Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
// imWare |
// Wednesday, February 14, 1990 |
// James Beninghaus |
#ifndef __FILES__ |
#include <Files.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __DEVICES__ |
#include <Devices.h> |
#endif |
#define csDiscStatus 8 |
#define csWhoIsThere 97 |
#define csReadTOC 100 |
#define csReadQ 101 |
#define csATrkSearch 103 |
#define csAPlay 104 |
#define csAPause 105 |
#define csAStop 106 |
#define csAStatus 107 |
#define csAScan 108 |
#define BLOCKADDR 0 |
#define MSFADDR 1 |
#define TRACKADDR 2 |
#define TOCTRACKS 1 |
#define TOCENDOFDISK 2 |
#define TOCSTARTADDR 3 |
#define STEREO 9 |
#define MONO 15 |
#define START 0 |
#define STOP 1 |
#define PAUSE 1 |
#define CONTINUE 0 |
#define PLAYING 0 |
#define PAUSED 1 |
//typedef unsigned char Byte; |
typedef unsigned short Word; |
typedef unsigned long Long; |
typedef struct WhoIsThereRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Byte fill; |
Byte SCSIMask; |
} csParam; |
} WhoIsThereRec; |
typedef struct AStatusRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Byte audioStatus; |
Byte playMode; |
Byte cntlField; |
Byte minutes; |
Byte seconds; |
Byte frames; |
} csParam; |
} AStatusRec; |
typedef struct { |
Byte cntlField; |
Byte minutes; |
Byte seconds; |
Byte frames; |
} StartAddrRec; |
typedef struct ReadTOCRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
union { |
Word type; |
Byte addr[3]; |
struct { |
Word fill; |
Long data; |
Word length; |
Byte track; |
} buffer; |
} csParam; |
} ReadTOCRec; |
typedef struct APlayRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Word type; |
Byte addr[4]; |
Word startStop; |
Byte fill; |
Byte playMode; |
} csParam; |
} APlayRec; |
typedef struct ATrkSearchRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Word type; |
Byte addr[4]; |
Word playFlag; |
Byte fill; |
Byte playMode; |
} csParam; |
} ATrkSearchRec; |
typedef struct AStopRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Word type; |
Byte addr[4]; |
} csParam; |
} AStopRec; |
typedef struct APauseRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Long state; |
} csParam; |
} APauseRec; |
typedef struct DiscStatusRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Word track; |
Byte writeProtect; |
Byte discInPlace; |
Byte installed; |
Byte side; |
Long qLink; |
Word qType; |
Word dQDrive; |
Word dQRefNum; |
Word dQFSID; |
Byte twoSideFormat; |
Byte needsFlush; |
Byte diskErrs; |
} csParam; |
} DiscStatusRec; |
typedef struct ReadQRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Byte cntlField; |
Byte track; |
Byte index; |
Byte trackMinutes; |
Byte trackSeconds; |
Byte trackFrames; |
Byte discMinutes; |
Byte discSeconds; |
Byte discFrames; |
} csParam; |
} ReadQRec; |
typedef struct AScanRec { |
ParamBlockHeader |
short ioRefNum; |
short csCode; |
struct { |
Word type; |
Byte addr[4]; |
Word direction; |
} csParam; |
} AScanRec; |
void Usage (void); |
pascal Byte Decimal2BCD (Byte n); |
pascal Byte BCD2Decimal (Byte n); |
pascal OSErr EjectCD (short ioRefNum); |
pascal OSErr OpenCD (Byte CDDrive, short *ioRefNum); |
pascal OSErr APlay (short ioRefNum, Byte startTrack, Byte playMode); |
pascal OSErr AScan (short ioRefNum, Byte minutes, Byte seconds, Byte frames, Byte direction); |
pascal OSErr APause (short ioRefNum, Long state); |
pascal OSErr AStop (short ioRefNum, Byte stopTrack); |
pascal OSErr ATrkSearch (short ioRefNum, Byte track, Byte playFlag, Byte playMode); |
pascal OSErr AStatus (short ioRefNum, Byte *audioStatus, Byte *playMode, Byte *cntlField, Byte *minutes, Byte *seconds, Byte *frames); |
pascal OSErr TrackCount (short ioRefNum, Byte *lastTrack); |
pascal OSErr TrackInfo (short ioRefNum, Byte track, Byte *cntlField, Byte *minutes, Byte *seconds, Byte *frames); |
pascal OSErr DiscStatus (short ioRefNum, Boolean *discInPlace); |
pascal OSErr ReadQ (short ioRefNum, Byte *cntlField, Byte *track, Byte *index, Byte *trackMinutes, Byte *trackSeconds, Byte *trackFrames, Byte *discMinutes, Byte *discSeconds, Byte *discFrames); |
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