Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
<codex> |
<abstract>CAMutex.h</abstract> |
<\codex> |
*/ |
//================================================================================================== |
// Includes |
//================================================================================================== |
// Self Include |
#include "CAMutex.h" |
#include <errno.h> |
#endif |
// PublicUtility Includes |
#include "CADebugMacros.h" |
#include "CAException.h" |
#include "CAHostTimeBase.h" |
//================================================================================================== |
// Logging |
//================================================================================================== |
#if CoreAudio_Debug |
// #define Log_Ownership 1 |
// #define Log_Errors 1 |
// #define Log_LongLatencies 1 |
// #define LongLatencyThreshholdNS 1000000ULL // nanoseconds |
#endif |
//================================================================================================== |
// CAMutex |
//================================================================================================== |
CAMutex::CAMutex(const char* inName) |
: |
mName(inName), |
mOwner(0) |
{ |
OSStatus theError = pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL); |
ThrowIf(theError != 0, CAException(theError), "CAMutex::CAMutex: Could not init the mutex"); |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::CAMutex: creating %s, owner: %p\n", pthread_self(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
mMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); |
ThrowIfNULL(mMutex, CAException(GetLastError()), "CAMutex::CAMutex: could not create the mutex."); |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::CAMutex: creating %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
#endif |
} |
CAMutex::~CAMutex() |
{ |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::~CAMutex: destroying %s, owner: %p\n", pthread_self(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
pthread_mutex_destroy(&mMutex); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::~CAMutex: destroying %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
if(mMutex != NULL) |
{ |
CloseHandle(mMutex); |
} |
#endif |
} |
bool CAMutex::Lock() |
{ |
bool theAnswer = false; |
pthread_t theCurrentThread = pthread_self(); |
if(!pthread_equal(theCurrentThread, mOwner)) |
{ |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Lock: thread %p is locking %s, owner: %p\n", theCurrentThread, ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), theCurrentThread, mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
#if Log_LongLatencies |
UInt64 lockTryTime = CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(); |
#endif |
OSStatus theError = pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); |
ThrowIf(theError != 0, CAException(theError), "CAMutex::Lock: Could not lock the mutex"); |
mOwner = theCurrentThread; |
theAnswer = true; |
#if Log_LongLatencies |
UInt64 lockAcquireTime = CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(); |
if (lockAcquireTime - lockTryTime >= LongLatencyThresholdNS) |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "Thread %p took %.6fs to acquire the lock %s\n", theCurrentThread, (lockAcquireTime - lockTryTime) * 1.0e-9 /* nanos to seconds */, mName); |
#endif |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Lock: thread %p has locked %s, owner: %p\n", pthread_self(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), pthread_self(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
if(mOwner != GetCurrentThreadId()) |
{ |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Lock: thread %lu is locking %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
OSStatus theError = WaitForSingleObject(mMutex, INFINITE); |
ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "CAMutex::Lock: could not lock the mutex"); |
mOwner = GetCurrentThreadId(); |
theAnswer = true; |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Lock: thread %lu has locked %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
#endif |
return theAnswer; |
} |
void CAMutex::Unlock() |
{ |
if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(), mOwner)) |
{ |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Unlock: thread %p is unlocking %s, owner: %p\n", pthread_self(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), pthread_self(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
mOwner = 0; |
OSStatus theError = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); |
ThrowIf(theError != 0, CAException(theError), "CAMutex::Unlock: Could not unlock the mutex"); |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Unlock: thread %p has unlocked %s, owner: %p\n", pthread_self(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), pthread_self(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
DebugMessage("CAMutex::Unlock: A thread is attempting to unlock a Mutex it doesn't own"); |
} |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
if(mOwner == GetCurrentThreadId()) |
{ |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Unlock: thread %lu is unlocking %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
mOwner = 0; |
bool wasReleased = ReleaseMutex(mMutex); |
ThrowIf(!wasReleased, CAException(GetLastError()), "CAMutex::Unlock: Could not unlock the mutex"); |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Unlock: thread %lu has unlocked %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
DebugMessage("CAMutex::Unlock: A thread is attempting to unlock a Mutex it doesn't own"); |
} |
#endif |
} |
bool CAMutex::Try(bool& outWasLocked) |
{ |
bool theAnswer = false; |
outWasLocked = false; |
pthread_t theCurrentThread = pthread_self(); |
if(!pthread_equal(theCurrentThread, mOwner)) |
{ |
// this means the current thread doesn't already own the lock |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %p is try-locking %s, owner: %p\n", theCurrentThread, ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), theCurrentThread, mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
// go ahead and call trylock to see if we can lock it. |
int theError = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mMutex); |
if(theError == 0) |
{ |
// return value of 0 means we successfully locked the lock |
mOwner = theCurrentThread; |
theAnswer = true; |
outWasLocked = true; |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %p has locked %s, owner: %p\n", theCurrentThread, ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), theCurrentThread, mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else if(theError == EBUSY) |
{ |
// return value of EBUSY means that the lock was already locked by another thread |
theAnswer = false; |
outWasLocked = false; |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%p %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %p failed to lock %s, owner: %p\n", theCurrentThread, ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), theCurrentThread, mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
// any other return value means something really bad happenned |
ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(theError), "CAMutex::Try: call to pthread_mutex_trylock failed"); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// this means the current thread already owns the lock |
theAnswer = true; |
outWasLocked = false; |
} |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
if(mOwner != GetCurrentThreadId()) |
{ |
// this means the current thread doesn't own the lock |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %lu is try-locking %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
// try to acquire the mutex |
OSStatus theError = WaitForSingleObject(mMutex, 0); |
if(theError == WAIT_OBJECT_0) |
{ |
// this means we successfully locked the lock |
mOwner = GetCurrentThreadId(); |
theAnswer = true; |
outWasLocked = true; |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %lu has locked %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else if(theError == WAIT_TIMEOUT) |
{ |
// this means that the lock was already locked by another thread |
theAnswer = false; |
outWasLocked = false; |
#if Log_Ownership |
DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma "%lu %.4f: CAMutex::Try: thread %lu failed to lock %s, owner: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ((Float64)(CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()) / 1000000.0), GetCurrentThreadId(), mName, mOwner); |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
// any other return value means something really bad happenned |
ThrowIfError(theError, CAException(GetLastError()), "CAMutex::Try: call to lock the mutex failed"); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// this means the current thread already owns the lock |
theAnswer = true; |
outWasLocked = false; |
} |
#endif |
return theAnswer; |
} |
bool CAMutex::IsFree() const |
{ |
return mOwner == 0; |
} |
bool CAMutex::IsOwnedByCurrentThread() const |
{ |
bool theAnswer = true; |
theAnswer = pthread_equal(pthread_self(), mOwner); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
theAnswer = (mOwner == GetCurrentThreadId()); |
#endif |
return theAnswer; |
} |
CAMutex::Unlocker::Unlocker(CAMutex& inMutex) |
: mMutex(inMutex), |
mNeedsLock(false) |
{ |
Assert(mMutex.IsOwnedByCurrentThread(), "Major problem: Unlocker attempted to unlock a mutex not owned by the current thread!"); |
mMutex.Unlock(); |
mNeedsLock = true; |
} |
CAMutex::Unlocker::~Unlocker() |
{ |
if(mNeedsLock) |
{ |
mMutex.Lock(); |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2012-10-08