Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: DirectAccessCallbacks.c |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
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reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
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the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
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Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
// This code will run on Mac OS X 10.2 (or later) ONLY!!! |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include "HIElements.h" |
#include "MenuHandler.h" |
#include "DirectAccessCallbacks.h" |
extern float sinf( float x ); // definition for libstdc sinf |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Data Structures |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
typedef struct ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct { |
ATSGlyphRef glyphID; |
Fixed glyphHalfAdvance; |
ATSUStyleSettingRef styleRef; |
ATSUStyleSettingRef *styleSettingArray; |
ATSUTextLayout replacementLayout; |
ATSUStyle replacementStyle; |
} ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct; |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Global Variables |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static UniChar gReplacementChar = 0x2022; |
static RGBColor gReplacementCharRGBColor = {0,0,0xFFFF}; |
static UniCharCount gReplacementCharLength = 1; |
static ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct gReplacementGlyph; |
static Boolean gReplacementGlyphInitialized = false; |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Function Prototypes |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#define FixedToFloat(a) ((float)(a) / fixed1) |
#define FloatToFixed(a) ((Fixed)((float)(a) * fixed1)) |
static OSStatus GlyphReplacementCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ); |
static OSStatus StretchyGlyphCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ); |
static OSStatus ShrinkyGlyphCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ); |
static OSStatus GlyphWaveCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ); |
static OSStatus GetReplacementGlyphStruct( |
ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct **replacementStruct ); |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InstallGlyphReplacementCallback [EXPORT] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
extern |
OSStatus InstallGlyphReplacementCallback( |
ATSUTextLayout textLayout ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier overrideSpec; |
ATSUAttributeTag attrTag; |
ByteCount attrSize; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrPtr; |
// setup the post layout adjustment |
overrideSpec.operationSelector = kATSULayoutOperationPostLayoutAdjustment; |
overrideSpec.overrideUPP = GlyphReplacementCallback; |
// set the override spec in the layout object |
attrTag = kATSULayoutOperationOverrideTag; |
attrSize = sizeof( ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier ); |
attrPtr = &overrideSpec; |
// set the override spec in the layout |
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( textLayout, 1, &attrTag, &attrSize, &attrPtr ); |
require_noerr( err, InstallGlyphReplacementCallback_err ); |
InstallGlyphReplacementCallback_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InstallStrechyGlyphCallback [EXPORT] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
extern |
OSStatus InstallStrechyGlyphCallback( |
ATSUTextLayout textLayout ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier overrideSpec; |
ATSUAttributeTag attrTag; |
ByteCount attrSize; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrPtr; |
// setup the post layout adjustment |
overrideSpec.operationSelector = kATSULayoutOperationJustification; |
overrideSpec.overrideUPP = StretchyGlyphCallback; |
// set the override spec in the layout object |
attrTag = kATSULayoutOperationOverrideTag; |
attrSize = sizeof( ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier ); |
attrPtr = &overrideSpec; |
// set the override spec in the layout |
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( textLayout, 1, &attrTag, &attrSize, &attrPtr ); |
require_noerr( err, InstallStrechyGlyphCallback_err ); |
InstallStrechyGlyphCallback_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InstallShrinkyGlyphCallback [EXPORT] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
extern |
OSStatus InstallShrinkyGlyphCallback( |
ATSUTextLayout textLayout ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier overrideSpec; |
ATSUAttributeTag attrTag; |
ByteCount attrSize; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrPtr; |
// setup the post layout adjustment |
overrideSpec.operationSelector = kATSULayoutOperationJustification; |
overrideSpec.overrideUPP = ShrinkyGlyphCallback; |
// set the override spec in the layout object |
attrTag = kATSULayoutOperationOverrideTag; |
attrSize = sizeof( ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier ); |
attrPtr = &overrideSpec; |
// set the override spec in the layout |
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( textLayout, 1, &attrTag, &attrSize, &attrPtr ); |
require_noerr( err, InstallShrinkyGlyphCallback_err ); |
InstallShrinkyGlyphCallback_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// UpdateCallbackContexts [EXPORT] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
extern |
OSStatus UpdateCallbackContexts( void ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
// if the override struct is invalid, make sure we invalidate it, this |
// installation could have come as the result of a font or size change. |
if ( gReplacementGlyphInitialized == true ) |
{ |
// dispose of the style object in it |
err = ATSUDisposeStyle( gReplacementGlyph.replacementStyle ); |
require_noerr( err, UpdateCallbackContexts_err ); |
// dispose of the layout object in it |
err = ATSUDisposeTextLayout( gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout ); |
require_noerr( err, UpdateCallbackContexts_err ); |
// dipose of the style ref array inside of it |
err = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleSettingATSUStyleSettingRefArray, |
(void **) &gReplacementGlyph.styleSettingArray ); |
require_noerr( err, UpdateCallbackContexts_err ); |
// the glyph is no longer initialize, so flag it as such |
gReplacementGlyphInitialized = false; |
} |
UpdateCallbackContexts_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InstallGlyphWaveCallback [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
extern |
OSStatus InstallGlyphWaveCallback( |
ATSUTextLayout textLayout ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier overrideSpec; |
ATSUAttributeTag attrTag; |
ByteCount attrSize; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrPtr; |
// setup the post layout adjustment |
overrideSpec.operationSelector = kATSULayoutOperationPostLayoutAdjustment; |
overrideSpec.overrideUPP = GlyphWaveCallback; |
// set the override spec in the layout object |
attrTag = kATSULayoutOperationOverrideTag; |
attrSize = sizeof( ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier ); |
attrPtr = &overrideSpec; |
// set the override spec in the layout |
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( textLayout, 1, &attrTag, &attrSize, &attrPtr ); |
require_noerr( err, InstallGlyphWaveCallback_err ); |
InstallGlyphWaveCallback_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GlyphWaveCallback [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus GlyphWaveCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, |
ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, |
void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Fixed *deltaYArray; |
Fixed *deltaXArray; |
Fixed slack; |
ATSLayoutRecord *layoutRecordArray; |
ItemCount recordArrayCount; |
ItemCount i; |
Fixed scaleFactor = 0; |
float amplitude; |
// grab the glyph array for the line. We're going to calculate the sine |
// based on the real positions of the glyphs for a much smoother layout. |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, false, |
(void **) &layoutRecordArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphWaveCallback_err ); |
// grab the advance deltas for the line |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, true, |
(void **) &deltaXArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphWaveCallbackDeltaXArray_err ); |
// grab the baseline deltas for the line |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray, true, |
(void **) &deltaYArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphWaveCallbackDeltaYArray_err ); |
// run through and find the largest positional difference in the entire |
// line. This will help us set the scale factor. |
for ( i = 1; i < recordArrayCount; i++ ) |
{ |
// get the slack (really the difference between the two realpositions, |
// I'm just too lazy to add another variable to the stack with a |
// different name. |
slack = (layoutRecordArray[i].realPos - layoutRecordArray[i-1].realPos); |
// check to see if this is the greatest difference. If it is, then |
// set our scale factor |
if ( slack > scaleFactor ) |
{ |
scaleFactor = slack; |
} |
} |
// workaround for bug #2913628. If the scale factor is still zero after |
// that, it means that proper realPos aren't being returned, so just fix |
// it at the point size. |
if ( scaleFactor == 0 ) |
{ |
scaleFactor = gFontSize << 16; |
} |
// set the amplitude to be the scale factor |
amplitude = FixedToFloat( scaleFactor ); |
// we're going to anchor the first glyph, so start at the second glyph and |
// start streatching. We don't care too much about the terminator glyph, so |
// don't include that in the wave. |
for ( i = 1; i < recordArrayCount - 1; i++ ) |
{ |
// calculate the glyph slack. We're trying to impose a fixed width on |
// all of the glyphs of at least their point size |
slack = scaleFactor - (layoutRecordArray[i].realPos - |
layoutRecordArray[i-1].realPos); |
// add the slack value into the previous glyph's deltaX and this |
// glyph's realPosition. This is done to impose a fixed width on |
// all of the glyphs. |
layoutRecordArray[i].realPos += slack; |
deltaXArray[i-1] += slack; |
// calculate the sin deltaY for the current glyph |
deltaYArray[i] = FloatToFixed( sinf( i ) * amplitude ); |
}; |
// dispose of the base line delta array |
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray, (void **) &deltaYArray ); |
GlyphWaveCallbackDeltaYArray_err: |
// dispose of the delta x array |
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, (void **) &deltaXArray ); |
GlyphWaveCallbackDeltaXArray_err: |
// dispose of the layout record array |
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, |
(void **) &layoutRecordArray ); |
GlyphWaveCallback_err: |
// return as handled so ATSUI won't do anything to the line |
*oCallbackStatus = kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled; |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// StretchyGlyphCallback [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus StretchyGlyphCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, |
ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, |
void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Fixed *deltaXArray; |
ItemCount recordArrayCount; |
ItemCount i; |
// grab the advance deltas for the line |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, true, |
(void **) &deltaXArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, StretchyGlyphCallback_err ); |
// we're going to anchor the first glyph, so start at the second glyph and |
// start streatching! |
for ( i = 1; i < recordArrayCount; i++ ) { |
deltaXArray[i] += (Fixed) ((gFontSize * i) << 16); |
}; |
// dispose of the array |
err = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, (void **) &deltaXArray ); |
StretchyGlyphCallback_err: |
// return as handled so ATSUI won't do anything to the line |
*oCallbackStatus = kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled; |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ShrinkyGlyphCallback [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus ShrinkyGlyphCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, |
ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, |
void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Fixed *deltaXArray; |
ItemCount recordArrayCount; |
ItemCount i; |
Fixed shrinkFactor; |
// set the shrink factor to a factor of the current font size |
shrinkFactor = ( gFontSize / kFontSizeMinimum ) << 16; |
// grab the advance deltas for the line |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, true, |
(void **) &deltaXArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, ShrinkyGlyphCallback_err ); |
// we're going to anchor the first glyph, so start at the second glyph and |
// start streatching! |
for ( i = 1; i < recordArrayCount; i++ ) { |
deltaXArray[i] -= shrinkFactor; |
}; |
// dispose of the array |
err = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, (void **) &deltaXArray ); |
ShrinkyGlyphCallback_err: |
// return as handled so ATSUI won't do anything to the line |
*oCallbackStatus = kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled; |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetReplacementGlyphStruct [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus GetReplacementGlyphStruct( |
ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct **replacementStruct ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
// assume that there ain't no replacement glyph |
*replacementStruct = NULL; |
// check to see if the replacement glyph has been initialized. If it hadn't, |
// then create the text layout and copy the style in |
if ( gReplacementGlyphInitialized == false ) |
{ |
UInt16 *styleIndexArray; |
ATSLayoutRecord *layoutRecordArray; |
UInt16 styleIndex; |
ItemCount recordCount; |
ATSUAttributeTag tag = kATSUColorTag; |
ByteCount tagValueSize = sizeof(RGBColor); |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr tagValuePtr = &gReplacementCharRGBColor; |
// copy the style into the replacement struct. Once I fix some bugs in |
// the DirectAccess code, we won't need to keep the style around anymore. |
err = ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle( gGlobalStyle, |
&gReplacementGlyph.replacementStyle ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// set the attributes in the style object. This should change the glyph |
// color to a pretty blue. I like blue glyphs. |
err = ATSUSetAttributes( gReplacementGlyph.replacementStyle, 1, &tag, |
&tagValueSize, &tagValuePtr ); |
check_noerr( err ); |
// create a new layout |
err = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( &gReplacementChar, |
kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, 1, 1, |
&gReplacementCharLength, &gReplacementGlyph.replacementStyle, |
&gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// make sure that we turn on full font substitution in case the font |
// doesn't have a glyph for the codepoint |
err = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching( gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout, |
true ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// use the direct access call to get a pointer to the glyph array from |
// the replacement text layout. |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout( |
gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout, 0, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, |
(void **) &layoutRecordArray, &recordCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// make sure that we got an array back |
require_action( layoutRecordArray != NULL, |
GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err, err = paramErr ); |
// since we only have one character in the replacement buffer, we can |
// assume that the first glyph in the glyph array is the replacement |
// character we are looking for |
gReplacementGlyph.glyphID = layoutRecordArray[0].glyphID; |
// set the glyph half advance to be the difference between the real positions |
// divided in half. This isn't the real advance. To calculate that, you would |
// need to take into account the advance deltas. |
gReplacementGlyph.glyphHalfAdvance = ( layoutRecordArray[1].realPos - |
layoutRecordArray[0].realPos ) / 2; |
// now, dispose of the layout record array |
err = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, |
(void **) &layoutRecordArray ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// now, try to get a style index array. This will probably be NULL, |
// but you never know. We just need the style index for the glyph at |
// index 0 |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout( |
gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout, 0, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleIndexUInt16Array, |
(void **) &styleIndexArray, &recordCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// check to see if we got an array back |
if ( styleIndexArray != NULL ) |
{ |
// we got an array back, so make sure that we set the the style |
// index as the style index for glyph zero |
styleIndex = styleIndexArray[0]; |
// dispose of the style index array |
err = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleIndexUInt16Array, (void **) &styleIndexArray ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
} |
else |
{ |
// otherwise, if there is no style index array, the style index is |
// assumed to be zero, as there aren't |
styleIndex = 0; |
} |
// finally, we to use the direct access call to get a pointer to the |
// style settings ref array. We need to hang onto this array in the |
// structure because if it's disposed of, then our retained style |
// ref will be disposed of as well. It doesn't matter that much since |
// this is a copy anyway. |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout( |
gReplacementGlyph.replacementLayout, 0, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleSettingATSUStyleSettingRefArray, |
(void **) &gReplacementGlyph.styleSettingArray, &recordCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err ); |
// make sure that we got an array back, too! |
require_action( gReplacementGlyph.styleSettingArray != NULL, |
GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err, err = paramErr ); |
// now, the last piece of data can be filled in - the style setting |
// for the replacement glyph struct |
gReplacementGlyph.styleRef = |
gReplacementGlyph.styleSettingArray[styleIndex]; |
// everything should be initialized, so set the flag saying so |
gReplacementGlyphInitialized = true; |
} |
// all done, so return the global struct |
*replacementStruct = &gReplacementGlyph; |
GetReplacementGlyphStruct_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GlyphReplacementCallback [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus GlyphReplacementCallback( |
ATSULayoutOperationSelector iCurrentOperation, |
ATSULineRef iLineRef, |
UInt32 iRefCon, |
void *iOperationExtraParameter, |
ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus *oCallbackStatus ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ReplacementGlyphInfoStruct *replacementGlyph; |
// grab the replacment glyph |
err = GetReplacementGlyphStruct( &replacementGlyph ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphReplacementCallback_err ); |
// make sure that we're only in here for the post-layout callback. |
if ( iCurrentOperation == kATSULayoutOperationPostLayoutAdjustment ) |
{ |
OSStatus disposalErr; |
ATSLayoutRecord *recordArray; |
Fixed *advanceDeltaArray = NULL; |
ItemCount recordArrayCount; |
Boolean styleAdded = false; |
UInt16 styleIndex; |
UInt16 *styleIndexArray = NULL; |
ItemCount i; |
// Get a direct pointer to the glyph array. This should be sweet! |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, false, |
(void **) &recordArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphReplacementCallback_err ); |
// make sure that we got some glyphs |
require_action( recordArray != NULL, GlyphReplacementCallback_err, |
err = paramErr ); |
// loop through all of the glyphs, looking for whitespace. We don't |
// really care about the terminator glyph here |
for ( i = 0; i < recordArrayCount - 1; i++ ) |
{ |
// make sure that this isn't a deleted glyph. We don't want to be |
// replacing these with anything, no matter what their flags are |
if ( recordArray[i].glyphID != kATSDeletedGlyphcode ) |
{ |
// check to see if this glyph is a whitespace character. |
if ( recordArray[i].flags & kATSGlyphInfoIsWhiteSpace ) |
{ |
Fixed minDistance; |
Fixed adjustAmount; |
ItemCount j; |
// this is a whitespace character. It's a candidate for |
// replacement, so replace it. First, check to see if |
// the style has been added yet. |
if ( styleAdded == false ) |
{ |
ItemCount styleIndexCount; |
// get the style index array. Create it if it's not there! |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleIndexUInt16Array, true, |
(void **) &styleIndexArray, &styleIndexCount ); |
require_noerr( err, |
GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err ); |
// make sure that we got an array |
require_action( styleIndexArray != NULL, |
GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err, |
err = paramErr ); |
// make sure that the array is parallel to the record array |
require_action( styleIndexCount == recordArrayCount, |
GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err, |
err = paramErr ); |
// add the style to the style settings array for this line |
err = ATSUDirectAddStyleSettingRef( iLineRef, |
replacementGlyph->styleRef, &styleIndex ); |
require_noerr( err, |
GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err ); |
// the style's been added. No need to do it again. |
styleAdded = true; |
} |
// change the glyph's ID to the replacement glyph's ID |
recordArray[i].glyphID = replacementGlyph->glyphID; |
// change the style index to index the style setting that |
// we added for the replacement glyph's style setting |
styleIndexArray[i] = styleIndex; |
// now, we need to position the glyph by messing with the |
// real position. The real position is currently set to the |
// real position of the whitespace character. This won't |
// look very good for non-monospaced fonts. |
// if we don't already have a pointer to the advance delta |
// array, go ahead and get one now. Make sure that it's |
// created. |
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, true, |
(void **) &advanceDeltaArray, &recordArrayCount ); |
require_noerr( err, GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err ); |
// find the next non-deleted glyph. It may turn out that |
// it's the final, terminator glyph |
for ( j = i + 1; j < recordArrayCount - 1; j++ ) |
{ |
if ( recordArray[j].glyphID != kATSDeletedGlyphcode ) |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
// To avoid a collision with the next glyph, calculate the distance |
// between the current real position and the next glyph. |
minDistance = recordArray[j].realPos - recordArray[i].realPos; |
if ( ( recordArray[i].realPos + replacementGlyph->glyphHalfAdvance ) > |
( recordArray[i].realPos + minDistance ) ) |
{ |
// we need to back it up a bit so that the replacement glyph |
// doesn't collide with the next glyph |
adjustAmount = ( ( recordArray[i].realPos + replacementGlyph->glyphHalfAdvance ) |
- ( recordArray[i].realPos + minDistance ) ); |
} |
else |
{ |
adjustAmount = 0; |
} |
// back the new real position up a bit to properly center the |
// replacement glyph over the new position. |
adjustAmount -= replacementGlyph->glyphHalfAdvance; |
// now, we're going to try to avoid a really bad looking collision with the |
// previous glyph, if there is one. A slight collision is okay. |
if ( i > 0 ) |
{ |
Fixed prevAdvancePos; |
Fixed overHang; |
// calculate the previous glyph's advance |
prevAdvancePos = recordArray[i].realPos - advanceDeltaArray[i-1]; |
// calculate the overhang |
overHang = prevAdvancePos - ( recordArray[i].realPos + adjustAmount ); |
// check to see if we have an overhang. We're not going to do anything |
// if we don't |
if ( overHang > 0 ) |
{ |
// allow no more than a quarter of the replacement glyph to collide |
if ( overHang > ( replacementGlyph->glyphHalfAdvance / 4 ) ) |
{ |
adjustAmount += ( replacementGlyph->glyphHalfAdvance / 4 ); |
} |
else |
{ |
adjustAmount += overHang; |
} |
} |
} |
// if the adjust amount is greater than zero, then we need to make sure that |
// the real position and the delta X for the glyphs are adjust |
// adjust the real position in the glyph |
recordArray[i].realPos += adjustAmount; |
// adjust the advance delta to take up any of the slack that was caused by |
// our adjustment amount. |
advanceDeltaArray[i] -= adjustAmount; |
} |
} |
} |
GlyphReplacementCallbackStyleSetting_err: |
// if we got the style index array, make sure that we dispose of it |
if ( styleIndexArray != NULL ) |
{ |
disposalErr = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataStyleIndexUInt16Array, (void **) &styleIndexArray ); |
check_noerr( disposalErr ); |
} |
// if we've got an advance delta array, make sure that we dispose of it |
if ( advanceDeltaArray != NULL ) |
{ |
disposalErr = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataAdvanceDeltaFixedArray, (void **) &advanceDeltaArray ); |
check_noerr( disposalErr ); |
} |
// dispose of the layout record array |
disposalErr = ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( iLineRef, |
kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, |
(void **) &recordArray ); |
check_noerr( disposalErr ); |
} else { |
// oops. We've been called for something we weren't setup to handle. |
// Make sure that we tell ATSUI that's been bad. |
err = paramErr; |
} |
GlyphReplacementCallback_err: |
// if we didn't get an error, make sure that we return the status as |
// handled since we did all of the replacement here. It actually doesn't |
// matter for the post-layout callback. |
if ( err == noErr ) { |
*oCallbackStatus = kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled; |
} else { |
*oCallbackStatus = kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusContinue; |
} |
return err; |
} |
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