Audio in ARKit/Utilities.swift

 Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Utility functions and type extensions used throughout the projects.
import Foundation
import ARKit
// MARK: - Collection extensions
extension Array where Iterator.Element == float3 {
    var average: float3? {
        guard !self.isEmpty else {
            return nil
        let sum = self.reduce(float3(0)) { current, next in
            return current + next
        return sum / Float(self.count)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
    mutating func keepLast(_ elementsToKeep: Int) {
        if count > elementsToKeep {
            self.removeFirst(count - elementsToKeep)
// MARK: - float4x4 extensions
extension float4x4 {
    /// Treats matrix as a (right-hand column-major convention) transform matrix
    /// and factors out the translation component of the transform.
    var translation: float3 {
        let translation = self.columns.3
        return float3(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z)
// MARK: - Math
func rayIntersectionWithHorizontalPlane(rayOrigin: float3, direction: float3, planeY: Float) -> float3? {
    let direction = simd_normalize(direction)
    // Special case handling: Check if the ray is horizontal as well.
    if direction.y == 0 {
        if rayOrigin.y == planeY {
            // The ray is horizontal and on the plane, thus all points on the ray intersect with the plane.
            // Therefore we simply return the ray origin.
            return rayOrigin
        } else {
            // The ray is parallel to the plane and never intersects.
            return nil
    // The distance from the ray's origin to the intersection point on the plane is:
    //   (pointOnPlane - rayOrigin) dot planeNormal
    //  --------------------------------------------
    //          direction dot planeNormal
    // Since we know that horizontal planes have normal (0, 1, 0), we can simplify this to:
    let dist = (planeY - rayOrigin.y) / direction.y
    // Do not return intersections behind the ray's origin.
    if dist < 0 {
        return nil
    // Return the intersection point.
    return rayOrigin + (direction * dist)
func worldPositionFromScreenPosition(_ position: CGPoint,
                                     in sceneView: ARSCNView,
                                     objectPos: float3?,
                                     infinitePlane: Bool = false) -> (position: float3?, planeAnchor: ARPlaneAnchor?, hitAPlane: Bool) {
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 1. Always do a hit test against exisiting plane anchors first.
    //    (If any such anchors exist & only within their extents.)
    let planeHitTestResults = sceneView.hitTest(position, types: .existingPlaneUsingExtent)
    if let result = planeHitTestResults.first {
        let planeHitTestPosition = result.worldTransform.translation
        let planeAnchor = result.anchor
        // Return immediately - this is the best possible outcome.
        return (planeHitTestPosition, planeAnchor as? ARPlaneAnchor, true)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 2. Collect more information about the environment by hit testing against
    //    the feature point cloud, but do not return the result yet.
    var featureHitTestPosition: float3?
    var highQualityFeatureHitTestResult = false
    let highQualityfeatureHitTestResults = sceneView.hitTestWithFeatures(position, coneOpeningAngleInDegrees: 18, minDistance: 0.2, maxDistance: 2.0)
    if !highQualityfeatureHitTestResults.isEmpty {
        let result = highQualityfeatureHitTestResults[0]
        featureHitTestPosition = result.position
        highQualityFeatureHitTestResult = true
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 3. If desired or necessary (no good feature hit test result): Hit test
    //    against an infinite, horizontal plane (ignoring the real world).
    if infinitePlane || !highQualityFeatureHitTestResult {
        if let pointOnPlane = objectPos {
            let pointOnInfinitePlane = sceneView.hitTestWithInfiniteHorizontalPlane(position, pointOnPlane)
            if pointOnInfinitePlane != nil {
                return (pointOnInfinitePlane, nil, true)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 4. If available, return the result of the hit test against high quality
    //    features if the hit tests against infinite planes were skipped or no
    //    infinite plane was hit.
    if highQualityFeatureHitTestResult {
        return (featureHitTestPosition, nil, false)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 5. As a last resort, perform a second, unfiltered hit test against features.
    //    If there are no features in the scene, the result returned here will be nil.
    let unfilteredFeatureHitTestResults = sceneView.hitTestWithFeatures(position)
    if !unfilteredFeatureHitTestResults.isEmpty {
        let result = unfilteredFeatureHitTestResults[0]
        return (result.position, nil, false)
    return (nil, nil, false)
func setNewVirtualObjectPosition(_ object: SCNNode, to pos: float3, cameraTransform: matrix_float4x4) {
    let cameraWorldPos = cameraTransform.translation
    var cameraToPosition = pos - cameraWorldPos
    // Limit the distance of the object from the camera to a maximum of 10 meters.
    if simd_length(cameraToPosition) > 10 {
        cameraToPosition = simd_normalize(cameraToPosition)
        cameraToPosition *= 10
    object.simdPosition = cameraWorldPos + cameraToPosition