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<H1>Read Me About BSDLLCTest</H1>
<P>The BSDLLCTest sample demonstrates how to read and write Ethernet
Link Layer Control (LLC) packets directly to the Ethernet driver
using BSD Raw Mode (PF_NDRV) API's. This update of the sample
implements Quinn's MoreAuthSample v1.0b3 code so that the sample
demonstrates the use of a tool to open a PF_NDRV socket with
supervisory privileges as well as using the MoreAuthSample to return
the privileged socket to the application.</P>
<P>This sample assumes an understanding of the use of the
MoreAuthSample code. You can obtain the MoreAuthSample code from the
Sample Code Web Site</A>.</P>
<H2>Packing List</H2>
<P>The sample contains the following items.</P>
   <LI> - compiled version of the sample</LI>
   <LI>BSDLLCTest.c - The BSDLLCTest Application source code.</LI>
   <LI>BSDLLCTest.nib - The user interface for the sample.</LI>
   <LI>BSDLLCTestCommon.h - Declarations common to the application
   and tool.</LI>
   <LI>EthernetSocketStuff.c - The source code for the processing the
   ethernet test</LI>
   <LI>GetEthernetAddrSample.c - Source code to obtain the Ethernet
   Address for all Ethernet ports present</LI>
   <LI>EthernetSocketTool.c - Source code for the tool which opens
   the PF_NDRV socket and returns it to the caller.</LI>
   <LI>MoreAuthSample - The MoreAuthSample module.</LI>
<H2>Using the Sample</H2>
<P>The BSDLLCTest sample is used to send or to receive Ethernet LLC
type packets. The sample does not have a User Interface to handle
Ethernet Type I packets (e.g normal TCP/IP packets). Launch a copy of
the sample application on one machine designated to receive packets
and another copy on a sender system.</P>
<P>After launching the sample, ensure that the "Ethernet Port" popup
button is set to the desired port to send/recieve packets. You can
specify the Source Address or Destination address to be used for
outgoing packets. By default, in send mode, the packet is set to be
broadcast on the local network and the source address is set to that
of the selected port. For receiving packets, the destination address
is that of the selected port. You must delimit each hex word of the
source and/or destination Ethernet address with a ':' or '-'
<P>Specify the desired Service Access Protocol (SAP) address to use.
If you enter a SAP addreess of "0xAA", you will also need to enter
the desired Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP) address to use.</P>
<P>Click the "Send/Receive" radio button to enable the desired test
function. For the "Receive" test, the test runs until the Cancel Test
button is clicked. For the "Send" test, the application will send
"Num Packets" of 1500 bytes to the selected interface driver.</P>
<P>Every time that the application is used and the "Do Test" button
is clicked, the system will present an Authentication dialog. You
must enter the admininistrative User Name and Password in order to
continue with the test.</P>
<H2>Building the Sample</H2>
<P>You can build the sample using Project Builder from the Mac OS X
10.2 developer tools. Open the project file (BSDLLCTest.pbproj), make
sure that the "BSDLLCTest" target is selected, and choose Build from
the Build menu. This will automatically build the application and the
helper tool.</P>
<P>The BSDLLCTest code requires the presence of Mac OS X 10.1.x or
greater to run.</P>
<P>You can build the sample with Project Builder from the December
2002 Developer Tools.</P>
<P>The BSDLLCTest sample demonstrates what happens when an
application floods an Ethernet driver with too many packets at once -
the outgoing packets are dropped. The default setting for outbound
packets is 10000. If the Receiver side is active, you will find that
less than 20% of the outbound packets are received. This is not a
problem with the receive portion of the test, but with the sender.
You can verify this using an Ethernet sniffer to watch the Ethernet
traffic between the sender and receiver.</P>
<P>Under Mac OS X 10.1.x, you cannot send an Ethernet packet with the
size field set to 1500 via a PF_NDRV socket. (This is an issue with
PF_NDRV sockets only). The application will change the value of 1500
to 1499 for all outbound packets when running under 10.1.X.</P>
<P>If you have run a previous version of this sample and the program
fails to use the tool to open a PFNDRV socket, you may be using an
outdated version of the GetPFNDRSocketTool. Trash the
"~user/Library/Application Support/BSDLLCTest" folder and launch the
application again.</P>
<H2>Credits and Version History</H2>
<P>If you find any problems with this sample, mail
&lt;; and I&#146;ll try to fix them up.</P>
<P>1.2d1 (June 2003)</P>
<P>Apple Developer Technical Support<BR>
Networking, Communications, Hardware</P>
<P>1 Jun 2003</P>
$Log: ReadMeAboutMoreAuthSample.html,v $
Revision 1.1  2002/12/13 00:49:15  eskimo1
First checked in.