
 * QuickTime for Java SDK Sample Code
 * Usage subject to restrictions in SDK License Agreement
 * Copyright: © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.
import quicktime.streaming.*;
import quicktime.*;
/* The Broadcaster class can create and prepare a presentation from a QTFile representation of an SDP file
   Additionally, this class also creates a task thread that is responsible for taking care of idling tasks for
   the presentation object */
public class Broadcaster extends Tasking {
    private static TaskThread idleTasker = new TaskThread ("Broadcaster Idle Tasker", 20);
    public static final int kDefaultPresTimeScale = 600; // default time scale of the presenter
//_________________________ CLASS METHODS
    public Broadcaster( QTFile file ) throws QTException {
        try {
            MediaParams medParams = new MediaParams();
            PresParams presParams = new PresParams( kDefaultPresTimeScale, QTSConstants.kQTSSendMediaFlag | 
                    QTSConstants.kQTSAutoModeFlag | QTSConstants.kQTSDontShowStatusFlag, medParams );
            pres = Presentation.fromFile( file, presParams );
        } catch ( QTException e ) {
        setDefaultTasker (idleTasker);
//_________________________ INSTANCE VARIABLES
    private Presentation pres;
//_________________________ INSTANCE METHODS
    /** This returns the PresentationDrawer's Presentation that is displayed by this drawable.
     * @return an Presentation
    public Presentation getPresentation () { return pres; }
     * This method is called by the specified object when the instance of 
     * the class that implements this interface is added to the object
     * that is the source of the interest.
     * @param interest the object that is to be the source of interest for the
     * the object that implements this interface.
    public void addedTo (Object interest) {}
     * This method is called by the specified object when the instance of 
     * the class that implements this interface is removed from the object
     * that is the source of the interest.
     * @param interest the object that was the source of interest for the
     * the object that implements this interface.
    public void removedFrom (Object interest) {}
     *  Displays a settings dialog and prerolls the broadcast
    public void prepareBroadcast( ) {
        try {
            SettingsDialog dialog = new SettingsDialog(pres);
        } catch (QTException e) {
     * This method starts the broadcast
    public void startBroadcast( ) { 
        try {
        } catch (QTException e) {
     * This method stops the broadcast
    public void stopBroadcast() {
        try {
        } catch (QTException e) {
     * This method performs idle processing for the Presentation and will be automatically
     * called if this object is added to the TaskThread object.
     * @see quicktime.util.TaskThread
    public synchronized final void task() throws QTException {
    /** Returns a String representation of this object */
    public String toString () {
        return getClass().getName() + "[" + pres + "]";