Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MoreDisks.h |
Contains: General disk driver utility routines. |
Written by: Quinn |
Copyright: Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<6> 18/10/99 Quinn Added target mode csCodes. |
<5> 15/6/99 Quinn Include "DriverGestalt.h" in here so that our clients don't have |
to. |
<4> 8/6/99 Quinn Added some csCode that are reserved for the HDI driver. |
<3> 7/5/99 Quinn Added MoreIsDriveCDROM. |
<2> 9/4/99 Quinn Added more reserved _Control and _Status codes from the latest |
Apple CD/DVD ERS. |
<1> 16/3/99 Quinn First checked in. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// MoreIsBetter Setup |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
// Mac OS Interfaces |
#include <MacTypes.h> |
#include <Devices.h> |
#include <DriverGestalt.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Disk Driver Control/Status Codes ----- |
// Key to References: |
// |
// o IM:Devices -- "Inside Macintosh: Devices" |
// o DV 17 -- DTS Technote DV 17 "What Your .Sony Driver Can Do For You" |
// o PCI C&Ds -- "Designing PCI Cards and Drivers for Power Macintosh Computers" |
// o TN1xxx -- Technote 1xxx "Disk Drivers, 1984 to 1999" |
// o "DriverGestalt.h" -- Documented (barely) in the "DriverGestalt.h" header file in Universal Interfaces. |
// o LPX-40 -- "Apple Logic Board Design LPX-40 Developer Note" (Tanzania), |
// "MFM Floppy Disk Device Drive" chapter |
// <> |
// Entries that are commented out are already defined in Universal Interfaces. |
enum { |
// Identifier Value Reference |
// ---------- ----- --------- |
// ***** Control ***** |
// goodbye = -1, // IM:Devices |
// killCode = 1, // IM:Devices |
// kVerify = 5, // DV 17 |
// kFormat = 6, // DV 17 |
// kEject = 7, // DV 17 |
// kSetTagBuffer = 8, // DV 17 |
// kTrackCache = 9, // DV 17 |
kPhysicalIOCode = 17, // TN1xxx, target mode |
kGetIconID = 20, // reserved (.Sony), do not use |
// kDriveIcon = 21, // DV 17 |
// kMediaIcon = 22, // DV 17 |
// kDriveInfo = 23, // DV 17 |
kHDIReserved1 = 24, // reserved (HDI Driver - External Reference Specification), do not use |
kHDIReserved2 = 25, // reserved (HDI Driver - External Reference Specification), do not use |
// kDriverConfigureCode = 43, // PCI C&Ds |
kSetStartupPartition = 44, // TN1xxx |
kSetStartupMount = 45, // TN1xxx |
kLockPartition = 46, // TN1xxx |
kClearPartitionMount = 48, // TN1xxx |
kUnlockPartition = 49, // TN1xxx |
// kRegisterPartition = 50, // TN1xxx |
// kGetADrive = 51, // TN1xxx |
// kProhibitMounting = 52, // TN1xxx |
// kIsContainerMounted = 53, // DriverGestalt.h |
// kMountVolumeImg = 54, // DriverGestalt.h |
kMountVolume = 60, // TN1xxx |
// accRun = 65, // IM:Devices |
kSetPowerMode = 70, // PCI C&Ds |
kModifyPostEvent = 76, // DV 22 |
kRawSCSICommand = 77, // reserved (.AppleCD), deprecated, not to be documented |
kChooseIOStyle = 78, // reserved (.AppleCD), deprecated, not to be documented |
kChangeBlockSize = 79, // DV 22 |
kSetUserEject = 80, // DV 22 |
kSetPollFrequency = 81, // DV 22 |
kReadTOC = 100, // DV 22 |
kReadTheQSubcode = 101, // DV 22 |
kReadHeader = 102, // DV 22 |
kAudioTrackSearch = 103, // DV 22 |
kAudioPlay = 104, // DV 22 |
kAudioPause = 105, // DV 22 |
kAudioStop = 106, // DV 22 |
kAudioStatus = 107, // DV 22 |
kAudioScan = 108, // DV 22 |
kAudioControl = 109, // DV 22 |
kReadMCN = 110, // DV 22 |
kReadISRC = 111, // DV 22 |
kReadAudioVolume = 112, // DV 22 |
kGetSpindleSpeed = 113, // DV 22 |
kSetSpindleSpeed = 114, // DV 22 |
kReadAudio = 115, // DV 22 |
kReadAllSubcodes = 116, // DV 22 |
kSetTrackList = 122, // DV 22 |
kGetTrackList = 123, // DV 22 |
kGetTrackIndex = 124, // DV 22 |
kSetPlayMode = 125, // DV 22 |
kGetPlayMode = 126, // DV 22 |
kRawRead = 127, // reserved (.AppleCD), do not use |
kDiagnostics = 127, // reserved (.ATADisk), do not use |
kSetQuiescentMode = 1079, // DV 22 (a future update will document this) |
kEnableClose = 16971, // LPX-40 (Tanzania) Developer Note |
kRetries = 17232, // reserved (.Sony), do not use |
// kRawTrack = 18244 // DV 17 |
kFormatCopy = 21315, // LPX-40 (Tanzania) Developer Note |
kAppleCDReserved1 = -130, // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
kAppleCDReserved2 = -132, // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
kAppleCDReserved5 = -301, // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
// ***** Status ***** |
// kReturnFormatList = 6, // DV 17 |
// kDriveStatus = 8, // DV 17 |
// kMFMStatus = 10, // LPX-40 (Tanzania) Developer Note |
// kDriverGestaltCode = 43, // PCI C&Ds |
kGetStartupStatus = 44, // TN1xxx |
kGetMountStatus = 45, // TN1xxx |
kGetLockStatus = 46, // TN1xxx |
// kGetPartitionStatus = 50, // TN1xxx |
// kGetPartInfo = 51, // TN1xxx |
// kGetContainerAlias = 52, // DriverGestalt.h |
kGetPowerMode = 70, // PCI C&Ds |
kGet2KOffset = 95, // DV 22 |
kGetDriveType = 96, // DV 22 |
kResponsibleFor = 97, // DV 22 |
kGetBlockSize = 98, // DV 22 |
kGetSenseCode = 99, // reserved (.AppleCD), do not use |
kReturnDeviceIdent = 120, // DV 22 |
kGetCDFeatures = 121, // DV 22 |
kGetErrorInfo = 123, // TN1xxx, target mode |
kGetDriveInfo = 124, // TN1xxx, target mode |
kGetDriveCapacity = 125, // TN1xxx, target mode |
kLastErrorCode = 127, // reserved (.ATADisk), do not use |
kGetQuiescentMode = 1079, // DV 22 (a future update will document this) |
kSpeedCheck = 17232, // reserved (.Sony), do not use |
kDuplicatorVersionSupport = 17494, // LPX-40 (Tanzania) Developer Note |
kLastFormByte = 21315, // LPX-40 (Tanzania) Developer Note |
kAppleCDReserved3 = -129, // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
kAppleCDReserved4 = -131, // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
kAppleCDReserved6 = -300 // reserved (Apple CD/DVD Driver ERS), do not use |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Basic Disk Drive Utilities ----- |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
// This structure mirrors the 4 bytes of flags before the drive queue |
// element in memory. The fields are documented in "Inside Macintosh: |
// Files": |
// |
// <> |
// |
// The comments here are a precis for your reference. |
struct DriveFlags { |
SInt8 writeProt; // bit 7 set => write protected |
SInt8 diskInPlace; // 0 => no disk, 1 & 2 => ejectable disk, 8 => non-ejectable disk, $48 => non-ejectable disk but driver wants call, < 0 => disk in process of being ejected |
SInt8 installed; // "used internally during system startup" |
SInt8 sides; // bit 7 set => disk is single sided |
}; |
typedef struct DriveFlags DriveFlags, *DriveFlagsPtr; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
extern pascal DriveFlagsPtr MoreGetDriveFlags(DrvQElPtr drvQEl); |
// Returns the flags for a given drive queue element. Note |
// that this is a pointer to the real flags, not a copy. |
// The pointer is valid only so long as the drive queue is |
// valid. Also, if you access the flags via this pointer, |
// the flags will continually reflect the changes made |
// by the driver. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreUTFindDriveQ(SInt16 drive, DrvQElPtr *foundDrvQEl); |
// A version of UTFindDrive that doesn't return extFSErr on |
// non-HFS drive queue elements. It also works regardless of |
// whether FSM is installed or not. |
// |
// This really belongs in "MoreFSM.h", but it seems pointless |
// to create that file just for this program. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
extern pascal DrvQElPtr MoreGetIndDrive(SInt16 index); |
// Returns the drive queue element of the index'th drive |
// on the system, with index 1 being the first drive, |
// or nil if there is no such drive. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
extern pascal SInt16 MoreFindFreeDriveNumber(SInt16 firstDrive); |
// Returns the first free drive number, starting |
// from drive number firstDrive. Drive numbers |
// below 5 are reserved, so you shoud pass 5 or |
// more for firstDrive. Typically hard disk drive |
// numbers start from 8, although this is not required. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time, |
// not because it is interrupt unsafe but because |
// if you call it at interrupt time you might interrupt |
// some other code that's allocating drive numbers |
// and you might both get the same drive number! |
extern pascal OSErr MoreRemoveDrive(DrvQElPtr drvQEl); |
// This routine removes a drive queue element from the drive |
// queue. It's an adjunct to the system routine AddDrive; |
// someone forgot to supply a to remove drive queue elements |
// from the system. |
// |
// This routine returns volOnLinErr if there is a volume |
// mounted on the drive. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// Removing drive queue elements at interrupt time is |
// unsafe because some non-interrupt code might be |
// in the process of walking the drive queue. |
extern pascal DriverRefNum MoreGetDriveRefNum(SInt16 drive); |
// Walks the drive queue looking for the given drive |
// and returns the driver reference number of the driver |
// controlling the drive, or 0 if it wasn't found. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
extern pascal Boolean MoreDriveSupportsDriverGestalt(SInt16 drive); |
// Returns true if the driver controlling the |
// specified drive supports Driver Gestalt. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It calls into TradDriverLoaderLib, which is not |
// guaranteed to be interrupt safe. |
extern pascal Boolean MoreDriveSupportFileExchange(SInt16 drive); |
// Returns true if the driver controlling the specified |
// drive support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreGetDriveSize(SInt16 drive, UInt32 *sizeInBlocks); |
// Returns the size, in blocks, of the specified drive. |
// |
// Except for packaging and some cosmetic stuff, this |
// is pretty much the same code as "GetDiskBlocks" from |
// MoreFiles. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal SInt16 MoreVolumeMountedOnDrive(SInt16 drive, Boolean ejectedIsMounted); |
// Returns the vRefNum of the volume mounted on the drive, |
// or 0 if there are no volumes mounted on the drive. |
// |
// The ejectedIsMounted flag controls whether this routine |
// considers an offline volume that was ejected from |
// drive is still mounted on drive. Typically you pass |
// false to this parameter. If you pass true, the routine |
// will return the first offline volume that was ejected from |
// drive. There may be more than one. |
// |
// This routine walks the drive and VCB queues directly, |
// so it's safe to call at interrupt time and when the |
// the File System is busy. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
extern pascal SInt16 MoreFirstDriveWithoutVolume(DriverRefNum refNum); |
// Returns the drive number of the first drive in the drive |
// queue which is controlled by refNum and which doesn't have |
// a volume mounted on it, or 0 if there are no such drives. |
// |
// This routine is safe to call from all interrupt contexts. |
typedef UInt32 MoreDisksCDROMResponse; |
enum { |
kMoreDriveUnableToDetermineCDROM = 0, |
kMoreDriveIsCDROM = 1, |
kMoreDriveIsNotCDROM = 2 |
}; |
extern pascal void MoreIsDriveCDROM(SInt16 drive, MoreDisksCDROMResponse *response); |
// Sets *response to one of the constants shown above to indicate |
// whether the drive is a CD-ROM drive. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- File Exchange Control Call Interface ----- |
extern pascal OSErr MoreCreateNewDriveQueueElement(SInt16 driveToClone, |
UInt32 firstBlock, UInt32 sizeInBlocks, |
SInt16 *newDrive); |
// Creates a new drive queue element controlled by the driver |
// which is controlling driveToClone. The firstBlock and sizeInBlocks |
// parameters dictate where on the disk the drive queue element will |
// access. The drive number of the new drive queue element is returned |
// in newDrive. |
// |
// driveToClone must support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// If it doesn't, this routine will return an error. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreSetDrivePartition(SInt16 drive, UInt32 firstBlock, UInt32 sizeInBlocks); |
// Sets the partition on the disk which drive accesses. This |
// allows you to retarget drive to point to any range of blocks |
// on the disk. A high-level wrapper for the kRegisterPartition |
// control call. |
// |
// drive must support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// If it doesn't, this routine will return an error. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreGetDrivePartition(SInt16 drive, UInt32 *firstBlock, UInt32 *sizeInBlocks); |
// Returns the partition on the disk which the drive access. |
// |
// drive must support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// If it doesn't, this routine will return an error. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreGetPartitionInfo(SInt16 drive, partInfoRec *partInfo); |
// Returns the File Exchange partInfoRec for the specified drive. |
// A high-level wrapper for the kGetPartInfo status call. |
// |
// drive must support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// If it doesn't, this routine will return an error. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
extern pascal OSErr MoreGetPartitionVolume(DriverRefNum refNum, const partInfoRec *partInfo, SInt16 *vRefNum); |
// Returns in vRefNum the volume which is mounted on the partition |
// specified by partInfoRec. |
// |
// IMPORTANT: refNum is the driver reference number of the driver, |
// *not* a drive number. If you have a drive number, you can |
// call MoreGetDriveRefNum to get the correct value. |
// |
// refNum must support the File Exchange control call interface. |
// If it doesn't, this routine will return an error. |
// |
// This routine must be called at system task time. |
// It makes synchronous Device Manager calls. |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14