
   <TITLE>Read Me</TITLE>
<H1>Read Me About BasicDiskImage</H1>
<P>BasicDiskImage is a tool that can copy an arbitrary chunk of a
disk to a file.  I use this tool when investigating the logical
format of a disk because it allows me to use better tools (ie
HexEdit, ResEdit and BBEdit, rather than boring ol' Sedit).</P>
<H2>Packing List</H2>
<P>The sample contains the following items:</P>
   <LI>BasicDiskImage.mcp -- A project file for the entire sample.
   <LI>BasicDiskImage.c -- Source code to the sample.
   <LI>BasicDiskImage-68K -- A version of the above compiled for 68K.
   <LI>MoreIsBetterBits -- A folder containing the bits of the DTS
   sample code library MoreIsBetter than are required to build this
<H2>Using the Sample</H2>
<P>Run the BasicDiskImage-68K.  Enter a drive number from the list
display.  Enter the block number of the first block to read (or press
return to start at the beginning of the disk).  Then enter the number
of blocks to read (or press return to continue until the end of the
disk).  Finally, choose a place to save the disk image file.  The
file is saves as a simple block image of the disk.</P>
<H2>Building the Sample</H2>
<P>The sample was built using the standard MoreIsBetter build
environment (CodeWarrior Pro 2 compiler with Universal Interfaces
3.2). You should be able to build the project in CodeWarrior Pro 4
without difficulty. To build the project, select the "68K" target,
and choose Make from the Project menu. This will build
<P>The code will compile for PowerPC, but I haven't done so because
there's just no point.  I ship the final version as 68K because I
want to be able to run it on the widest variety of platforms.</P>
<P>I wrote the code to drive Navigation Services for the "put file"
dialog, then abandoned in place when I remembered that Nav is not
available on earlier systems.</P>
<H2>Credits and Version History</H2>
<P>If you find any problems with this sample, mail
&lt;; and I'll try to fix them up.</P>
<P>1.0b1 (Jan 2000) was the first shipping version. [Q]</P>
<P>Share and Enjoy.</P>
<P>Apple Developer Technical Support<BR>
Networking, Communications, Hardware</P>
<P>7 January 2000</P>