
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The top level model object. Manages a list of conversations and the user's profile.
import Foundation
struct User {
    // MARK: Properties
    var name = ""
    var conversations = [Conversation]()
    var lastPhoto: Photo?
    // MARK: Initialization
    init() { }
    init?(dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) {
        guard let name = dictionary["name"] as? String else { return nil }
 = name
        if let conversationDictionaries = dictionary["conversations"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
            conversations = conversationDictionaries.flatMap { conversationDictionary in
                return Conversation(dictionary: conversationDictionary)
        else {
            conversations = []
        if let lastPhotoDictionary = dictionary["lastPhoto"] as? [String: AnyObject] {
            lastPhoto = Photo(dictionary: lastPhotoDictionary)