
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information.
An example demonstrating adding accessibility to an NSView subclass that behaves like a slider by implementing the NSAccessibilitySlider protocol.
import Cocoa
 IMPORTANT: This is not a template for developing a custom control.
 This sample is intended to demonstrate how to add accessibility to
 existing custom controls that are not implemented using the preferred methods.
 For information on how to create custom controls please visit
class CustomSliderView: NSView, NSAccessibilitySlider {
    // MARK: - Internals
    fileprivate struct LayoutInfo {
        static let SliderHandleWidth = CGFloat(12.0)
        static let SliderHandleHeight = SliderHandleWidth
        static let SliderMinValue = CGFloat(-50.0)
        static let SliderMaxValue = CGFloat(50.0)
        static let SliderStepSize = CGFloat(5.0)
        static let SliderBorderLineWidth = CGFloat(2.0)
    var vertical = false
    var minValue = CGFloat(0.0)
    var maxValue = CGFloat(0.0)
    var value = CGFloat(0.0)
    var stepSize = CGFloat(0.0)
    // MARK: - View Lifecycle
    required override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
        super.init(frame: frameRect)
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
    func commonInit() {
        vertical = frame.size.width < frame.size.height
        minValue = LayoutInfo.SliderMinValue
        maxValue = LayoutInfo.SliderMaxValue
        stepSize = LayoutInfo.SliderStepSize
        value = 0.0
    // MARK: - Value Management
    fileprivate func setValue(newValue: CGFloat) {
        var valueToUse = newValue
        if valueToUse < CGFloat(minValue) {
            valueToUse = minValue
        if valueToUse > maxValue {
            valueToUse = maxValue
        value = valueToUse
        needsDisplay = true
    fileprivate func decrement() {
        if value > LayoutInfo.SliderMinValue {
            value -= stepSize
            needsDisplay = true
    fileprivate func increment() {
        if value < LayoutInfo.SliderMaxValue {
            value += stepSize
            needsDisplay = true
    fileprivate func handleRange() -> CGFloat {
        var range = CGFloat(0.0)
        if vertical {
            range = bounds.size.height - LayoutInfo.SliderHandleHeight
        } else {
            range = bounds.size.width - LayoutInfo.SliderHandleWidth
        return range
    fileprivate func valueRange() -> CGFloat {
        return maxValue - minValue
    fileprivate func percentValue() -> CGFloat {
        return (value - minValue) / valueRange()
    fileprivate func handleRect() -> NSRect {
        var handleRect =
        if vertical {
            handleRect = NSRect(x: 0, y: handleRange() * percentValue(), width: bounds.size.width, height: LayoutInfo.SliderHandleHeight)
        } else {
            handleRect = NSRect(x: handleRange() * percentValue(), y: 0, width: LayoutInfo.SliderHandleWidth, height: bounds.size.height)
        return handleRect
    // MARK: - Keyboard Events
    override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
        guard event.modifierFlags.contains(.numericPad),
            let charactersIgnoringModifiers = event.charactersIgnoringModifiers, charactersIgnoringModifiers.characters.count == 1,
            let char = charactersIgnoringModifiers.characters.first
            else {
                super.keyDown(with: event)
        switch char {
        case Character(NSDownArrowFunctionKey)!, Character(NSLeftArrowFunctionKey)!:
        case Character(NSUpArrowFunctionKey)!, Character(NSRightArrowFunctionKey)!:
        default: break
    // MARK: - Mouse Events
    override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
        let mouseDownPoint = convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
        if handleRect().contains(mouseDownPoint) {
            // User clicked inside the slider.
            let unitsPerPoint = valueRange() / handleRange()
            let mouseDownValue = value
            var stop = false
            var currentEvent = event
            repeat {
                let mousePoint = convert(currentEvent.locationInWindow, from: nil)
                switch currentEvent.type {
                case NSEvent.EventType.leftMouseDown, NSEvent.EventType.leftMouseDragged:
                    let draggedDistance = vertical ? mousePoint.y - mouseDownPoint.y : mousePoint.x - mouseDownPoint.x
                    let potentialValue = mouseDownValue + unitsPerPoint * draggedDistance
                    // Make sure the slider's potential doesn't go out of bounds.
                    if potentialValue < LayoutInfo.SliderMaxValue &&
                        potentialValue > LayoutInfo.SliderMinValue {
                        value = mouseDownValue + unitsPerPoint * draggedDistance
                    // Continue to get the next event.
                    currentEvent =
                        (window?.nextEvent(matching: [NSEvent.EventTypeMask.leftMouseUp, NSEvent.EventTypeMask.leftMouseDragged],
                                           until: NSDate.distantFuture,
                                           inMode: RunLoopMode.eventTrackingRunLoopMode,
                                           dequeue: true))!
                    // User stopped tracking the slider.
                    stop = true
            while !stop
    // MARK: - Drawing
    override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
        // Draw the slider outline.
        let outline = NSBezierPath(rect: bounds)
        outline.lineWidth = LayoutInfo.SliderBorderLineWidth
        // Draw the slider handle.
        let handle = NSBezierPath(rect: handleRect())
        // Draw the focus ring if we are the first responder.
        if window?.firstResponder == self {
// MARK: - First Responder
extension CustomSliderView {
    // Set to allow keyDown to be called.
    override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { return true }
    override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
        let didBecomeFirstResponder = super.becomeFirstResponder()
        needsDisplay = true
        return didBecomeFirstResponder
    override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
        let didResignFirstResponder = super.resignFirstResponder()
        needsDisplay = true
        return didResignFirstResponder
// MARK: - NSAccessibilitySlider
extension CustomSliderView {
    override func accessibilityValue() -> Any? {
        return value
    override func accessibilityLabel() -> String? {
        var label = ""
        if vertical {
            label = NSLocalizedString("Y Value", comment:"")
        } else {
            label = NSLocalizedString("X Value", comment:"")
        return label
    override func accessibilityPerformIncrement() -> Bool {
        return true
    override func accessibilityPerformDecrement() -> Bool {
        return true