Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Sample Components/SampleCode.r
/* |
File: SampleCode.r |
Contains: |
Written by: Peter Hoddie |
Copyright: Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/28/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include "Types.r" |
#define SystemSevenOrLater |
type 'thng' { |
hex longint type; |
hex longint subType; |
hex longint manufacturer; |
hex longint flags; |
hex longint flagsMask; |
hex longint thingResType; |
int thingResID; |
hex longint thingNameResType; |
int thingNameResID; |
hex longint thingInfoResType; |
int thingInfoResID; |
hex longint thingIconResType; |
int thingIconResID; |
}; |
#define canMovieImportHandles 1 |
#define canMovieImportFiles 2 |
#define hasMovieImportUserInterface 4 |
#define canMovieExportHandles 8 |
#define canMovieExportFiles 16 |
#define hasMovieExportUserInterface 32 |
#define dontAutoFileMovieImport 64 |
#define mediaHandlerFlagBaseClient 1 |
#define pnotComponentWantsEvents 1 |
#define pnotComponentNeedsNoCache 2 |
resource 'thng' (128, "Pict Media Handler") { |
'mhlr', |
'PICT', |
'appl', |
mediaHandlerFlagBaseClient, |
0, |
'mhlr', |
128, |
'STR ', |
128, |
'STR ', |
228, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (128) { |
"PICT Media Handler" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (228) { |
"Plays PICTs in QuickTime movies" |
}; |
resource 'thng' (129, "SGChannel Pict") { |
'sgch', |
'PICT', |
'appl', |
0, |
0, |
'sgch', |
128, |
'STR ', |
129, |
'STR ', |
229, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (129) { |
"SGChannel PICT" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (229) { |
"Captures PICTs from screen into QuickTime movies" |
}; |
resource 'thng' (130, "SGPictPanel") { |
'sgpn', |
'PICT', |
'thng', |
0, |
0, |
'sgpn', |
128, |
'STR ', |
130, |
'STR ', |
230, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (130) { |
"Settings" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (230) { |
"Configure PICT capture channel" |
}; |
resource 'thng' (131, "Export PICS") { |
'spit', |
'PICS', |
0, |
canMovieExportFiles, |
0, |
'eat ', |
128, |
'STR ', |
131, |
'STR ', |
231, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (131) { |
"PICS" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (231) { |
"Exports QuickTime movies as PICS files" |
}; |
resource 'thng' (132, "ImportScrapbook") { |
'eat ', |
'scbk', |
'PICT', |
canMovieImportFiles, |
0, |
'eat ', |
129, |
'STR ', |
132, |
'STR ', |
232, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (132) { |
"Scrapbook" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (232) { |
"Import Scrapbook files into QuickTime movies" |
}; |
resource 'thng' (133, "PreviewPICS") { |
'pnot', |
'PICS', |
'appl', |
pnotComponentNeedsNoCache, |
0, |
'pnot', |
128, |
'STR ', |
133, |
'STR ', |
233, |
0, |
0 |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (133) { |
"Preview PICS" |
}; |
resource 'STR ' (233) { |
"Preview PICS files" |
}; |
resource 'DITL' (7000, "Pict Channel Panel") { |
{ /* array DITLarray: 1 elements */ |
/* [1] */ |
{4, 6, 90, 143}, |
UserItem { |
disabled |
} |
} |
}; |
resource 'DITL' (7001, "Pict Panel") { |
{ /* array DITLarray: 1 elements */ |
/* [1] */ |
{11, 15, 31, 132}, |
CheckBox { |
enabled, |
"Capture Ticks" |
} |
} |
}; |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14