
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Collection of vector, matrix, and quaternion utility functions.
#import <simd/simd.h>
#define AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD __attribute__((__overloadable__))
/// A single-precision quaternion type
typedef vector_float4 quaternion_float;
/// Returns the number of degrees in the specified number of radians
float degrees_from_radians(float radians);
/// Returns the number of radians in the specified number of degrees
float radians_from_degrees(float degrees);
/// Returns a vector that is linearly interpolated between the two provided vectors
vector_float3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD vector_lerp(vector_float3 v0, vector_float3 v1, float t);
/// Returns a vector that is linearly interpolated between the two provided vectors
vector_float4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD vector_lerp(vector_float4 v0, vector_float4 v1, float t);
/// Converts a unit-norm quaternion into its corresponding rotation matrix
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix3x3_from_quaternion(quaternion_float q);
/// Constructs a rotation matrix from the provided angle and axis
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix3x3_rotation(float radians, vector_float3 axis);
/// Constructs a rotation matrix from the provided angle and the axis (x, y, z)
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix3x3_rotation(float radians, float x, float y, float z);
/// Constructs a scaling matrix with the specified scaling factors
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix3x3_scale(float x, float y, float z);
/// Constructs a scaling matrix, using the provided vector as an array of scaling factors
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix3x3_scale(vector_float3 s);
/// Returns the inverse of the transpose of the provided matrix
matrix_float3x3 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix_inverse_transpose(matrix_float3x3 m);
/// Constructs a (homogeneous) rotation matrix from the provided angle and axis
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix4x4_from_quaternion(quaternion_float q);
/// Constructs a rotation matrix from the provided angle and axis
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix4x4_rotation(float radians, vector_float3 axis);
/// Constructs a rotation matrix from the provided angle and the axis (x, y, z)
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix4x4_rotation(float radians, float x, float y, float z);
/// Constructs a scaling matrix with the specified scaling factors
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix4x4_scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
/// Constructs a scaling matrix, using the provided vector as an array of scaling factors
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix4x4_scale(vector_float3 s);
/// Constructs a translation matrix that translates by the vector (tx, ty, tz)
matrix_float4x4 matrix4x4_translation(float tx, float ty, float tz);
/// Constructs a view matrix that is positioned at (eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ) and looks toward
/// (centerX, centerY, centerZ), with the vector (upX, upY, upZ) pointing up
matrix_float4x4 matrix_look_at(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ,
                               float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ,
                               float upX, float upY, float upZ);
/// Constructs a symmetric orthographic projection matrix that maps (left, top) to (-1, 1),
/// (right, bottom) to (1, -1), and (nearZ, farZ) to (0, 1)
matrix_float4x4 matrix_ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearZ, float farZ);
/// Constructs a symmetric perspective projection matrix with a vertical viewing angle of fovyRadians,
/// the specified aspect ratio, and the provided near and far Z distances
matrix_float4x4 matrix_perspective(float fovyRadians, float aspect, float nearZ, float farZ);
/// Extracts the upper-left 3x3 submatrix of the provided 4x4 matrix
matrix_float3x3 matrix_upper_left_3x3(matrix_float4x4 m);
/// Returns the inverse of the transpose of the provided matrix
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix_inverse_transpose(matrix_float4x4 m);
/// Constructs a quaternion of the form w + xi + yj + zk
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w);
/// Constructs a quaternion of the form w + v.x*i + v.y*j + v.z*k
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(vector_float3 v, float w);
/// Constructs a unit-norm quaternion that represents rotation by the specified angle about the axis (x, y, z)
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(float radians, float x, float y, float z);
/// Constructs a unit-norm quaternion that represents rotation by the specified angle about the specified axis
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(float radians, vector_float3 axis);
/// Constructs a unit-norm quaternion from the provided matrix.
/// The result is undefined if the matrix does not represent a pure rotation.
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(matrix_float3x3 m);
/// Constructs a unit-norm quaternion from the provided matrix.
/// The result is undefined if the matrix does not represent a pure rotation.
quaternion_float AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD quaternion(matrix_float4x4 m);
/// Returns the length of the specified quaternion
float quaternion_length(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns the rotation axis of the specified unit-norm quaternion
vector_float3 quaternion_axis(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns the rotation angle of the specified unit-norm quaternion
float quaternion_angle(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns a unit-norm quaternion
quaternion_float quaternion_normalize(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns the inverse quaternion of the provided quaternion
quaternion_float quaternion_inverse(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns the conjugate quaternion of the provided quaternion
quaternion_float quaternion_conjugate(quaternion_float q);
/// Returns the product of two quaternions
quaternion_float quaternion_multiply(quaternion_float q0, quaternion_float q1);
/// Returns the quaternion that results from spherically interpolating between the two provided quaternions
quaternion_float quaternion_slerp(quaternion_float q0, quaternion_float q1, float t);
/// Returns the vector that results from rotating the provided vector by the provided unit-norm quaternion
vector_float3 quaternion_rotate_vector(quaternion_float q, vector_float3 v);