
 Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
  This class creates and manages the AV capture session and CLLocationManager, to gather location data, and writes out this data using asset writer. 
@import Foundation;
@import AVFoundation;
@protocol AAPLCaptureManagerDelegate;
@interface AAPLCaptureManager : NSObject
@property (assign) id <AAPLCaptureManagerDelegate>  delegate;
@property (readonly) AVCaptureSession               *session;
@property (readonly, getter=isRecording) BOOL       recording;
@property AVCaptureVideoOrientation                 referenceOrientation;
@property CGFloat                                   distanceUpdateInMeters;
- (void)setupAndStartCaptureSession;
- (void)stopAndTearDownCaptureSession;
- (void)startRecording;
- (void)stopRecording;
- (void)pauseCaptureSession; // Pausing while a recording is in progress will cause the recording to be stopped and saved.
- (void)resumeCaptureSession;
@protocol AAPLCaptureManagerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)recordingWillStart;
- (void)recordingDidStart;
- (void)recordingWillStop;
- (void)recordingDidStop;
- (void)newLocationUpdate:(NSString *)locationDescription;