Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
© Copyright 1991 Ricardo Batista, All Rights Reserved. |
Prototypes for the Color Sprite Manager |
04/20/91 |
HISTORY: (Most Recent first) |
04/23/91 rb Finished first functional spec and prototypes. |
04/20/91 rb New today |
*/ |
// #include <Types.h> |
// #include <QuickDraw.h> |
// #include <QDOffscreen.h> |
typedef struct { |
QElemPtr qLink; |
short qType; |
ProcPtr vblAddr; |
short vblCount; |
short vblPhase; |
short inVBL; |
} taskRecord; |
#define kMaxUR 20 |
typedef struct { |
Ptr nextSprite; // pointer to next SpriteInfoRec |
short id; // sprite unique id |
short drawOrder; // drawing order, 1 being first |
short copyMode; // usually transparent, srcCopy or blend |
short pictID; // the PICT id where this sprite was copied from |
short currentFace; // current face we are displaying 1 based |
short faces; // total number of faces for this sprite |
Rect animationRect; // location of sprite in animation screen or 0's |
Rect collisionRect; // animation origin collison rectangle |
Rect spriteRect; // rectangle wich encloses the sprite (local coord) |
Rect oldAnimationRect; // area that needs to be updated in animation |
GWorldPtr spriteWorld; // graphics world which contains sprite and faces |
unsigned long tickWait; // tick count before calling tickProc or changing face |
unsigned long lastTick; // last time we tickled this sprite |
ProcPtr tickProc; // proc to call on ticks or nil for auto face change |
ProcPtr collisionProc; // proc to call on collisions or nil |
Boolean sharedWorld; // true if this gworld is actually shared with others |
Boolean changed; // true if the face of the sprite has changed, needs update |
Boolean canCollide; // used to enable/disable collisions |
Boolean hidden; // used to show/hide the sprite |
Ptr userPtr; // for app owned extra information |
Ptr reserved; // who knows what the future might bring |
} SpriteInfoRec, *SpriteInfoRecPtr; |
typedef struct { |
Ptr nextScenery; // pointer to next SceneryInfoRec |
short id; // unique id number of this scenery |
short pictID; // PICT resource where scenery was copied from |
short drawOrder; // order in which sceneries are drawn 1 = first |
short copyMode; // srcCopy for 1'st back, transparent for most |
GWorldPtr sceneryWorld; // graphics world which contains scenery |
Rect animationRect; // rect in animation world occupied by this scenery |
Rect sceneryRect; // gworld based rectangle ready for copybits |
Point scrollOffset; // offset used for scrolling scenery |
Point autoScrollAmount; // for the autoscrolling |
long scrollTicks; // tick count for automatic scrolling if not zero |
long nextTickCount; // when this tick arrives is time to autoscroll |
Boolean hidden; // so we can "hide" backgrounds |
Boolean changed; // marks that needs to be updated in animation |
Boolean shared; // are we sharing gWorlds ? |
} SceneryInfoRec, *SceneryInfoRecPtr; |
typedef struct { |
SpriteInfoRecPtr backSprites; // linked list of background sprites |
SpriteInfoRecPtr normSprites; // linked list of sprites |
SpriteInfoRecPtr foreSprites; // linked list of foreground sprites |
SceneryInfoRecPtr backgrounds; // linked list of backgrounds; |
SceneryInfoRecPtr foregrounds; // linked list of foregrounds; |
CWindowPtr animationWindow; // our window, where animation goes |
GWorldPtr animationGWorld; // graphics world for end animation |
Rect animationRect; // rectangle of animation window which belongs to us |
CTabHandle originalCTable; // the original color table, must be restored later |
CTabHandle currCTable; // the current color table |
short originalDepth; // original pixel depth of device, to be restored |
taskRecord task; // vbl task for smooth animation |
GDHandle deviceUsed; // the graphics device of preference |
Boolean active; // is our animation active ? |
Boolean redoCheck; // redo update check if nessesary |
Boolean changed; // true if animation has changed |
Rect changedRect[kMaxUR]; // update rectangles (for speed) |
short updateRects; // how many are in use ? |
} SpriteMgrRec, *SpriteMgrRecPtr; |
short InitSpriteMgr(CTabHandle cTable); |
void CloseSpriteMgr(void); |
short NewBackground(short pictID, short drawOrder, short copyMode, Rect *animationRect, |
short id); |
short NewForeground(short pictID, short drawOrder, short copyMode, Rect *animationRect, |
short id); |
void ScrollBackground(short id, short vOffset, short hOffset); |
void ScrollForeground(short id, short vOffset, short hOffset); |
void AutoScrollBackground(short id, short vOffset, short hOffset, long scrollTicks); |
void AutoScrollForeground(short id, short vOffset, short hOffset, long scrollTicks); |
void KillBackground(short id); |
void KillForeground(short id); |
short NewBackgroundSprite(short pictID, short totalPicts, short copyMode, |
ProcPtr spriteProc, long ProcTicks, short drawOrder, |
ProcPtr collisionProc, Boolean canColide, short id); |
short NewSprite(short pictID, short totalPicts, short copyMode, |
ProcPtr spriteProc, long ProcTicks, short drawOrder, |
ProcPtr collisionProc, Boolean canColide, short id); |
short NewForegroundSprite(short pictID, short totalPicts, short copyMode, |
ProcPtr spriteProc, long ProcTicks, short drawOrder, |
ProcPtr collisionProc, Boolean canColide, short id); |
CWindowPtr NewAnimation(Rect *animationRect, short windowH, short windowV, Str255 wTitle); |
void SetCurrentSpriteIndex(short id, short index); |
void PutSprite(short id, short top, short left); |
void RemoveSprite(short id); |
void MoveSprite(short id, short h, short v, short newIndex); |
void MoveSpriteTo(short id, short h, short v, short newIndex); |
void ShowSprite(short id, Boolean show); |
void GetSpriteLocation(short id, Rect *location); |
void EnableSpriteCollisions(short id, Boolean enable); |
void ValidateOldSpriteLocation(short id); |
void SetSpriteCollisionRect(short id, Rect *colRect); |
SpriteInfoRecPtr GetSpriteInfo(short id); |
void KillSprite(short id); |
void ActivateAnimation(void); |
void DeactivateAnimation(void); |
void DoAnimation(Boolean update); |
void SetNewAnimationPallete(CTabHandle cTable); |
/******************************************************************************************* |
P R I V A T E R O U T I N E S |
*******************************************************************************************/ |
extern void VTASK(void); |
short NewScenery(short pictID, short drawOrder, short copyMode, Rect *animationRect, |
short id, Boolean back); |
short SMgrNewSprite(short pictID, short totalPicts, short copyMode, |
ProcPtr spriteProc, long ProcTicks, short drawOrder, |
ProcPtr collisionProc, Boolean canCollide, short id, short sType); |
SpriteInfoRecPtr FindSprite(short id); |
SpriteInfoRecPtr FindTwinSprite(short pictID); |
SceneryInfoRecPtr FindTwinScenery(short pictID); |
void CheckChangedScenery(SceneryInfoRecPtr scenery); |
void CheckChangedSprite(SpriteInfoRecPtr sprite); |
void UpdateScenery(SceneryInfoRecPtr scenery); |
void UpdateSprite(SpriteInfoRecPtr sprite); |
void MarkSceneryInRect(Rect *box, SceneryInfoRecPtr scenery); |
void MarkSpriteInRect(Rect *box, SpriteInfoRecPtr sprite); |
void CopyGToScreen(void); |
Boolean SMgrPtInRect(Point pixel, Rect *box); |
Boolean RectIntersect(Rect *r, Rect *box); |
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