
 Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
  The application' delegate.  Handles loading and registering the default values
  for each setting from the Settings bundle.
#import "AppPrefsAppDelegate.h"
@implementation AppPrefsAppDelegate
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // The registration domain is volatile.  It does not persist across launches.
    // You must register your defaults at each launch; otherwise you will get
    // (system) default values when accessing the values of preferences the
    // user (via the Settings app) or your app (via set*:forKey:) has not
    // modified.  Registering a set of default values ensures that your app
    // always has a known good set of values to operate on.
    [self populateRegistrationDomain];
    return YES;
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Locates the file representing the root page of the settings for this app,
//! invokes loadDefaults:fromSettingsPage:inSettingsBundleAtURL: on it,
//! and registers the loaded values as the app's defaults.
- (void)populateRegistrationDomain
    NSURL *settingsBundleURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Settings" withExtension:@"bundle"];
    // Invoke loadDefaultsFromSettingsPage:inSettingsBundleAtURL: on the property
    // list file for the root settings page (always named Root.plist).
    NSDictionary *appDefaults = [self loadDefaultsFromSettingsPage:@"Root.plist" inSettingsBundleAtURL:settingsBundleURL];
    // appDefaults is now populated with the preferences and their default values.
    // Add these to the registration domain.
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:appDefaults];
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Helper function that parses a Settings page file, extracts each preference
//! defined within along with its default value.  If the page contains a
//! 'Child Pane Element', this method will recurs on the referenced page file.
- (NSDictionary*)loadDefaultsFromSettingsPage:(NSString*)plistName inSettingsBundleAtURL:(NSURL*)settingsBundleURL
    // Each page of settings is represented by a property-list file that follows
    // the Settings Application Schema:
    // <>.
    // Create an NSDictionary from the plist file.
    NSDictionary *settingsDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:[settingsBundleURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:plistName]];
    // The elements defined in a settings page are contained within an array
    // that is associated with the root-level PreferenceSpecifiers key.
    NSArray *prefSpecifierArray = settingsDict[@"PreferenceSpecifiers"];
    // If prefSpecifierArray is nil, something wen't wrong.  Either the
    // specified plist does ot exist or is malformed.
    if (prefSpecifierArray == nil)
        return nil;
    // Create a dictionary to hold the parsed results.
    NSMutableDictionary *keyValuePairs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    for (NSDictionary *prefItem in prefSpecifierArray)
    // Each element is itself a dictionary.
        // What kind of control is used to represent the preference element in the
        // Settings app.
        NSString *prefItemType = prefItem[@"Type"];
        // How this preference element maps to the defaults database for the app.
        NSString *prefItemKey = prefItem[@"Key"];
        // The default value for the preference key.
        NSString *prefItemDefaultValue = prefItem[@"DefaultValue"];
        if ([prefItemType isEqualToString:@"PSChildPaneSpecifier"])
        // If this is a 'Child Pane Element'.  That is, a reference to another
        // page.
            // There must be a value associated with the 'File' key in this preference
            // element's dictionary.  Its value is the name of the plist file in the
            // Settings bundle for the referenced page.
            NSString *prefItemFile = prefItem[@"File"];
            // Recurs on the referenced page.
            NSDictionary *childPageKeyValuePairs = [self loadDefaultsFromSettingsPage:prefItemFile inSettingsBundleAtURL:settingsBundleURL];
            // Add the results to our dictionary
            [keyValuePairs addEntriesFromDictionary:childPageKeyValuePairs];
        else if (prefItemKey != nil && prefItemDefaultValue != nil)
        // Some elements, such as 'Group' or 'Text Field' elements do not contain
        // a key and default value.  Skip those.
            keyValuePairs[prefItemKey] = prefItemDefaultValue;
    return keyValuePairs;