Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
<codex> |
<abstract>AUScopeElement.h</abstract> |
<\codex> |
*/ |
#include "AUScopeElement.h" |
#include "AUBase.h" |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
// By default, parameterIDs may be arbitrarily spaced, and an STL map |
// will be used for access. Calling UseIndexedParameters() will |
// instead use an STL vector for faster indexed access. |
// This assumes the paramIDs are numbered 0.....inNumberOfParameters-1 |
// Call this before defining/adding any parameters with SetParameter() |
// |
void AUElement::UseIndexedParameters(int inNumberOfParameters) |
{ |
mIndexedParameters.resize (inNumberOfParameters); |
mUseIndexedParameters = true; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
// Helper method. |
// returns the ParameterMapEvent object associated with the paramID |
// |
inline ParameterMapEvent& AUElement::GetParamEvent(AudioUnitParameterID paramID) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent *event; |
if(mUseIndexedParameters) |
{ |
if(paramID >= mIndexedParameters.size() ) |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter); |
event = &mIndexedParameters[paramID]; |
} |
else |
{ |
ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.find(paramID); |
if (i == mParameters.end()) |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter); |
event = &(*i).second; |
} |
return *event; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
// caller assumes that this is actually an immediate parameter |
// |
AudioUnitParameterValue AUElement::GetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent &event = GetParamEvent(paramID); |
return event.GetValue(); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::GetRampSliceStartEnd( AudioUnitParameterID paramID, |
AudioUnitParameterValue & outStartValue, |
AudioUnitParameterValue & outEndValue, |
AudioUnitParameterValue & outValuePerFrameDelta ) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent &event = GetParamEvent(paramID); |
// works even if the value is constant (immediate parameter value) |
event.GetRampSliceStartEnd(outStartValue, outEndValue, outValuePerFrameDelta ); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AudioUnitParameterValue AUElement::GetEndValue( AudioUnitParameterID paramID) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent &event = GetParamEvent(paramID); |
// works even if the value is constant (immediate parameter value) |
return event.GetEndValue(); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID, AudioUnitParameterValue inValue, bool okWhenInitialized) |
{ |
if(mUseIndexedParameters) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent &event = GetParamEvent(paramID); |
event.SetValue(inValue); |
} |
else |
{ |
ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.find(paramID); |
if (i == mParameters.end()) |
{ |
if (mAudioUnit->IsInitialized() && !okWhenInitialized) { |
// The AU should not be creating new parameters once initialized. |
// If a client tries to set an undefined parameter, we could throw as follows, |
// but this might cause a regression. So it is better to just fail silently. |
// COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter); |
#if DEBUG |
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s SetParameter for undefined param ID %d while initialized. Ignoring..\n", |
mAudioUnit->GetLoggingString(), (int)paramID); |
#endif |
} else { |
// create new entry in map for the paramID (only happens first time) |
ParameterMapEvent event(inValue); |
mParameters[paramID] = event; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// paramID already exists in map so simply change its value |
ParameterMapEvent &event = (*i).second; |
event.SetValue(inValue); |
} |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::SetScheduledEvent( AudioUnitParameterID paramID, |
const AudioUnitParameterEvent &inEvent, |
UInt32 inSliceOffsetInBuffer, |
UInt32 inSliceDurationFrames, |
bool okWhenInitialized ) |
{ |
if(mUseIndexedParameters) |
{ |
ParameterMapEvent &event = GetParamEvent(paramID); |
event.SetScheduledEvent(inEvent, inSliceOffsetInBuffer, inSliceDurationFrames ); |
} |
else |
{ |
ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.find(paramID); |
if (i == mParameters.end()) |
{ |
if (mAudioUnit->IsInitialized() && !okWhenInitialized) { |
// The AU should not be creating new parameters once initialized. |
// If a client tries to set an undefined parameter, we could throw as follows, |
// but this might cause a regression. So it is better to just fail silently. |
// COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter); |
#if DEBUG |
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s SetScheduledEvent for undefined param ID %d while initialized. Ignoring..\n", |
mAudioUnit->GetLoggingString(), (int)paramID); |
#endif |
} else { |
// create new entry in map for the paramID (only happens first time) |
ParameterMapEvent event(inEvent, inSliceOffsetInBuffer, inSliceDurationFrames); |
mParameters[paramID] = event; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// paramID already exists in map so simply change its value |
ParameterMapEvent &event = (*i).second; |
event.SetScheduledEvent(inEvent, inSliceOffsetInBuffer, inSliceDurationFrames ); |
} |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::GetParameterList(AudioUnitParameterID *outList) |
{ |
if(mUseIndexedParameters) |
{ |
UInt32 nparams = mIndexedParameters.size(); |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nparams; i++ ) |
*outList++ = (AudioUnitParameterID)i; |
} |
else |
{ |
for (ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.begin(); i != mParameters.end(); ++i) |
*outList++ = (*i).first; |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::SaveState(CFMutableDataRef data) |
{ |
if(mUseIndexedParameters) |
{ |
UInt32 nparams = mIndexedParameters.size(); |
UInt32 theData = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(nparams); |
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&theData, sizeof(nparams)); |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nparams; i++) |
{ |
struct { |
UInt32 paramID; |
//CFSwappedFloat32 value; crashes gcc3 PFE |
UInt32 value; // really a big-endian float |
} entry; |
entry.paramID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(i); |
AudioUnitParameterValue v = mIndexedParameters[i].GetValue(); |
entry.value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(*(UInt32 *)&v ); |
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&entry, sizeof(entry)); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
UInt32 nparams = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(mParameters.size()); |
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&nparams, sizeof(nparams)); |
for (ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.begin(); i != mParameters.end(); ++i) { |
struct { |
UInt32 paramID; |
//CFSwappedFloat32 value; crashes gcc3 PFE |
UInt32 value; // really a big-endian float |
} entry; |
entry.paramID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig((*i).first); |
AudioUnitParameterValue v = (*i).second.GetValue(); |
entry.value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(*(UInt32 *)&v ); |
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&entry, sizeof(entry)); |
} |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
const UInt8 * AUElement::RestoreState(const UInt8 *state) |
{ |
union FloatInt32 { UInt32 i; AudioUnitParameterValue f; }; |
const UInt8 *p = state; |
UInt32 nparams = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(*(UInt32 *)p); |
p += sizeof(UInt32); |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { |
struct { |
AudioUnitParameterID paramID; |
AudioUnitParameterValue value; |
} entry; |
entry.paramID = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(*(UInt32 *)p); |
p += sizeof(UInt32); |
FloatInt32 temp; |
temp.i = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(*(UInt32 *)p); |
entry.value = temp.f; |
p += sizeof(AudioUnitParameterValue); |
SetParameter(entry.paramID, entry.value); |
} |
return p; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUElement::SetName (CFStringRef inName) |
{ |
if (mElementName) CFRelease (mElementName); |
mElementName = inName; |
if (mElementName) CFRetain (mElementName); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AUIOElement::AUIOElement(AUBase *audioUnit) : |
AUElement(audioUnit), |
mWillAllocate (true) |
{ |
mStreamFormat.SetAUCanonical(2, // stereo |
audioUnit->AudioUnitAPIVersion() == 1); |
// interleaved if API version 1, deinterleaved if version 2 |
mStreamFormat.mSampleRate = kAUDefaultSampleRate; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUIOElement::SetStreamFormat(const CAStreamBasicDescription &desc) |
{ |
mStreamFormat = desc; |
return AUBase::noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// inFramesToAllocate == 0 implies the AudioUnit's max-frames-per-slice will be used |
void AUIOElement::AllocateBuffer(UInt32 inFramesToAllocate) |
{ |
if (GetAudioUnit()->HasBegunInitializing()) |
{ |
UInt32 framesToAllocate = inFramesToAllocate > 0 ? inFramesToAllocate : GetAudioUnit()->GetMaxFramesPerSlice(); |
// printf ("will allocate: %d\n", (int)((mWillAllocate && NeedsBufferSpace()) ? framesToAllocate : 0)); |
mIOBuffer.Allocate(mStreamFormat, (mWillAllocate && NeedsBufferSpace()) ? framesToAllocate : 0); |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUIOElement::DeallocateBuffer() |
{ |
mIOBuffer.Deallocate(); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
// AudioChannelLayout support |
// outLayoutTagsPtr WILL be NULL if called to find out how many |
// layouts that Audio Unit will report |
// return 0 (ie. NO channel layouts) if the AU doesn't require channel layout knowledge |
UInt32 AUIOElement::GetChannelLayoutTags (AudioChannelLayoutTag *outLayoutTagsPtr) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
// As the AudioChannelLayout can be a variable length structure |
// (though in most cases it won't be!!!) |
// The size of the ACL is always returned by the method |
// if outMapPtr is NOT-NULL, then AU should copy into this pointer (outMapPtr) the current ACL that it has in use. |
// the AU should also return whether the property is writable (that is the client can provide any arbitrary ACL that the audio unit will then honour) |
// or if the property is read only - which is the generally preferred mode. |
// If the AU doesn't require an AudioChannelLayout, then just return 0. |
UInt32 AUIOElement::GetAudioChannelLayout (AudioChannelLayout *outMapPtr, |
Boolean &outWritable) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
// the incoming channel map will be at least as big as a basic AudioChannelLayout |
// but its contents will determine its actual size |
// Subclass should overide if channel map is writable |
OSStatus AUIOElement::SetAudioChannelLayout (const AudioChannelLayout &inData) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
// Some units support optional usage of channel maps - typically converter units |
// that can do channel remapping between different maps. In that optional case |
// the user should be able to remove a channel map if that is possible. |
// Typically this is NOT the case (e.g., the 3DMixer even in the stereo case |
// needs to know if it is rendering to speakers or headphones) |
OSStatus AUIOElement::RemoveAudioChannelLayout () |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AUScope::~AUScope() |
{ |
for (ElementVector::iterator it = mElements.begin(); it != mElements.end(); ++it) |
delete *it; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUScope::SetNumberOfElements(UInt32 numElements) |
{ |
if (mDelegate) |
return mDelegate->SetNumberOfElements(numElements); |
if (numElements > mElements.size()) { |
mElements.reserve(numElements); |
while (numElements > mElements.size()) { |
AUElement *elem = mCreator->CreateElement(GetScope(), mElements.size()); |
mElements.push_back(elem); |
} |
} else |
while (numElements < mElements.size()) { |
AUElement *elem = mElements.back(); |
mElements.pop_back(); |
delete elem; |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
bool AUScope::HasElementWithName () const |
{ |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < GetNumberOfElements(); ++i) { |
AUElement * el = const_cast<AUScope*>(this)->GetElement (i); |
if (el && el->HasName()) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUScope::AddElementNamesToDict (CFMutableDictionaryRef & inNameDict) |
{ |
if (HasElementWithName()) |
{ |
static char string[32]; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef elementDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
CFStringRef str; |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < GetNumberOfElements(); ++i) { |
AUElement * el = GetElement (i); |
if (el && el->HasName()) { |
snprintf (string, sizeof(string), "%d", int(i)); |
str = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, string, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
CFDictionarySetValue (elementDict, str, el->GetName()); |
CFRelease (str); |
} |
} |
snprintf (string, sizeof(string), "%d", int(mScope)); |
str = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, string, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
CFDictionarySetValue (inNameDict, str, elementDict); |
CFRelease (str); |
CFRelease (elementDict); |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
bool AUScope::RestoreElementNames (CFDictionaryRef& inNameDict) |
{ |
static char string[32]; |
//first we have to see if we have enough elements and if not create them |
bool didAddElements = false; |
unsigned int maxElNum = 0; |
int dictSize = CFDictionaryGetCount(inNameDict); |
CFStringRef * keys = (CFStringRef*)CA_malloc (dictSize * sizeof (CFStringRef)); |
CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues (inNameDict, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(keys), NULL); |
for (int i = 0; i < dictSize; i++) |
{ |
unsigned int intKey; |
CFStringGetCString (keys[i], string, 32, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
sscanf (string, "%u", &intKey); |
if (UInt32(intKey) > maxElNum) |
maxElNum = intKey; |
} |
if (maxElNum >= GetNumberOfElements()) { |
SetNumberOfElements (maxElNum+1); |
didAddElements = true; |
} |
// OK, now we have the number of elements that we need - lets restate their names |
for (int i = 0; i < dictSize; i++) |
{ |
CFStringRef elName = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (inNameDict, keys[i])); |
int intKey; |
CFStringGetCString (keys[i], string, 32, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
sscanf (string, "%d", &intKey); |
GetElement (intKey)->SetName (elName); |
} |
free (keys); |
return didAddElements; |
} |
Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2012-10-08