
    File:       TradDriverLoaderLib.h
    Contains:   C interface for the pseudo-DriverLoaderLib for 'DRVR's.
    Written by: Quinn
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
         <1>     25/2/99    Quinn   First checked in.
#pragma once
// MoreIsBetter Setup
#include "MoreSetup.h"
// Mac OS Interfaces
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// The following routines are implemented with semantics virtually identical
//  to those found in DriverLoaderLib.  You should look in
//  "Designing PCI Cards and Drivers for Power Macintosh Computers" for
//  documentation.  You can FTP an electronic copy from:
//  <>
extern pascal SInt16 TradHigherDriverVersion(NumVersion *dv1, NumVersion *dv2);
extern pascal UnitNumber TradHighestUnitNumber(void);
extern pascal OSErr TradDriverGestaltOn(DriverRefNum refNum);
extern pascal OSErr TradDriverGestaltOff(DriverRefNum refNum);
extern pascal Boolean TradDriverGestaltIsOn(DriverFlags flags);
extern pascal OSErr TradLookupDrivers(UnitNumber beginningUnit,
                                        UnitNumber endingUnit,
                                        Boolean emptyUnits,
                                        ItemCount *returnedRefNums, 
                                        DriverRefNum *refNums);
// The following routines are similar to the corresponding routines in
//  DriverLoaderLib, but their interface differs because of the
//  inherent differences between 'DRVR's and 'ndrv's.  The comments
//  cover the differences for each routine.  If there's a difference
//  that's not commented, it's most probably a bug and you should let
//  me know.
extern pascal OSErr TradInstallDriverFromPtr(DRVRHeaderPtr driver,
                                                UnitNumber beginningUnit,
                                                UnitNumber endingUnit,
                                                DriverRefNum *refNum);
    // This routine is similar to InstallDriverFromMemory except
    //  that you pass a pointer to the 'DRVR', rather than a base pointer
    //  and length.  This pointer is copied verbatim into the dCtlDriver
    //  field of the DCE, so you have to make sure that it's in
    //  the system heap if the driver is going to hang around longer than
    //  your application.
    // One other deviation from InstallDriverFromMemory is that this
    //  call won't replace an existing driver.  This is because 'DRVR's
    //  don't have infrastructure to support this.  If there's already
    //  a driver of the same name in the unit table, the call will fail
    //  with a dupFNErr, and *refNum will be set to the refnum of the
    //  existing driver.
    // The semantics of the endingUnit match those of DriverLoaderLib,
    //  ie the call will not grow the unit table unless endingUnit is
    //  greater than TradHighestUnitNumber.  The simplest way to work
    //  this is to pass TradHighestUnitNumber() + 1 to endingUnit.
    // If the call fails, it's your responsibility to dispose of the
    //  the driver pointer.  If it succeeds, the system has a copy
    //  of the pointer, which can be disposed by calling TradRemoveDriver.
extern pascal OSErr TradInstallDriverFromHandle(DRVRHeaderHandle driver,
                                                UnitNumber beginningUnit,
                                                UnitNumber endingUnit,
                                                DriverRefNum *refNum);
    // This routine is similar to InstallDriverFromMemory except
    //  that you pass a handle to the 'DRVR', rather than a base pointer
    //  and length.  This is generally more convenient in the traditional
    //  'DRVR' world.
    // In most other respects, this routine works like TradInstallDriverFromPtr.
    //  The routine simply creates a pointer in the system heap and copies
    //  your driver into it, then calls TradInstallDriverFromPtr.  Because
    //  a copy is made, you do not have to ensure that the handle you
    //  pass in is in the system heap.
    // Regardless of whether call succeeds or fails, it's your responsibility
    //  to dispose of the driver handle.
extern pascal OSErr TradInstallDriverFromResource(SInt16 rsrcID, StringPtr rsrcName,
                                                UnitNumber beginningUnit,
                                                UnitNumber endingUnit,
                                                DriverRefNum *refNum);
    // This call offers functionality like InstallDriverFromFile.
    //  It differs from InstallDriverFromFile in that the driver is expected
    //  to be in a resource in the current resource file.  If rsrcName is nil,
    //  the call uses Get1Resource('DRVR', rsrcID) to get the driver.  If
    //  rsrcName is not nil, it uses Get1NamedResource('DRVR', rsrcName)
    //  to get the driver.
    // In most other respects, this routine works like TradInstallDriverFromPtr.
    // If the call fails, the routine will clean up after itself.  If the
    //  call succeeds, the driver code is left as a memory block in the system
    //  heap, which can be cleaned up by calling TradRemoveDriver.
extern pascal OSErr TradGetDriverInformation(DriverRefNum refNum,
                                                UnitNumber *thisUnit,
                                                DriverFlags *flags,
                                                StringPtr name,
                                                DRVRHeaderPtr *driverHeader
    // This routine is like GetDriverInformation except that it only
    //  returns information that's pertinant to the traditional 'DRVR'
    //  world.  driverHeader comes back as a pointer to the beginning
    //  of the 'DRVR' header.
    // Note that this routine works for both drivers installed by
    //  this library and other drivers, however for drivers not installed
    //  by this library (ie 'RAM'-based drivers), driverHeader may be a 
    //  half dereferenced handle, locked or unlocked.  You have been warned.
    // Also, driverHeader can come back set to nil, if the driver
    //  is installed but its code has been purged, for example a DA.
    //  You must check for this before deferencing it.  If driverHeader
    //  is set to nil, name will be set to the empty string.
extern pascal OSErr TradOpenInstalledDriver(DriverRefNum refNum, SInt8 ioPermission);
    // This routine has the same semantics as OpenInstalledDriver
    //  except that the ioPermission parameter must be fsRdWrPerm.  This is
    //  because we call through to the Device Manager's OpenDriver routine,
    //  and that doesn't support passing in permissions.  I could switch the
    //  implementation to use PBOpen, but PBOpen is a trap fraught with much
    //  danger, so I'm avoiding it at the moment.
    // The danger associated with PBOpen is that it's highly overloaded,
    //  being used for FSOpen, PBOpen, PBHOpen, OpenSlot, OpenDriver,
    //  OpenDeskAcc, and so on.  If you get the glue wrong, you die in
    //  strange and evil ways.  So I'm bypassing the entire problem by
    //  ignoring ioPermission.  I may revisit this decision, but not soon.
extern pascal OSErr TradRemoveDriver(DriverRefNum refNum, Boolean immediate);
    // This routine implements similar semantics to RemoveDriver, except
    //  that the Immediate parameter must be false.  This is because
    //  we close the driver using PBCloseSync, which is a queued
    //  command, just like all the others.  We have no way to bypass
    //  this.
    // An important thing to note is that you should only call this on drivers
    //  you installed using this library's TradInstallDriverFromHandle
    //  and TradInstallDriverFromResource routine.  Don't call it on
    //  drivers installed by other people and be careful when calling it on
    //  drivers installed using TradInstallDriverFromPtr because you might
    //  be disposing the driver code even though a) it might not actually be a
    //  Memory Manager pointer block, or b) it might be still in use
    //  by another driver.
extern pascal OSErr TradRenameDriver(DriverRefNum refNum, ConstStr255Param newDriverName);
    // This routine is implemented with the caveat that you can't
    //  make the driver name longer.  This is because the 'DRVR'
    //  name is actually stored in the code resource which implements
    //  the driver, and making it longer would cause it to run into
    //  the code that immediately follows the name.
    // The reason why I implemented this routine at all is because
    //  it's useful for installing multiple copies of the same driver.
    //  For example, you can install ".Q_Out", then rename it to
    //  ".QAOut", and then install ".Q_Out" again, and rename that to
    //  ".QBOut".  This can be very useful when testing and debugging
    //  your driver (or TradDriverLoaderLib for that matter :).
    // You should take extreme care when calling this routine on drivers that
    //  weren't installed with this library.  Some of these drivers might
    //  not like being renamed in this way.
// The following routines from DriverLoaderLib were not implemented because
//  they make no sense at all in the world of 'DRVR's.
// VerifyFragmentAsDriver
// GetDriverMemoryFragment
// GetDriverDiskFragment
// InstallDriverFromFragment
// SetDriverClosureMemory
// -- If they've got fragment in the name, it's hard to map them into the
// 'DRVR' world.  Traditional 'DRVR's just aren't code fragments!
// InstallDriverFromFile -- This routine assumes that there's only
//  one driver in a file, which is not the case for traditional 'DRVR's
//  which are normally stored as resources.  The basic functionality has
//  been subsumed by TradInstallDriverFromResource.
// InstallDriverFromDisk
// FindDriversForDevice
// FindDriverCandidates
// ScanDriverCandidates
// GetDriverForDevice
// InstallDriverForDevice
// -- These routines all assume that there's some magic way of matching
//  drivers to their name register nodes.  In the traditional world, there
//  is no name registry and, even if there was, there's no way to match
//  devices against hardware.  So these routines are not sensible in the
//  traditional world. 
// ReplaceDriverWithFragment -- There's no good way to replace a traditional
//  device driver; the infrastructure just isn't there.
#ifdef __cplusplus