offset to protocol address to look up (eg an InetHost)
//      area_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = length of protocol address to look up (eg sizeof(InetHost))
//      area_arc.arc_flags = flags for this cache entry (see below)
//      area_proto_mask_offset = offset to a protocol address mask (usually $FFFFFFFF)
//      area_hw_addr_offset = offset to hardware address
//      area_hw_addr_length = length of hardware address (eg 6)
// Use arma_t structure.
// Delete an entry in the ARP cache.
// Use arc_t structure.
// In:
//      arc_cmd = AR_ENTRY_DELETE
//      arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
//      arc_proto = ARP protocol type (eg IP_ARP_PROTO_TYPE)
//      arc_proto_addr_offset = offset to protocol address to delete (eg an InetHost)
//      arc_proto_addr_length = length of protocol address to delete (eg sizeof(InetHost))
// Look for an entry, either in the cache or by talking on the network.
// Use areq_t structure.
// In:
//      areq_arc.arc_cmd = AR_ENTRY_QUERY
//      areq_arc.arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      areq_arc.arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
//      areq_arc.arc_proto = ARP protocol type (eg IP_ARP_PROTO_TYPE)
//      areq_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = offset to protocol address to look up (eg an InetHost)
//      areq_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = length of protocol address to look up (eg sizeof(InetHost))
//      areq_sender_addr_offset = offset to protocol address of sender (eg an InetHost)
//      areq_sender_addr_length = length of protocol address of sender (eg sizeof(InetHost))
//      areq_xmit_count = number of transmissions before giving up (use 0 for a straight cache lookup)
//      areq_xmit_interval = number of milliseconds between transmissions (0 gives a sensible default)
//      areq_max_buffered = number of requests to buffer (0 gives a sensible default)
//      areq_sap = a SAP to insert into the returned response
// Out:
//      The output is in the form of a DLPI message that you can
//      use as the header to a message to the requested host.
// Look for an entry in the ARP cache.
// Use area_t structure.
// In:
//      area_arc.arc_cmd = AR_ENTRY_SQUERY
//      area_arc.arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      area_arc.arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
//      area_arc.arc_proto = ARP protocol type (eg IP_ARP_PROTO_TYPE)
//      area_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = offset to protocol address to look up (eg an InetHost)
//      area_arc.arc_proto_addr_offset = length of protocol address to look up (eg sizeof(InetHost))
//      area_hw_addr_offset = offset to buffer to store hardware address
//      area_hw_addr_length = length of buffer to store hardware address (eg 6)
// Out:
//      area_arc.arc_flags = flags for this entry
//      buffer pointed to by area_hw_addr_offset and area_hw_addr_length = hardware address
// Use arc_t structure.
// Use arc_t structure.
// Bring an ARPing interface up.
// Use arc_t structure.
// In:
//      arc_cmd = AR_INTERFACE_UP
//      arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
// Tear an ARPing interface down.
// Use arc_t structure.
// In:
//      arc_cmd = AR_INTERFACE_DOWN
//      arc_name_offset = offset to name of interface
//      arc_name_length = length of name of interface (including zero terminator)
// Flags used in the arc_flags field of arc_t.
#define ACE_F_PERMANENT     0x1     // This entry will not time out.
#define ACE_F_PUBLISH       0x2     // ARP will respond to incoming ARP requests for this entry
#define ACE_F_DYING         0x4     // This entry is going away very soon.
#define ACE_F_RESOLVED      0x8     // This entry is valid.
#define ACE_F_MAPPING       0x10    // Use bit mask on target address.
// The protocol value for IP ARPs, for use in the arc_proto field of the arc_t.
#define IP_ARP_PROTO_TYPE       0x0800
#pragma options align=reset