/* |
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information. |
Abstract: |
An example demonstrating adding accessibility to an NSView subclass that draws columns of text |
using CoreText by implementing the NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText protocol. |
*/ |
import Cocoa |
import CoreText |
/* |
IMPORTANT: This is not a template for developing a custom control. |
This sample is intended to demonstrate how to add accessibility to |
existing custom controls that are not implemented using the preferred methods. |
For information on how to create custom controls please visit |
*/ |
class CoreTextColumnView: NSView { |
// MARK: - Internals |
fileprivate var framesetter: CTFramesetter? |
@nonobjc var textFrames = [CTFrame]() |
// MARK: - View Lifecycle |
required override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) { |
super.init(frame: frameRect) |
commonInit() |
} |
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { |
super.init(coder: aDecoder) |
commonInit() |
} |
fileprivate func commonInit() { |
attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: NSLocalizedString("LongSampleText", comment: "Long sample text")) |
attributedString.setAlignment(NSTextAlignment.justified, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: attributedString.length)) |
framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString) |
resetColumns() |
} |
var attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString! { |
didSet { |
// Re-draw the view if the input string changes. |
needsDisplay = true |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Layout |
fileprivate struct Columns { |
static let ColumnCountMin = 1 |
static let ColumnCountMax = 2 |
} |
fileprivate var columnCount: Int = Columns.ColumnCountMax { |
didSet { |
resetColumns() |
needsDisplay = true |
} |
} |
fileprivate var columnRects: [CGRect] { |
var columnRects = [CGRect]() |
// Start by setting the first column to cover the entire view. |
let columnWidth = bounds.width / CGFloat(columnCount) |
// Divide the columns equally across the frame's width. |
let (slice, remainder) = bounds.divided(atDistance: columnWidth, from: .minXEdge) |
columnRects.append(slice) |
columnRects.append(remainder) |
// Inset all columns by a few pixels of margin. |
for column in 0..<columnCount { |
columnRects[column] = columnRects[column].insetBy(dx: 10.0, dy: 10.0) |
} |
return columnRects |
} |
fileprivate func resetColumns() { |
var startIndex = 0 |
var localFrames = [CTFrame]() |
for column in 0..<columnCount { |
// Create frame with rect path. |
let path = CGMutablePath() |
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: 0) |
path.addRect(columnRects[column], transform: transform) |
let frame: CTFrame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter!, CFRangeMake(startIndex, 0), path, nil) |
localFrames.append(frame) |
// Start the next frame at the first character not visible in this frame. |
let frameRange = CTFrameGetVisibleStringRange(frame) |
startIndex += frameRange.length |
} |
// Update our array of frames. |
textFrames = localFrames |
} |
// MARK: - Drawing |
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { |
// First draw the background. |
let cgContext = NSGraphicsContext.current?.cgContext |
let path = CGMutablePath() |
path.addRect(dirtyRect) |
cgContext?.addPath(path) |
NSColor.white.setFill() |
cgContext?.drawPath(using: .fillStroke) |
for column in 0..<textFrames.count { |
let frame = textFrames[column] |
CTFrameDraw(frame, cgContext!) |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Actions |
fileprivate func changeLayout () { |
if columnCount == Columns.ColumnCountMax { |
columnCount = Columns.ColumnCountMin |
} else { |
columnCount += 1 |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Events |
override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { return true } |
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { |
changeLayout() |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Accessibility Utilities |
extension CoreTextColumnView { |
fileprivate func resultBounds(range: NSRange, startLineIdx: Int, endLineIdx: Int, startLineColumnIdx: Int, endLineColumnIdx: Int) -> NSRect { |
var returnValue = |
if startLineIdx != NSNotFound { |
// Combine bounds rects for each line. |
for currentColumn in startLineColumnIdx...endLineColumnIdx { |
let startLine = currentColumn == startLineColumnIdx ? startLineIdx : 0 |
var endLine = 0 |
if currentColumn == endLineColumnIdx { |
endLine = endLineIdx |
} else { |
if currentColumn == textFrames.count { |
// We are out of bounds in the number of frames, so end accomulating the returnValue. |
break |
} |
let lines = CTFrameGetLines(textFrames[currentColumn]) |
let lineCount = CFArrayGetCount(lines) |
endLine = lineCount - 1 |
} |
for currentLine in startLine...endLine { |
let lineBoundsForRange = accessibleBounds(for: range, columnIdx: currentColumn, lineIdx: currentLine) |
returnValue = NSUnionRect(returnValue, lineBoundsForRange) |
} |
} |
} |
return returnValue |
} |
fileprivate func accessibleBounds(for range: NSRange) -> NSRect { |
// Find lines at start and end of range. |
var startLineColumnIdx = NSNotFound |
var endLineColumnIdx = NSNotFound |
var startLineIdx = NSNotFound |
var endLineIdx = NSNotFound |
var characterIndexSought = range.location |
for columnIndex in 0..<textFrames.count { |
let currentFrame = textFrames[columnIndex] |
if let lines = CTFrameGetLines(currentFrame) as? [CTLine] { |
for lineIndex in 0..<lines.count { |
let currentLine = lines[lineIndex] |
let lineRange = CTLineGetStringRange(currentLine) |
let characterInLineRange = characterIndexSought - lineRange.location < lineRange.length |
if characterInLineRange { |
if startLineIdx == NSNotFound { |
// Found the first line. |
startLineColumnIdx = columnIndex |
startLineIdx = lineIndex |
let lastCharInLine = lineRange.location + lineRange.length |
if lastCharInLine >= NSMaxRange(range) { |
// The entire range is contained in this line. We're done. |
endLineColumnIdx = columnIndex |
endLineIdx = lineIndex |
break |
} else { |
// Continue search for end line since range extends beyond this one. |
characterIndexSought = NSMaxRange(range) |
} |
} else { |
endLineColumnIdx = columnIndex |
endLineIdx = lineIndex |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if startLineIdx != NSNotFound && endLineIdx != NSNotFound { |
break |
} |
} |
return resultBounds(range : range, |
startLineIdx : startLineIdx, endLineIdx : endLineIdx, |
startLineColumnIdx : startLineColumnIdx, endLineColumnIdx : endLineColumnIdx) |
} |
fileprivate func accessibleBounds(for range: NSRange, columnIdx: Int, lineIdx: Int) -> NSRect { |
var resultRect = |
let frame = textFrames[columnIdx] |
guard let lines = CTFrameGetLines(frame) as? [CTLine] else { return resultRect } |
let line = lines[lineIdx] |
// Looking for bounds of range that fall within this line. |
let lineRange = CTLineGetStringRange(line) |
let rangeWithinLine = NSIntersectionRange(range, NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: lineRange.length)) |
// Find origin of line relative to frame. |
var lineOrigins = [CGPoint] (repeating: .zero, count: 1) |
let lineFrame = textFrames[columnIdx] |
CTFrameGetLineOrigins(lineFrame, CFRange (location: lineIdx, length: 1), &lineOrigins) |
let lineOrigin = lineOrigins[0] |
// Find horizontal pixel offsets of range within line. |
let rangeXOffset = CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(line, rangeWithinLine.location, nil) |
// Calculate line height. |
var ascent = CGFloat(0.0) |
var descent = CGFloat(0.0) |
var leading = CGFloat(0.0) |
CTLineGetTypographicBounds(line, &ascent, &descent, &leading) |
let lineHeight = ascent + descent + leading |
// Calculate range width. |
let leftMargin = CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(line, rangeWithinLine.location, nil) |
let rightMargin = CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(line, NSMaxRange(rangeWithinLine), nil) |
let rangeWidth = rightMargin - leftMargin |
// Put it all together. |
let frameOrigin = columnRects[columnIdx].origin |
let xPos = frameOrigin.x + lineOrigin.x + rangeXOffset |
let yPos = frameOrigin.y + lineOrigin.y |
let rangeRect = NSRect(x: xPos, y: yPos, width: rangeWidth, height: lineHeight) |
let windowRect = convert(rangeRect, to: nil) |
resultRect = (window?.convertToScreen(windowRect))! |
return resultRect |
} |
fileprivate func attributedString(for range: NSRange) -> NSAttributedString { |
var value = NSAttributedString() |
if NSMaxRange(range) <= (attributedString?.length)! { |
value = attributedString.attributedSubstring(from: range) |
} |
return value |
} |
fileprivate func string(for range: NSRange) -> String { |
return attributedString(for: range).string |
} |
fileprivate func range(for line: Int) -> NSRange { |
var rangeForLine = NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0) |
var absoluteLineNumber = 0 |
for columnIndex in 0..<textFrames.count { |
let currentFrame = textFrames[columnIndex] |
guard let lines = CTFrameGetLines(currentFrame) as? [CTLine] else { return rangeForLine } |
let lineCount = lines.count |
// Skip to next frame. |
if absoluteLineNumber + lineCount <= line { |
absoluteLineNumber += 1 |
continue |
} else { |
// Line lives within this frame if the text is long enough. |
let relativeIndex = line - absoluteLineNumber |
if relativeIndex < lineCount { |
let currentLine = lines[relativeIndex] |
let lineRange = CTLineGetStringRange(currentLine) |
rangeForLine = NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: lineRange.length) |
} |
break |
} |
} |
return rangeForLine |
} |
fileprivate func line(for index: Int) -> Int { |
var lineForIndex = NSNotFound |
var absoluteLineNumber = 0 // Current line, across columns. |
for columnIndex in 0..<textFrames.count { |
let currentFrame = textFrames[columnIndex] |
if let lines = CTFrameGetLines(currentFrame) as? [CTLine] { |
for lineIndex in 0..<lines.count { |
let currentLine = lines[lineIndex] |
let lineRange = CTLineGetStringRange(currentLine) |
let characterInLineRange = index - lineRange.location < lineRange.length |
if characterInLineRange { |
lineForIndex = absoluteLineNumber |
break |
} |
absoluteLineNumber += 1 |
} |
} |
if lineForIndex != NSNotFound { |
break |
} |
} |
return lineForIndex != NSNotFound ? absoluteLineNumber : NSNotFound |
} |
} |
// MARK: - |
extension CoreTextColumnView { |
// MARK: NSAccessibilityStaticText |
override func accessibilityVisibleCharacterRange() -> NSRange { |
// Range known to begin at zero. Cannot union with NSNotFound. |
var visibleRange = NSRange() |
for columnIndex in 0..<textFrames.count { |
let frame = textFrames[columnIndex] |
let frameRange = CTFrameGetVisibleStringRange(frame) |
visibleRange = NSUnionRange(visibleRange, NSRange(location: frameRange.location, length: frameRange.length)) |
} |
return visibleRange |
} |
// MARK: NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText |
override func accessibilityValue() -> Any? { |
return attributedString.string |
} |
override func accessibilityString(for range: NSRange) -> String? { |
return string(for: range) |
} |
override func accessibilityLine(for index: Int) -> Int { |
return line(for: index) |
} |
override func accessibilityRange(forLine lineNumber: Int) -> NSRange { |
return range(for: lineNumber) |
} |
// Frame is in screen coordinates. See NSAccessibilityFrameInView() |
override func accessibilityFrame(for range: NSRange) -> NSRect { |
return accessibleBounds(for: range) |
} |
// MARK: NSAccessibility |
override func accessibilityPerformPress() -> Bool { |
// User did control-option-space keyboard shortcut. |
changeLayout() |
return true |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2017-09-12