#   AFP.c : this module contains the functions used to  :
#       - log on an AppleShare server (username/password or guest)
#       - get the number of volumes and their list
#       - get the list of directories with their access rights.
#       - get the server time
#   Once you have logged on, a session is open, it's up to you to logout.
#   Once you have open a volume, you have to close it.
#   Versions:   1.0                 10/91
#   Built with MPW 3.2
#   C.Buttin - Apple Computer Europe            
#include <Limits.h>
#include <Types.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <stdIO.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Strings.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <errors.h>
#include <AppleTalk.h>
/* defined used for AppleTalk */
#define sync        false           /* synchronous operation */
#define quantumSize 578             /* ATP packet size */
#define countOffset 4   
/* structures used by GetDirectories */
typedef struct OffSpringParam {
    Byte    length;
    Byte    flags;
    short   offsetName;
    long    dirID;
    Byte    UAM[4];
typedef OffSpringParam *OffSpringPtr;
typedef struct InfoDir {
    short   UAM;                /* access right for this directory */
    long    dirID;              
    Str32   dirName;
typedef InfoDir *InfoDirPtr;
/* C routines declaration. */
/*  InitXPP : Open the ATP and XPP drivers
    Output : noErr or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal OSErr InitXPP(void);
/* AFP Calls */
/* GetServerInfo :  Get in the reply buffer, information about the server :
            - name
            - machine type
            - UAMs
    lnput : AppleTalk server address
            Pointer on a reply buffer
            length of this buffer
    Output : noErr or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal OSErr GetServerInfo(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr replyBuffer,short buffLength);
/* LogOnwithName :
    lnput : AppleTalk address of the server
            Pointer on a SCCBlock, must be of size scbMemSize, must remain valid
            and locked during the whole session (i.e. till LogOut)
    Output : session number or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal short LogOnwithName(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr theName,Ptr thePassword,Ptr SCBBlock);
/* LogOnAsGuest :
    lnput : AppleTalk address of the server
            Pointer on a SCCBlock, must be of size scbMemSize, must remain valid
            and locked during the whole session (i.e. till LogOut)
    Output : session number or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal short LogOnAsGuest(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr SCBBlock);
/* GetServerParams :    Get in the reply buffer,the number of volumes 
                        and the volume list
    lnput : Session Reference Number
            Pointer on a reply buffer
            length of this buffer
    Output : noErr or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal OSErr GetServerParams(short sessNum,Ptr replyBuffer,short buffLength);
/* OpenVolume : Open an AppleShare volume
    lnput : Session Reference Number
            volume name
    Output : volume number
             error number if an error occurred */
pascal short OpenVolume(short sessNum,Ptr volumeName,short* volID);
/* GetVolumePrivileges :    Returns the privileges of the volume.
    lnput : Session Reference Number
            volume ID
    Output : volume privileges or error number if an error occurred */
pascal short GetVolumePrivileges(short sessionNum,short volumeID);
/* GetDirectories : Returns in a buffer the list of directories :
                    name    (pascal string)
                    access mode
    lnput : Session Reference Number
            volume ID
            directory to be listed
            buffer to receive the data
            length of this buffer
            max number of dirs to be got
    Output : error number if an error occurred */
pascal OSErr GetDirectories(short sessNum,short volID,long dirID,
                            Ptr buffer,short buffLength,short reqCount);
/* CloseVolume :    Close an AppleShare volume
    lnput : Volume Reference Number */
pascal void CloseVolume(short sessNum,short volumeID);
/* LogOut : stop the session
    lnput : Session Reference Number
            Pointer SCBBlock
    Output : noErr or the error number if an error occurred */
pascal OSErr LogOut(short sessNum,Ptr SCBBlock);
/* Server utilities */
/* CheckUAM : verify if a User Access Method is available 
    Input : string containing the method name
            reply buffer got from GetServerInfo
    Output : Boolean, true is the method is available */
pascal Boolean CheckUAM(const Str32 theMethod,Ptr replyBuffer);
/* GetServerTime : extract the server time from the reply 
                   got from GetServerParams
    Input : reply buffer
    Output : server time (in seconds, on Macintosh Unit (since Januray 1904) */
pascal unsigned long GetServerTime(Ptr replyBuffer);
/* Volumes utilities */
/* GetNumberVolumes : extract the number of volumes of the server
                      from the reply got from GetServerParams
    Input : reply buffer
    Output : number of volumes */
pascal short GetNumberVolumes(Ptr replyBuffer);
/* ExtractVolumeName : extract the nth volume from the reply buffer
                      got from GetServerParams
    Input : reply buffer
            empty string to receive the volume name (as a Pascal string)
    Output : Boolean, false if volume number is too big */
pascal Boolean ExtractVolumeName(Ptr replyBuffer,short volumeNumber,Str255 theVol);
/* Directories utilities */
/* GetNumberDirs : extract the number of directories from the reply got 
                   from GetDirectories
    Input : reply buffer
    Output : number of Dirs */
pascal short GetNumberDirs(Ptr replyBuffer);
/* ExtractDirInfo : extract the info regarding the nth dir from the reply buffer
                      got from GetDirectories
    Input : reply buffer
            Pointer on a dirInfo structure
    Output : Boolean, false if dirNumber is too big */
pascal Boolean ExtractDirInfo(Ptr replyBuffer,short dirNumber,InfoDirPtr theDir);
                            /**** CODE  ****/
pascal OSErr InitXPP(void)
    short   drivernum;
    OSErr   error;
    /* open .ATP driver and .XPP driver */
    if ((error = ATPLoad()) != noErr)
        return error;
    /* open .XPP driver */
    return OpenXPP(&drivernum);
} /* InitXPP */
                        /* AFP functions */
pascal OSErr GetServerInfo(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr replyBuffer,short buffLength)
    XPPParamBlock *XPPBlock;                /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    OSErr       error;
    if ((error = InitXPP()) != noErr)
        return error;
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPParamBlock *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPParamBlock))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->XPP.ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information : 
        no input provided except command - see IA 13-95.
        In the Mac inplementation you must use ASPGetStatus (see IM vol.V-541) */
    XPPBlock->OPEN.serverAddr = *serverAddress;   /* AppleTalk address of the server */
    XPPBlock->XPP.aspTimeout = 2;                   /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->XPP.aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->XPP.rbPtr = replyBuffer;              /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->XPP.rbSize = buffLength;
    error = ASPGetStatus((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync);
    return error;
} /* GetServerInfo */
/* Log on server */
pascal short LogOnwithName(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr theName,Ptr thePassword,Ptr SCBBlock)
    AFPLoginPrm *XPPBlock;                          /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    short       i,lgInfo,cbsize;
    char        XPPReply[quantumSize*8];            /* used to get AFP replies (max. size 8 ATP packet) */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];                /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    short       result;
    char        userAuthInfo[50];
    /* information used by Login function */
    char        AFPVersion[30];
    char        AuthentMethod[30];
    strcpy(AFPVersion, "\pAFPVersion 2.0");
    strcpy(AuthentMethod, "\pCleartxt passwrd");
    /* prepare user info */
    lgInfo = (short)theName[0]+1;
    if (lgInfo % 2 == 0)    {
        /* pad with a null byte to have password on even boundary */
        userAuthInfo[lgInfo] = '\0';
    for (i = 1; i <= thePassword[0]; i++,lgInfo++) 
            userAuthInfo[lgInfo] = thePassword[i];
    for (; i <= 8; i++,lgInfo++)                /* pad with null bytes if necessary */
            userAuthInfo[lgInfo] = '\0';
    if (!(XPPBlock = (AFPLoginPrm *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(AFPLoginPrm))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;
    XPPBlock->ioCompletion = nil;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 1;                   /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2;                     /* Retry count for ATP */
    XPPBlock->afpAddrBlock = *serverAddress;    /* AppleTalk address of the server */
    XPPBlock->afpAttnRoutine = nil ;            
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = (Ptr)XPPReply;            /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = quantumSize;             /* Reply buffer size */
    /* prepare command information :
       1st byte : command (login)
       2nd Pascal string : AFP version
       3rd Pascal string : Authentication Method - see Inside AppleTalk 13-105
       4th user information : username - password */
    XPPCmd[0] = afpLogin;
    cbsize = 1;
    cbsize += AFPVersion[0]+1;
    cbsize += AuthentMethod[0]+1;
    /* add user info */
    cbsize += lgInfo;
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;              /* Command block pointer */
    XPPBlock->cbSize = cbsize;
    XPPBlock->afpSCBPtr = (Ptr) SCBBlock;       /* SCB pointer in AFP login */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) != noErr)
        result = error;
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
           result =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
        else result =  XPPBlock->sessRefnum;            /* return session number */
    return result;
} /* LogOnwithName */
pascal short LogOnAsGuest(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr SCBBlock)
    AFPLoginPrm *XPPBlock;                          /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    short       cbsize;
    char        XPPReply[quantumSize*8];            /* used to get AFP replies (max. size 8 ATP packet) */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];                /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    short       result;
    /* information used by Login function */
    char        AFPVersion[30];
    char        AuthentMethod[30];
    strcpy(AFPVersion, "AFPVersion 2.0");
    strcpy(AuthentMethod, "No User Authent");
    if (!(XPPBlock = (AFPLoginPrm *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(AFPLoginPrm))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;
    XPPBlock->ioCompletion = nil;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 1;                   /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2;                     /* Retry count for ATP */
    XPPBlock->afpAddrBlock = *serverAddress;    /* AppleTalk address of the server */
    XPPBlock->afpAttnRoutine = nil ;            
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = (Ptr)XPPReply;            /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = quantumSize;             /* Reply buffer size */
    /* prepare command information :
       1st byte : command (login)
       2nd Pascal string : AFP version
       3rd Pascal string : Authentication Method - see Inside AppleTalk 13-104 */
    XPPCmd[0] = afpLogin;
    XPPCmd[1] = strlen(AFPVersion);
    cbsize = strlen(XPPCmd);
    XPPCmd[cbsize] = strlen(AuthentMethod);
    cbsize = strlen(XPPCmd);
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;              /* Command block pointer */
    XPPBlock->cbSize = cbsize;
    XPPBlock->afpSCBPtr = (Ptr) SCBBlock;       /* SCB pointer in AFP login */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) != noErr)
        result = error;
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
           result =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
        else result =  XPPBlock->sessRefnum;            /* return session number */
    return result;
}   /* LogOnAsGuest */
/* get the server parameters (AFP call : GetSrvParms) */
pascal OSErr GetServerParams(short sessNum,Ptr replyBuffer,short buffLength)
    XPPPrmBlk   *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information : 
        no input provided except command - see IA 13-98 */
    XPPCmd[0]  = afpGetSParms;
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;            /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = 1;               /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = replyBuffer;      /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = buffLength;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;               /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;              /* Write Data pointer */
    error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync);
    return error;
/* Open an AppleShare volume */
pascal OSErr OpenVolume(short sessNum,Ptr volumeName,short* volID)
    XPPPrmBlk   *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    char        replyBuffer[100];
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        volume name as a pascal string - see IA 13-121 */
    XPPCmd[0]  = afpOpenVol;
    XPPCmd[1]  = 0;
    XPPCmd[2] = 0;
    XPPCmd[3] = 0x20;   /* we just want the volume ID (bit 5 in bitmap) */
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;               /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = volumeName[0]+5;     /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = replyBuffer;          /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = 100;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;                   /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;                  /* Write Data pointer */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) == noErr)
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
            error =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
        else {
        /* volume parameters are contained within the reply buffer
           the volume ID is at byte 2 and it's two bytes long 
           (see Inside AppleTalk pp 13-102 && 13-121 */
            BlockMove(replyBuffer+ 2,volID,2);  /* return volume number */
    if (error)
        *volID = -1;
    return error;
 }  /* OpenVolume */
/* getting the volume privileges is the same as getting the root privileges */
pascal short GetVolumePrivileges(short sessionNum,short volumeID)
    XPPPrmBlk       *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char            XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr           error;
    short           lg;
    Byte            buffer[100];
    long            dirID = 2;              /* the root has the dirID 2 */
    Byte            UAM[4];
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        command : FPGetFileDirParms         see IA - 13-83 
        DirectoryID         of the directory we are looking for
        File BitMap         not used
        Directory BitMap
        PathName            not used (must be set to empty string)  */
    lg = 0;
    XPPCmd[lg++]  = afpGetFlDrParms;
    XPPCmd[lg++]  = 0;
    BlockMove(&volumeID,XPPCmd+lg,2);       /* volumeID */
    lg += 2;
    BlockMove(&dirID,XPPCmd+lg,4);          /* dirID */
    lg += 4;
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0;                       /* File BitMap */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0;                       /* File BitMap */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0x10;                    /* Directory BitMap : Access Rights */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0;                       /* Directory BitMap */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 2;                       /* pathname is long name */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = '\0';                    /* pathname is empty */ 
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessionNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;               /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = lg;                  /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = buffer;               /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = 100;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;                   /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;                  /* Write Data pointer */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) == noErr)
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
            error =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
    /* the access rights are set up after the file and dir bitmaps
        + 2 bytes of flags */
    BlockMove(buffer + 6,UAM,4);
    /* return the first octet as a short */
    lg = (short)UAM[0];
    return ((error == noErr) ? lg : error);
} /* GetVolumePrivileges */
/* Get the list of subdirectories of a directory with their name, 
   dirID and  privileges */
pascal OSErr GetDirectories(short sessNum,short volID,long dirID,
                            Ptr buffer,short buffLength,short reqCount)
    XPPPrmBlk       *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char            XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr           error;
    short           temp,lg;
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    /* we expect to receive as reply, for each dir in the directory :
        - the offset to dirname (short)
        - the dirID (long)
        - the Access rights of the dir (long)
        - the name of the dir (Str32) */
    if ((reqCount * 50) > buffLength)
        return afpParmErr;                  /* buffer too small */  
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        command : FPEnumerate           see  IA 13-73
        DirectoryID             to be browsed
        File BitMap             not used
        Directory BitMap        dirName + dirID + access rights
        PathName                not used (must be set to empty string) */
    lg = 0;
    XPPCmd[lg++]  = afpEnumerate;
    XPPCmd[lg++]  = 0;
    BlockMove(&volID,XPPCmd+lg,2);          /* volumeID */
    lg += 2;
    BlockMove(&dirID,XPPCmd+lg,4);          /* parID */
    lg += 4;
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0;                       /* File BitMap */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0;                       /* File BitMap */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0x11;                    /* Directory BitMap : Access Rights + dirID */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 0x40;                    /* Directory BitMap : names */
    BlockMove(&reqCount,XPPCmd+lg,2);       /* requested count */
    lg += 2;
    temp = 1;                               /* start index */
    lg += 2;
    temp = reqCount * 50;                   /* maximum size of reply block */
    lg += 2;
    XPPCmd[lg++] = 2;                       /* pathname is long name */
    XPPCmd[lg++] = '\0';                    /* pathname is empty */ 
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;               /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = lg;                  /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = buffer;               /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = buffLength;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;                   /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;                  /* Write Data pointer */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) == noErr)
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
            error =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
    return error;
}   /* GetDirectories */
/* close an AppleShare volume */
pascal void CloseVolume(short sessNum,short volumeID)
    XPPPrmBlk   *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return ;
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        command  1 byte
        0        1 byte
        volumeID 2 bytes        see IA 13-63 */
    XPPCmd[0]  = afpVolClose;
    XPPCmd[1] = 0;
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;               /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = 4;                   /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = nil;                  /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = 0;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;                   /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;                  /* Write Data pointer */
    error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync);
 /* CloseVolume */
/* Close the session */
pascal OSErr LogOut(short sessNum,Ptr SCBBlock)
#pragma unused (SCBBlock)
    XPPPrmBlk   *XPPBlock;              /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];    /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;     /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        just the command    see IA 13-108 */
    XPPCmd[0]  = afpLogout;
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;          /*Command block pointer */
    XPPBlock->cbSize = 1;
    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2;            /*Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2; 
    error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync);
    return error;
}   /* LogOut */
                    /***        UTILITIES           ***/
/* Check if a UAM is available */
pascal Boolean CheckUAM(const Str32 theMethod,Ptr replyBuffer)
    short   offset,i,j,numUAMs,length;
    Ptr     p;
    BlockMove(replyBuffer+4, &offset,2);    /* to get the offset of UAMs in the buffer */
    numUAMs = (short)(*(replyBuffer + offset));
    /* UAMs are packed as Pascal string. By comparing the strings,
           we can see if find the right UAM */
    p = replyBuffer + offset + 1;
    for (i = 1, length = (short)*p; i <= numUAMs ;i++)  {
        for (j = 1; j <= length;j++)
            if (theMethod[j] != p[j])
        if (j > length)                 /* we found it */
            return true;
            if (i < numUAMs)    {
                p += length+1;
                length = (short)*p;
    return false;
}   /* CheckUAM */
/* calculate the server time in seconds in Macintosh units */                   
pascal unsigned long GetServerTime(Ptr replyBuffer)
    long        theTime,theLocalTime;
    DateTimeRec theDate;
    /* the Volumes buffer contains :        see IA p 13-99
            - server time (long) : this value is the number of seconds
              measured from  12:00 am on Januray 1,2000 */
    /* calculate the number of seconds till Januray 1, 2000 */ = 1;
    theDate.month = 1;
    theDate.year = 2000;
    theDate.hour = 0;
    theDate.minute = 0;
    theDate.second = 0;
    Date2Secs(&theDate,(unsigned long* )&theLocalTime);
    /* add the two values to get the right time */
    theTime += theLocalTime;
    return theTime;
} /* GetServerTime */
/* Get the number of volumes of an AppleShare server */
pascal short GetNumberVolumes(Ptr replyBuffer)
    short numVol;
    /* the Volumes buffer contains :        see IA p 13-99
            - server time   (long)
            - num of vols.  (short) */
    numVol = (short)*(replyBuffer+4);
    return numVol;
} /* GetNumberVolumes */
/* extract from the AFP reply buffer a volume name as a pascal string */
pascal Boolean ExtractVolumeName(Ptr replyBuffer,short volumeNumber,char *theVol)
    /* the structure of the buffer is defined as follow (see Inside AppleTalk
       p 13-98) :
        1 byte for flags (volume has password )
        Volume name as a Pascal string. Volume names are delimited by a null char
        if even number of chars.*/
    short i,j,length;
    if (volumeNumber > GetNumberVolumes(replyBuffer))
        return false;
    replyBuffer = replyBuffer+5;                    /* position at 1st volume name */
    for (i = 1; i <= volumeNumber;i++) {
        length = (short)(*(++replyBuffer));         /* skeep flag byte */
        for (j = 0; j <= length;j++,replyBuffer++)  /* volume Name */
            if (i == volumeNumber)
                theVol[j] = *replyBuffer;
    return true;
} /* ExtractVolumeName */
/* Directories utilities */
/* Get the number of subdirectories of a directory */
pascal short GetNumberDirs(Ptr replyBuffer)
    short count;
    /* the GetDirectories buffer contains :     see IA p 13-76
            - file BitMap   (short)
            - dirBitMap     (short)
            - count         (short) */
    return count;               
} /* GetNumberDirs */
/* Get the name, dirID and access rights of a directory */
pascal Boolean ExtractDirInfo(Ptr p,short dirNumber,InfoDirPtr theDir)
    short   i,length;
    /* verify if dirNumber is OK */
    if (dirNumber > GetNumberDirs(p))
        return false;
    /* skip countInfo in the buffer */ 
    p += 6;
    for (i = 1; i < dirNumber;i++)      /* skip first dirs */ 
        p = p+((OffSpringPtr)p)->length;    
    /* we expect to receive in reply, for each directory :
        - the offset to dirname
        - the dirID (long)
        - the Access rights of the dir (long)
        - the name of the dir (Str32)       see IA 13-74 */
    theDir->UAM = (short)(((OffSpringPtr)p)->UAM[0]);
    theDir->dirID = ((OffSpringPtr)p)->dirID;
    /* skip first bytes (lenght,flags) */
    length = ((OffSpringPtr)p)->offsetName + 2; 
    p += length;
    return true;
} /* ExtractDirInfo */