
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
An extension that returns information about photos contained in view controllers.
import UIKit
    This extension is specific to this application. Some of the specific view
    controllers in the app override these to return the values that make sense for
extension UIViewController {
        Returns the photo currently being displayed by the receiver, or `nil` if the
        receiver is not displaying a photo.
    func containedPhoto() -> Photo? {
        // By default, view controllers don't contain photos.
        return nil
    func containsPhoto(_ photo: Photo) -> Bool {
        // By default, view controllers don't contain photos.
        return false
    func currentVisibleDetailPhotoWithSender(_ sender: AnyObject?) -> Photo? {
        // Look for a view controller that has a visible photo.
        if let target = targetViewController(forAction: #selector(UIViewController.currentVisibleDetailPhotoWithSender(_:)), sender: sender) {
            return target.currentVisibleDetailPhotoWithSender(sender)
        else {
            return nil
extension UISplitViewController {
    override func currentVisibleDetailPhotoWithSender(_ sender: AnyObject?) -> Photo? {
        if isCollapsed {
            // If we're collapsed, we don't have a detail.
            return nil
        else {
            // Otherwise, return our detail controller's contained photo (if any).
            let controller = viewControllers.last
            return controller?.containedPhoto()