
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 An accessibility object representing a single tic tac toe piece.
#import "AAPLTicTacToeSquareAccessibilityElement.h"
#import "AAPLTicTacToeSquare.h"
#import "AAPLTicTacToeBoard.h"
@implementation AAPLTicTacToeSquareAccessibilityElement
- (instancetype)initWithRow:(NSUInteger)row column:(NSUInteger)column delegate:(id <AAPLTicTacToeBoardViewDelegate>)delegate
    self = [super init];
    if ( self != nil )
        self.row = row;
        self.column = column;
        self.delegate = delegate;
    return self;
- (NSRect)accessibilityFrame
    return [super accessibilityFrame];
- (id)accessibilityParent
    return [super accessibilityParent];
- (NSString *)accessibilityLabel
    NSUInteger row = self.row;
    NSUInteger column = self.column;
    AAPLTicTacToeSquare *square = [self.delegate squareAtRow:row column:column];
    return [AAPLTicTacToeBoard descriptionForSquare:square row:row column:column];
- (BOOL)accessibilityPerformPress
    [self.delegate playSquareAtRow:self.row column:self.column];
    return YES;
// It is not legal to play in an occupied square or when the game is over, disable the button in these cases.
- (BOOL)isAccessibilityEnabled
    AAPLTicTacToeSquare *square = [self.delegate squareAtRow:self.row column:self.column];
    BOOL gameOver = [self.delegate isGameOver];
    return !gameOver && square.isEmpty;