
/* _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
  Copyright © 1992 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Macintosh Developer Technical Support.C++ Macintosh Toolbox Framework.
  Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1992 22:37:30
  Revision comments are at the end of this file.
  TProcess is a Process Manager class.
  Process.cp contains the class body information for the TProcess class member functions.
  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ */
// Include files
#ifndef _PROCESS_
#include "Process.h"
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
// TRandom class member function implementations
void TProcess::Initialize(ProcessSerialNumber theNum)
// Initialize the TProcess class with known values.
    OSErr anErr;
    fFirstTime = true;                          // signal that we are inside constructor
    fLast = false;
    fProcessID.highLongOfPSN = theNum.highLongOfPSN;        
    fProcessID.lowLongOfPSN  = theNum.lowLongOfPSN;
    anErr = GetCurrentProcess(&fMyProcessID);   // always get our own PSN
    fFirstPSN = fProcessID;                     // define the first one
    fFirstTime = false;                         // signal this time is over
Boolean TProcess::IProcess()
// We are using a special IProcess member function for initializing class fields to
// known values.
    OSErr anErr;
    // get our own PSN number
    if (fFirstTime)                             // our first PSN (our own)
        anErr = GetNextProcess(&fProcessID);
        if (anErr != noErr)
            return false;
        return true;
        anErr = GetNextProcess(&fProcessID);    // fetch other PSNs
        if (anErr != noErr)
            fLast = true;
            return false;
            return true;
Boolean TProcess::KillApplication(ProcessSerialNumber* thePSN)
// Quit the application which is defined by the PSN.
    OSErr anErr;
    AEAddressDesc target;
    AppleEvent theAE,  theAEReply;
    theAE.dataHandle = theAEReply.dataHandle = target.dataHandle = NULL;
    anErr = AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber, (Ptr)thePSN, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), &target);
    if (anErr != noErr)
        return false;
    anErr = AECreateAppleEvent(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, &target, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &theAE);
    if (anErr != noErr)
        return false;
    anErr = AESend(&theAE, &theAEReply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, NULL, NULL);
    if (anErr != noErr)
        return false;
        return true;
short TProcess::GetNumProcesses()
// Get the amount of currently running processes.
    ProcessSerialNumber aPSN;
    short num = 0;
    aPSN.highLongOfPSN = 0;
    aPSN.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
    while (GetNextProcess(&aPSN) == noErr)
    return num;
ProcessInfoRec TProcess::GetProcessInfoRec()
// Return the full ProcInfoRec of specified process, NULL if we got into trouble.
    ProcessInfoRec theRec;
    OSErr anErr;
    theRec.processName = NULL;
    theRec.processAppSpec = NULL;
    theRec.processInfoLength = sizeof(theRec);
    anErr = GetProcessInformation(&fProcessID, &theRec);
    return theRec;
unsigned long TProcess::GetProcessSize()
// Return size of process.
    ProcessInfoRec temp = this->GetProcessInfoRec();
    return temp.processSize;
unsigned long TProcess::GetFreeMem()
// Return the amount of free memory available for the process.
    ProcessInfoRec temp = this->GetProcessInfoRec();
    return temp.processFreeMem;
unsigned long TProcess::GetLaunchDate()
// Return in seconds the point when the application was launched.
    ProcessInfoRec temp = this->GetProcessInfoRec();
    return temp.processLaunchDate;
Boolean TProcess::FindProcess(OSType signature)
// Find process with the right signature, style 'MACS'.
    ProcessInfoRec theRec;
    fProcessID.highLongOfPSN = 0;
    fProcessID.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;       // start from beginning
    theRec.processName = NULL;
    theRec.processAppSpec = NULL;
    theRec.processInfoLength = sizeof(theRec);
    while (GetNextProcess(&fProcessID) == noErr)
        if (GetProcessInformation(&fProcessID, &theRec) == noErr)
            if (theRec.processSignature == signature)
                return true;                    // we found it
    return false;                               // we didn't find the process, sigh
ProcessSerialNumber TProcess::GetMyProcessID() const
// Return the Process ID of the process running.
    return fMyProcessID;
ProcessSerialNumber TProcess::GetProcessID() const
// Return the Process ID of the currently inspected process. 
    return fProcessID;
void TProcess::Next()
// Return next process in the process list.
Boolean TProcess::Last()
// Return last process in the process list.
    return fLast;
void TProcess::First()
// Return first process in the process list.
    fProcessID = fFirstPSN;
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
/*  Change History (most recent last):
  No        Init.   Date        Comment
  1         khs     6/10/92     New file
  2         khs     7/6/92      First decent working class