/* |
Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
The 'AAPLMovieViewController' and 'AAPLMovieViewControllerDelegate' provide a way for this ViewController and it's subviews to talk to a data source that understands how to manipulate the QuickTime File Format and edit movies. |
*/ |
#import "AAPLMovieViewController.h" |
#import "AAPLMovieTimeline.h" |
@interface AAPLMovieViewController () <AAPLMovieTimelineUpdateDelgate, NSMenuDelegate> |
@property (weak) IBOutlet AAPLMovieTimeline *movieTimeline; |
@property CMTimeRange selectedTimeRange; |
@property CMTime selectedPointInTime; |
@end |
@implementation AAPLMovieViewController |
- (void)viewWillAppear { |
[super viewWillAppear]; |
self.movieTimeline.delegate = self; |
[self updateMovieTimeline]; |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification * __nonnull note) { |
[self updateMovieTimeline]; |
}]; |
} |
- (void)updateMovieTimeline { |
self.movieTimeline.needsLayout = YES; |
[self.movieTimeline removeAllPositionalSubviews]; |
NSUInteger numberOfImagesNeeded = [self.movieTimeline countOfImagesRequiredToFillView]; |
[self.delegate movieViewController:self needsNumberOfImages:numberOfImagesNeeded completionHandler:^(NSImage * image) { |
// Add image view on the main thread. |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
[self.movieTimeline addImageView:image]; |
}); |
}]; |
} |
#pragma mark - MovieTimeLine Delegate |
- (void)movieTimeline:(AAPLMovieTimeline *)timeline didUpdateCursorToPoint:(NSPoint)toPoint { |
CGFloat percentage = toPoint.x / self.movieTimeline.frame.size.width; |
CMTime time = [self.delegate timeAtPercentage:percentage]; |
// Update the time label for the new cursor point. |
float seconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(time) <= 0 ? 0 : CMTimeGetSeconds(time); |
NSString *timeDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", seconds]; |
[self.movieTimeline updateTimeLabel:timeDescription]; |
} |
- (void)didSelectTimelineRangeFromPoint:(NSPoint)fromPoint toPoint:(NSPoint)toPoint { |
CGFloat startPercentage = fromPoint.x / self.movieTimeline.frame.size.width; |
CGFloat endPercentage = toPoint.x / self.movieTimeline.frame.size.width; |
CMTime startTime = [self.delegate timeAtPercentage:startPercentage]; |
CMTime endTime = [self.delegate timeAtPercentage:endPercentage]; |
// Calculate the duration from the the time percentages. |
CMTime duration = CMTimeSubtract(endTime, startTime); |
self.selectedTimeRange = CMTimeRangeMake(startTime, duration); |
} |
- (void)didSelectTimelinePoint:(NSPoint)point { |
CGFloat pointPercentage = point.x / self.movieTimeline.frame.size.width; |
self.selectedPointInTime = [self.delegate timeAtPercentage:pointPercentage]; |
self.selectedTimeRange = CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, kCMTimeZero); |
} |
#pragma mark - Right click NSMEnu to message Cut, Copy, and Paste |
- (void)rightMouseDown:(nonnull NSEvent *)theEvent { |
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Movie Style Editing"]; |
// If we have not selected a time range then we can not copy or cut - only paste. |
if (CMTIME_COMPARE_INLINE(self.selectedTimeRange.start, ==, kCMTimeZero) && CMTIME_COMPARE_INLINE(self.selectedTimeRange.duration, ==, kCMTimeZero)) { |
[menu insertItemWithTitle:@"Paste" action:@selector(pasteMovie) keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:0]; |
} else { |
[menu insertItemWithTitle:@"Cut" action:@selector(cutMovie) keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:0]; |
[menu insertItemWithTitle:@"Copy" action:@selector(copyMovie) keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:1]; |
} |
menu.delegate = self; |
[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:menu withEvent:theEvent forView:self.view]; |
} |
- (void)cutMovie { |
// Cut the movie and handle the error if necessary. |
NSError *error = nil; |
BOOL didSucceed = [self.delegate cutMovieTimeRange:self.selectedTimeRange error:error]; |
if (!didSucceed || error) { |
NSLog(@"There was an error performing the cut operation"); |
} |
} |
- (void)copyMovie { |
// Cut the movie and handle the error if necessary. |
NSError *error = nil; |
BOOL didSucceed = [self.delegate copyMovieTimeRange:self.selectedTimeRange error:error]; |
if (!didSucceed || error) { |
NSLog(@"There was an error performing the copy operation."); |
} |
} |
- (void)pasteMovie { |
// Paste the movie and handle the error if necessary. |
NSError *error = nil; |
BOOL didSucceed = [self.delegate pasteMovieAtTime:self.selectedPointInTime error:error]; |
if (!didSucceed || error) { |
NSLog(@"There was an error performing the paste operation."); |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - Edit Menu Cut, Copy, Paste methods |
- (void)cut:(id)sender { |
[self cutMovie]; |
} |
- (void)copy:(id)sender { |
[self copyMovie]; |
} |
- (void)paste:(id)sender { |
[self pasteMovie]; |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2015-09-16