
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include "SharedObjectsBridge.h"
using namespace metal;
struct Vertex
    packed_float3 position;
    packed_float3 normal;
struct PlaneVertex
    float4 position;
struct Varyings
    float4 position [[position]];
    float4 shadow0Position;
struct LitVaryings
    float4 position [[position]];
    float4 shadow0Position;
    float3 worldSpacePosition;
    float3 worldSpaceNormal;
struct PlaneVaryings
    float4 position [[position]];
    float4 shadow0Position;
    float4 worldPosition;
vertex Varyings vertex_main(device Vertex* verts [[buffer(0)]],
                          constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                          constant MainPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                          uint vid [[vertex_id]])
    Varyings out;
    float4 worldPosition = data.LocalToWorld * float4(verts[vid].position, 1.0);
    out.position = frame_constants.ViewProjection * worldPosition;
    out.shadow0Position = frame_constants.ViewShadow0Projection * worldPosition;
    return out;
vertex LitVaryings lit_vertex(device Vertex* verts [[buffer(0)]],
                            constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                            constant MainPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                            uint vid [[vertex_id]])
    LitVaryings out;
    float4 worldPosition = data.LocalToWorld * float4(verts[vid].position, 1.0);
    //We have an orthonormal transform so we can cheat and use the LocalToWorld matrix to transform the normal
    //Manually setting w to 0 effectively makes this just a rotation
    float4 normal = data.LocalToWorld * float4(verts[vid].normal, 0.0);
    out.worldSpacePosition = worldPosition.xyz;
    out.position = frame_constants.ViewProjection * worldPosition;
    out.shadow0Position = frame_constants.ViewShadow0Projection * worldPosition;
    out.worldSpaceNormal = normalize(normal.xyz);
    return out;
fragment float4 unshaded_fragment(Varyings input [[stage_in]],
                                      constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]])
    return data.color;
fragment float4 lit_fragment(LitVaryings input [[stage_in]],
                             constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                             constant MainPass& frame_constants [[buffer(2)]])
    float3 L = normalize(frame_constants.LightPosition.xyz);
    float attenuation = clamp(dot(normalize(input.worldSpaceNormal), L), 0.3, 1.0);
    float3 color = data.color.xyz*attenuation;
    return float4(color, 1.0);
fragment float4 lit_shadowed_fragment(LitVaryings input [[stage_in]],
                             constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                             constant MainPass& frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                              depth2d<float> shadow [[texture(0)]])
    constexpr sampler s(coord::normalized, address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear);
    float4 shadowSpacePosition = input.shadow0Position;
    shadowSpacePosition.xy = shadowSpacePosition.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
    shadowSpacePosition.y = 1.0 - shadowSpacePosition.y;
    float4 shadow_depth = shadow.sample(s, shadowSpacePosition.xy);
    float3 L = normalize(frame_constants.LightPosition.xyz);
    float attenuation = clamp(dot(normalize(input.worldSpaceNormal), L), 0.3, 1.0);
    float3 c = data.color.xyz*attenuation;
    if(shadow_depth.x <= shadowSpacePosition.z - 0.001)
        c.xyz *= 0.5;
    return float4(c, 1.0);
fragment float4 unshaded_shadowed_fragment(Varyings input [[stage_in]],
                                               constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                                               constant MainPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                                               depth2d<float> shadow [[texture(0)]])
    constexpr sampler s(coord::normalized, address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear);
    float4 shadowSpacePosition = input.shadow0Position;
    shadowSpacePosition.xy = shadowSpacePosition.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
    shadowSpacePosition.y = 1.0 - shadowSpacePosition.y;
    float4 shadow_depth = shadow.sample(s, shadowSpacePosition.xy);
    float4 c = data.color;
    if(shadow_depth.x <= shadowSpacePosition.z - 0.001)
        c.xyz *= 0.5;
    return c;
vertex PlaneVaryings plane_vertex(device PlaneVertex* verts [[buffer(0)]],
                            constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                            constant MainPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                            uint vid [[vertex_id]])
    PlaneVaryings out;
    out.worldPosition = data.LocalToWorld * verts[vid].position;
    out.position = frame_constants.ViewProjection * out.worldPosition;
    out.shadow0Position = frame_constants.ViewShadow0Projection * out.worldPosition;
    return out;
fragment float4 plane_fragment(PlaneVaryings input [[stage_in]],
                                           constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                                           constant MainPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                                           depth2d<float> shadow [[texture(0)]])
    constexpr sampler s(coord::normalized, address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear);
    float4 shadowSpacePosition = input.shadow0Position;
    shadowSpacePosition.xy = shadowSpacePosition.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
    shadowSpacePosition.y = 1.0 - shadowSpacePosition.y;
    float4 shadow_depth = shadow.sample(s, shadowSpacePosition.xy);
        Draw grid lines.
        fract() will give us the fractional part of the world space position.
        Using this directly would give us a very dense grid (the view is over hundreds of units here)
        So we scale the worldspace coordinate to give us a less dense grid.
        We subtract 0.25 to fudge the line a bit and take abs
        This basically approaches the line from both sides
        We scale by fwidth - abs(ddx(value) + ddy(value))
        Stuff that's far away will have rapidly changing worldspace values per pixel and this
        gives us a scale factor to smooth out those areas
        We use smoothstep to define if we are on the gridline or not. This gives us a nice antialiased line. 
        If we are on the line in either dimension one of these will be 0, so we use min() to detect. 
        This effectively creates a mask.
        Then we modulate the color by this mask.
    float2 coordinate = input.worldPosition.xz;
    float2 grid = abs(fract(coordinate*1.0/50.0)-0.25) / fwidth(coordinate);
    grid = smoothstep(0.0, 0.02, grid);
    float isLine = min(grid.x, grid.y);
    float4 c = data.color*isLine;
    if(shadow_depth.x <= shadowSpacePosition.z - 0.001)
        c.xyz *= 0.25;
    return c;
struct ZPassVaryings
    float4 position [[position]];
vertex ZPassVaryings zpass_vertex_main(device Vertex* verts [[buffer(0)]],
                            constant ObjectData& data [[buffer(1)]],
                            constant ShadowPass&  frame_constants [[buffer(2)]],
                            uint vid [[vertex_id]])
    ZPassVaryings out;
    float4 worldPosition = data.LocalToWorld * float4(verts[vid].position, 1.0);
    out.position = frame_constants.ViewProjection * worldPosition;
    return out;
fragment float4 zpass_fragment()
    return float4(1.0);