/* |
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information. |
Abstract: |
This sample's master view controller listing all the Accessibility examples. |
*/ |
import Cocoa |
class MasterViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource { |
// MARK: - Properties |
// The array controller data source of Examples. |
@IBOutlet var examplesArrayController: NSArrayController! |
// The data source for "examplesArrayController". |
@objc var examplesArrayBacking = [Example]() |
// So we can inform the delegate of table selection changes (from the user or from the array controller). |
weak var delegate: MasterViewControllerDelegate? |
// MARK: - View Controller Lifecycle |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
addButtonTests() |
addTextTests() |
addSwitchesTests() |
addImagesTests() |
addOtherTests() |
addRotorTests() |
// Changing the backed array alone won't update the array controller, so set the array controller content. |
let indexes = IndexSet(integersIn: 0...examplesArrayBacking.count) |
examplesArrayController.willChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes, forKey: "content") |
examplesArrayController.content = examplesArrayBacking |
examplesArrayController.didChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes, forKey: "content") |
// Listen for when the array controller changes it's selection. |
examplesArrayController.addObserver(self, |
forKeyPath: "selectionIndexes", |
options:, |
context: nil) |
} |
// MARK: - NSTableViewDataSource |
public func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int { |
return (examplesArrayController.arrangedObjects as AnyObject).count |
} |
public func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, isGroupRow row: Int) -> Bool { |
var result = false |
if let example = (examplesArrayController.arrangedObjects as AnyObject).object(at: row) as? Example { |
// A group row has no view controller. |
result = example.viewControllerIdentifier.characters.isEmpty |
} |
return result |
} |
// MARK: - NSTableViewDelegate |
public func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? { |
guard let example = (examplesArrayController.arrangedObjects as AnyObject).object(at: row) as? Example else { return nil } |
// A group row has no view controller. |
if example.viewControllerIdentifier.characters.isEmpty { |
guard let cell = |
tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "GroupCell"), |
owner: self) as? NSTextField else { return nil } |
cell.stringValue = |
return cell |
} else { |
guard let cell = |
tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "MainCell"), |
owner: self) as? NSTableCellView else { return nil } |
cell.textField?.stringValue = |
return cell |
} |
} |
// MARK: - KVO |
/** |
Used for observing for NSArrayController selection changes: |
(selection changes as a result of filtering (user search) will not send NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification), |
so we handle it right here to help target our detail view controller. |
*/ |
override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, |
change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, |
context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { |
if keyPath! == "selectionIndexes" { |
// Obtain the selection index from our array controller. |
if let arrayController = object as? NSArrayController { |
if arrayController.selectionIndex == NSNotFound { |
delegate!.didChangeExampleSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: nil) |
} else { |
if delegate != nil { |
let viewControllers = examplesArrayController.arrangedObjects as AnyObject |
if let example = |
viewControllers.object(at: arrayController.selectionIndex) as? Example { |
delegate!.didChangeExampleSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: example) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context) |
} |
} |
// MARK: Table Configuration |
fileprivate func addButtonTests() { |
examplesArrayBacking.append(Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Buttons", comment: "Buttons group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append(Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSButton", comment: "NSButton example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSButtonDescription", comment: "NSButton example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ButtonViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSButton with image", comment: "NSButton with image"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSButtonWithImageDescription", comment: "NSButton with image example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ButtonWithImageViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSButton subclass", comment: "NSButton subclass"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSButtonSubclassDescription", comment: "NSButton subclass example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ButtonSubclassViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSView subclass", comment: "NSView subclass"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSViewSubclassButtonDescription", comment: "NSView subclass button example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ButtonViewSubclassViewController")) |
} |
fileprivate func addTextTests() { |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Text", comment: "Text group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Protected", comment: "Protected title"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("ProtectedDescription", comment: "Protected example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ProtectedTextViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("CoreText", comment: "CoreText title"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("CoreTextDescription", comment: "CoreText example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CoreTextViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Columns", comment: "Columns title"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("ColumnDescription", comment: "Column example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CoreTextColumnViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Text Attributes", comment: "TextAttributes title"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("TextAttributesDescription", comment: "Text Attributes description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "TextAttributesViewController")) |
} |
fileprivate func addSwitchesTests() { |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Switches", comment: "Switches group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("TwoPositionTitle", comment: "Two position example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("TwoPositionDescription", comment: "Two position example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "TwoPositionSwitchViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("ThreePositionTitle", comment: "Three position example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("ThreePositionDescription", comment: "Three position example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ThreePositionSwitchViewController")) |
} |
fileprivate func addImagesTests() { |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Images", comment: "Images group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSImageView subclass", comment: "NSImageView subclass example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSImageViewSubclassDescription", comment: "NSImageView subclass example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ImageViewSubclassViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("NSView subclass", comment: "NSView subclass example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("NSViewSubclassImageDescription", comment: "NSView subclass image example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ViewImageSubclassViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("CALayer subclass", comment: "CALayer subclass example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("CALayerSubclassImageDescription", comment: "CALayer subclass image example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "ImageViewLayerImageViewController")) |
} |
fileprivate func addOtherTests() { |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Other Elements", comment: "Other elements group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Radio Button", comment: "Radio button example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("RadioButtonDescription", comment: "Radio button example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomRadioButtonsViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Checkbox", comment: "Checkbox example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("CheckboxDescription", comment: "Checkbox example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomCheckBoxViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Slider", comment: "Slider example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("SliderDescription", comment: "Slider example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomSliderViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Layout Area", comment: "Layout area example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("LayoutAreaDescription", comment: "Layout area example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomLayoutAreaViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Outline", comment: "Outline example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("OutlineDescription", comment: "Outline example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomOutlineViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Table", comment: "Table example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("TableDescription", comment: "Table example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomTableViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Stepper", comment: "Stepper example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("StepperDescription", comment: "Stepper example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomStepperViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Transient UI", comment: "Transient UI example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("TransientUIDescription", comment: "Transient UI example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "TransientUIViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Search Field", comment: "Search field example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("SearchFieldDescription", comment: "Search field example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomSearchFieldViewController")) |
} |
fileprivate func addRotorTests () { |
if #available(OSX 10.13, *) { |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Custom Rotors", comment: "Custom Rotors group name"), |
description: "", |
viewControllerIdentifier: "")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Element Rotors", comment: "Element rotors example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("ElementRotorsDescription", comment: "Element rotors example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomRotorsElementViewController")) |
examplesArrayBacking.append( |
Example(name: NSLocalizedString("Text Rotors", comment: "Text rotors example name"), |
description: NSLocalizedString("TextRotorsDescription", comment: "Text rotors example description"), |
viewControllerIdentifier: "CustomRotorsTextViewController")) |
} |
} |
} |
/// Used for informing the delegate of the array controller selection change (as a result of filtering from the search field). |
protocol MasterViewControllerDelegate : class { |
func didChangeExampleSelection(masterViewController: MasterViewController, selection: Example?) |
} |
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