
//  Biquad.cpp
//      A generic biquad (two zero - two pole) IIR filter:
//          lopass
//          hipass
//          parametric peaking
//          low shelving
//          high shelving
#include "Biquad.h"
#include "ComplexNumber.h"
#include <math.h>
#define _PI 3.14159
const float kSquareRootOf2 = sqrt(2.);
//  Biquad::GetK()
static void GetK(   float inFreq,       // normalized to 0 -> 1
                    float &outK,
                    float &outKSquared,
                    float &outInvDenom )
    float k = tan(_PI*0.5 * inFreq);
    outK = k;
    outKSquared = k*k;
    outInvDenom = 1.0 / (1 + kSquareRootOf2*k + outKSquared );
//  Biquad::GetLopassParams()
void Biquad::GetLopassParams(   float inFreq,
                                float &a0,
                                float &a1,
                                float &a2,
                                float &b1,
                                float &b2  )
    float k;
    float k_squared;
    float inv_denom;
    GetK(inFreq, k, k_squared, inv_denom );
    a0 = k_squared * inv_denom;
    a1 = 2 * k_squared * inv_denom;
    a2 = k_squared * inv_denom;
    b1 = 2*(k_squared-1) * inv_denom;
    b2 = (1 - kSquareRootOf2*k + k_squared)  * inv_denom;
//  Biquad::GetLopassParams()
//      This version accepts a resonance parameter
void Biquad::GetLopassParams(   float inFreq,
                                float inResonance,
                                float &a0,
                                float &a1,
                                float &a2,
                                float &b1,
                                float &b2  )
    double d = pow(10.0, -inResonance/20.0);
    double temp = 0.5 * d * sin(_PI * inFreq);
    double beta = 0.5 * (1.0 - temp) / (1.0 + temp);
    double gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(_PI * inFreq);
    double alpha = (0.5 + beta - gamma) * 0.25;
    a0 = 2.0 *   alpha;
    a1 = 2.0 *   2.0 * alpha;
    a2 = 2.0 *   alpha;
    b1 = 2.0 *   -gamma;
    b2 = 2.0 *   beta;
//  Biquad::GetNotchParams()
void Biquad::GetNotchParams(    float inFreq,
                                float inQ )
    // restrict Q
    const double kQLimit = inFreq + 0.01;
    if(inQ < kQLimit) inQ = kQLimit;
    double theta0 = _PI * inFreq;
    double temp = tan(theta0/(2.0*inQ) );
    double beta = 0.5 * (1.0 - temp) / (1.0 + temp);
    double gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta0);
    double alpha = 0.5 * (0.5 + beta);
    mA0 = 2.0 * alpha;
    mA1 = 2.0 * -gamma;
    mA2 = 2.0 * alpha;
    mB1 = 2.0 * -gamma;
    mB2 = 2.0 * beta; 
//  Biquad::GetHipassParams()
void Biquad::GetHipassParams(   float inFreq,
                                float &a0,
                                float &a1,
                                float &a2,
                                float &b1,
                                float &b2  )
    float k;
    float k_squared;
    float inv_denom;
    GetK(inFreq, k, k_squared, inv_denom );
    a0 = inv_denom;
    a1 = -2 * inv_denom;
    a2 = inv_denom;
    b1 = 2*(k_squared-1) * inv_denom;
    b2 = (1 - kSquareRootOf2*k + k_squared)  * inv_denom;
//  Biquad::GetHipassParams()
//      This version accepts a resonance parameter
void Biquad::GetHipassParams(   float inFreq,
                                float inResonance,
                                float &a0,
                                float &a1,
                                float &a2,
                                float &b1,
                                float &b2  )
    double d = pow(10.0, -inResonance/20.0);
    double temp = 0.5 * d * sin(_PI * inFreq);
    double beta = 0.5 * (1.0 - temp) / (1.0 + temp);
    double gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(_PI * inFreq);
    double alpha = (0.5 + beta + gamma) * 0.25;
    a0 = 2.0 *   alpha;
    a1 = 2.0 *   -2.0 * alpha;
    a2 = 2.0 *   alpha;
    b1 = 2.0 *   -gamma;
    b2 = 2.0 *   beta;
//  Biquad::GetLowShelfParams()
void Biquad::GetLowShelfParams(     float inFreq,
                                    float inDbGain,         // +/- 40dB
                                    float &outA0,
                                    float &outA1,
                                    float &outA2,
                                    float &outB1,
                                    float &outB2)
    float freq = inFreq;
    float omega = _PI * freq;
    float gain = inDbGain;
    float sn    = sin(omega);
    float cs    = cos(omega);
    float S = 1.0;
    float A     =  pow(10.0, (gain * 0.025 ) );
    float Am = A - 1.0;
    float Ap = A + 1.0;
    float beta  = sqrt( (A*A + 1.0)/S - Am*Am );
    float b0 =    A*( Ap - Am*cs + beta*sn );
    float b1 =  2*A*( Am - Ap*cs           );
    float b2 =    A*( Ap - Am*cs - beta*sn );
    float a0 =        Ap + Am*cs + beta*sn;
    float a1 =   -2*( Am + Ap*cs           );
    float a2 =        Ap + Am*cs - beta*sn;
    float a0_inv = 1.0 / a0;
    // this looks wrong, but it's OK
    outA0 = b0*a0_inv;
    outA1 = b1*a0_inv;
    outA2 = b2*a0_inv;
    outB1 = a1*a0_inv;
    outB2 = a2*a0_inv; 
//  Biquad::GetHighShelfParams()
void Biquad::GetHighShelfParams(    float inFreq,
                                    float inDbGain,         // +/- 40dB
                                    float &outA0,
                                    float &outA1,
                                    float &outA2,
                                    float &outB1,
                                    float &outB2)
    float freq = inFreq;
    float omega = _PI * freq;
    float gain = inDbGain;
    float sn    = sin(omega);
    float cs    = cos(omega);
    float S = 1.0;
    float A     =  pow(10.0, (gain * 0.025 ) );
    float Am = A - 1.0;
    float Ap = A + 1.0;
    float beta  = sqrt( (A*A + 1.0)/S - Am*Am );
    float b0 =    A*( Ap + Am*cs + beta*sn );
    float b1 = -2*A*( Am + Ap*cs           );
    float b2 =    A*( Ap + Am*cs - beta*sn );
    float a0 =        Ap - Am*cs + beta*sn;
    float a1 =    2*( Am - Ap*cs           );
    float a2 =        Ap - Am*cs - beta*sn;
    float a0_inv = 1.0 / a0;
    // this looks wrong, but it's OK
    outA0 = b0*a0_inv;
    outA1 = b1*a0_inv;
    outA2 = b2*a0_inv;
    outB1 = a1*a0_inv;
    outB2 = a2*a0_inv; 
//  Biquad::Biquad()
    mA0 = 1.0;
    mA1 = 0.0;
    mA2 = 0.0;
    mB1 = 0.0;
    mB2 = 0.0;
//  Biquad::Reset()
void Biquad::Reset()
    mX1 = 0.0;
    mX2 = 0.0;
    mY1 = 0.0;
    mY2 = 0.0;
//  Biquad::GetLopassParams()
void    Biquad::GetLopassParams(    float inFreq )
    GetLopassParams(inFreq, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetLopassParams()
void    Biquad::GetLopassParams(    float inFreq, float inResonance )
    GetLopassParams(inFreq, inResonance, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetHipassParams()
void    Biquad::GetHipassParams(    float inFreq )
    GetHipassParams(inFreq, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetHipassParams()
void    Biquad::GetHipassParams(    float inFreq, float inResonance )
    GetHipassParams(inFreq, inResonance, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetLowShelfParams()
void    Biquad::GetLowShelfParams(  float inFreq, float inDbGain )
    GetLowShelfParams(inFreq, inDbGain, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetHighShelfParams()
void    Biquad::GetHighShelfParams( float inFreq, float inDbGain )
    GetHighShelfParams(inFreq, inDbGain, mA0, mA1, mA2, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::GetAllpassParams()
void    Biquad::GetAllpassParams( const Complex &inComplexPole )
    mA0 = mB2;
    mA1 = mB1;
    mA2 = 1.0; /* mB0 */
//  Biquad::PolarToRect()
void    Biquad::PolarToRect(    float   inTheta,
                                float   inMag,
                                float   &outX,
                                float   &outY   )
    outX = cos(inTheta) * inMag;
    outY = sin(inTheta) * inMag;
//  Biquad::ConjugateRootToQuadCoeffs()
void    Biquad::ConjugateRootToQuadCoeffs(  float   inTheta,
                                            float   inMag,
                                            float   &out0,
                                            float   &out1,
                                            float   &out2   )
    float x;
    float y;
    PolarToRect(inTheta, inMag, x, y );
    out0 = 1.0;
    out1 = -2.0 * x;
    out2 = x*x + y*y;
//  Biquad::RealRootsToQuadCoeffs()
void    Biquad::RealRootsToQuadCoeffs(  float   inRoot1,
                                        float   inRoot2,
                                        float   &out0,
                                        float   &out1,
                                        float   &out2   )
    // (x - inRoot1) * (x - inRoot2)
    // x^2 + (-inRoot1 -inRoot2)*x + inRoot1*inRoot2
    out0 = 1.0;
    out1 = -inRoot1 -inRoot2;
    out2 = inRoot1*inRoot2;
//  Biquad::SetZeroConjugateRoot()
void    Biquad::SetZeroConjugateRoot(   float   inZeroTheta,
                                        float   inZeroMag )
    mA0 = 0.0;
    mA1 = 0.0;
    mA2 = 0.0;
    ConjugateRootToQuadCoeffs(inZeroTheta, inZeroMag, mA0, mA1, mA2 );
//  Biquad::SetPoleConjugateRoot()
void    Biquad::SetPoleConjugateRoot(   float   inPoleTheta,
                                        float   inPoleMag )
    mB1 = 0.0;
    mB2 = 0.0;
    float b0;
    ConjugateRootToQuadCoeffs(inPoleTheta, inPoleMag, b0, mB1, mB2 );
//  Biquad::SetZeroConjugateRoot()
void    Biquad::SetZeroConjugateRoot(   const Complex   &inComplexZero)
    mA0 = 1.0;
    mA1 = -2.0 * inComplexZero.GetReal();
    double mag = inComplexZero.GetMagnitude();
    mA2 = mag*mag;
//  Biquad::SetPoleConjugateRoot()
void    Biquad::SetPoleConjugateRoot(   const Complex   &inComplexPole)
    mB1 = -2.0 * inComplexPole.GetReal();
    double mag = inComplexPole.GetMagnitude();
    mB2 = mag*mag;
//  Biquad::SetZeroRealRoots()
void    Biquad::SetZeroRealRoots(   float   inRoot1,
                                    float   inRoot2  )
    RealRootsToQuadCoeffs(  inRoot1,
                            mA2 );
//  Biquad::SetPoleRealRoots()
void    Biquad::SetPoleRealRoots(   float   inRoot1,
                                    float   inRoot2  )
    float b0;
    RealRootsToQuadCoeffs(  inRoot1,
                            mB2 );
//  Biquad::Process()
void Biquad::Process(   const float *inSourceP,
                            float   *inDestP,
                            int     inFramesToProcess,
                            int     inInputNumberOfChannels,
                            int     inOutputNumberOfChannels
    int nSampleFrames = inFramesToProcess;
    const float *sourceP = inSourceP;
    float *destP = inDestP;
    register float x1, y1, x2, y2;
    register float a0, a1, a2, b1, b2;
        //load class data into register
        x1 = mX1;
        y1 = mY1;
        x2 = mX2;
        y2 = mY2;
        a0 = mA0;
        a1 = mA1;
        a2 = mA2;
        b1 = mB1;
        b2 = mB2;
        if( nSampleFrames >= 4 )
            register float xA, xB, xC, xD, xE;
            register float stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4, stage5A, stage5B, temp;
        //  In this section we process bulk data in a staggered loop. The calculation
        //  that we do is fairly simply written as:
        //  while(nSampleFrames-- > 0)
    //  {
        //      float x = *sourceP;
        //      sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
        //      float y = a0*x + a1*x1 + a2*x2 - b1*y1 - b2*y2;
        //      x2 = x1;
        //      x1 = x;
        //      y2 = y1;
        //      y1 = y;
        //      *destP = y;
        //      destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
    //  }
        //  In order to pad out all of the serial data stalls with work, the
        //  loop is reorganized as a staggered loop.  The main calculation:
        //   float y = a0*x + a1*x1 + a2*x2 - b1*y1 - b2*y2;
        //  ...is performed by the compiler as five instructions:
        //  fmulls  stage1, a0, x           #stage 1
        //  fmadds  stage2, a1, x1, stage1      #stage 2
        //  fmadds  stage3, a2, x2, stage2      #stage 3
        //  fnmsubs stage4, b1, y1, stage3      #stage 4
        //  fnmsubs stage5, b2, y2, stage4      #stage 5
        //  The each calculation depends on the result from the last
        //  so there are a lot of serial data dependencies causing 
        //  pipeline stalls here. In addition, as y1 and y2 depend on
        //  the results of the previous calculation, there is a dependency
        //  there too.
        //  To loosen up all of this dependency so that we can execute
        //  with a minimum of pipeline stalls, we make use of staggered
        //  loops.
        //  A staggered loop is organized such that at any given time, we are
        //  calculating 5 results, and each of the five calculations is 
        //  currently working on a different stage. It is in some ways analogous
        //  to a processor pipeline, with loop iterations in place of clock cycles:
        //      stage 1     stage 2     stage 3     stage 4     stage 5     store result
        //      -------     -------     -------     -------     -------     ------------
        //  iter 1: calc 1  --->
        //  iter 2: calc 2      calc 1  --->
        //  iter 3: calc 3      calc 2      calc 1  --->
        //  iter 4: calc 4      calc 3      calc 2      calc 1  --->
        //  iter 5: calc 5      calc 4      calc 3      calc 2      calc 1  --->
        //  iter 6: calc 6      calc 5      calc 4      calc 3      calc 2      calc 1 stored
        //  .
        //  .
        //  .   
        //  In order to achieve this in software, we have to do the first 4 loop iterations
        //  separately to avoid writing out garbage data while we wait for the pipeline to fill.
        //  That is what we do first:
        //Build up a staggered loop
            //pseudo loop iteration 1
            xA = sourceP[0]; sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
            stage1 = a0 * xA;
            //pseudo loop iteration 2
            xB = sourceP[0]; sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
            stage2 = stage1 + a1 * x1;
            stage1 = a0 * xB;
            //pseudo loop iteration 3
            xC = sourceP[0]; sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
            stage3 = stage2 + a2 * x2;
            stage2 = stage1 + a1 * xA;
            stage1 = a0 * xC;
            //pseudo loop iteration 4
            xD = sourceP[0]; sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
            stage4 = stage3 - b1 * y1;
            stage3 = stage2 + a2 * x1;
            stage2 = stage1 + a1 * xB;
            stage1 = a0 * xD;
        //  Now the pipeline is full, so we can loop as long as we have data
        //  to work on.  Once a piece of data is loaded in from the input array,
        //  it is used three times over a total of 5 loop iterations. For that reason
        //  the loop is unrolled here five fold. If we dont do that then we waste lots 
        //  of time copying registers around. This lets us do each loop iteration 
        //  in only six cycles on PPC 7400 / 7410. It is probably 5 on PPC 7450.
            //Set up a little bit of data for entry into the loop
            stage5A = y2;
            stage5B = y1;
            nSampleFrames -= 4;
        // Execute a staggered loop until we run out of input samples
            while( nSampleFrames >= 5 )
                //pseudo loop 5
                xE = sourceP[0];    sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
                stage5A = stage4 - b2 * stage5A;
                stage4  = stage3 - b1 * stage5A;
                stage3  = stage2 + a2 * xA;
                stage2  = stage1 + a1 * xC;
                stage1  = a0 * xE;
                destP[0] = stage5A; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
                //pseudo loop 6
                xA = sourceP[0];    sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
                stage5B = stage4 - b2 * stage5B;
                stage4  = stage3 - b1 * stage5B;
                stage3  = stage2 + a2 * xB;
                stage2  = stage1 + a1 * xD;
                stage1  = a0 * xA;
                destP[0] = stage5B; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
                //pseudo loop 7
                xB = sourceP[0];    sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
                stage5A = stage4 - b2 * stage5A;
                stage4  = stage3 - b1 * stage5A;
                stage3  = stage2 + a2 * xC;
                stage2  = stage1 + a1 * xE;
                stage1  = a0 * xB;
                destP[0] = stage5A; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
                //These last two are slightly different. That is because we have
                //five subloops in the loop, which means that our stage5A, stage5B
                //oscillation comes out odd instead of even. 
                //The simple solution is to swap stage5A and stage5B at the end of the large
                //  temp = stage5B;
                //  stage5B = stage5A;
                //  stage5A = temp;
                //However it is more efficient to do the swap as we do the calculation
                //since this means we dont have to call fmr as much. Thus, in this
                //next pseudo loop, temp receives the result of the stage 5 calculation
                //instead of stage5B. 
                //pseudo loop 8
                xC = sourceP[0];    sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
                temp   = stage4 - b2 * stage5B; 
                stage4 = stage3 - b1 * temp;
                stage3 = stage2 + a2 * xD;
                stage2 = stage1 + a1 * xA;
                stage1 = a0 * xC;
                destP[0] = temp /*stage5B*/;    destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
                // In this pseudo loop, our swap continues: stage5B receives the 
                // stage5 result, rather than stage5A
                //pseudo loop 9
                xD = sourceP[0];    sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
                stage5B = stage4 - b2 * stage5A;
                stage4  = stage3 - b1 * stage5B;
                stage3  = stage2 + a2 * xE;
                stage2  = stage1 + a1 * xB;
                stage1  = a0 * xD;
                destP[0] = stage5B /*stage5A*/; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
                //The final step in the swap
                stage5A = temp;
                //decrement our loop counter
                nSampleFrames -= 5;
        //  Now we have to deal with the problem that we have no input data coming in
        //  so we need more special case code as the pipeline empties. We cant just reuse the
        //  internal loop code because the loads would step off the end of the array on to
        //  possible unmapped memory. 
        //  Here we finish out the last four stages for our four remaining calculations:
            //trailing pseudo loop 1
            stage5A = stage4 - b2 * stage5A;
            stage4 = stage3 - b1 * stage5A;
            stage3 = stage2 + a2 * xA;
            stage2 = stage1 + a1 * xC;
            destP[0] = stage5A; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
            //trailing pseudo loop 2
            stage5B = stage4 - b2 * stage5B;
            stage4 = stage3 - b1 * stage5B;
            stage3 = stage2 + a2 * xB;
            destP[0] = stage5B; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
            //trailing pseudo loop 3
            stage5A = stage4 - b2 * stage5A;
            stage4 = stage3 - b1 * stage5A;
            destP[0] = stage5A; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
            //trailing pseudo loop 4
            stage5B = stage4 - b2 * stage5B;
            destP[0] = stage5B; destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
            //Put our data back into x1, y1, x2 and y2
            x1 = xD;
            x2 = xC;
            y1 = stage5B;
            y2 = stage5A;
    //Deal with the last few frames
        //This calculation is the same as the one above, but since
        //we dont have enough data to do anything fancy, 
        //we just do the simple variant here:
    while(nSampleFrames-- > 0)
            float x = *sourceP;
            sourceP += inInputNumberOfChannels;
            float y = a0*x + a1*x1 + a2*x2 - b1*y1 - b2*y2;
            x2 = x1;
            x1 = x;
            y2 = y1;
            y1 = y;
            *destP = y;
            destP += inOutputNumberOfChannels;
        //save our register values for x1, y1, x2, and y2 for posterity
        mX1 = x1;
        mY1 = y1;
        mX2 = x2;
        mY2 = y2;
 *  $Log$
 *  Revision 1.2  2007/10/16 19:44:05  mtrivedi
 *  fix comment blocks
 *  Revision 1.1  2007/04/20 19:34:30  mtrivedi
 *  first revision
 *  Revision 1.1  2003/07/08 22:48:46  luke
 *  new file