BasicMultiGPUSample |
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This sample demonstrates what an OpenGL application should do to detect possible |
renderer changes. When running on a multi-GPU system, in order to render the OpenGL |
content correctly on all hardware, your application needs to be able to detect |
renderer changes. Whenever the virtual screen changes, the capabilities of the video |
card you are currently rendering to can change, so you must re-query those capabilities |
(such as max texture size) and adjust your drawing paths as necessary to support |
the newly active GPU. |
This sample demonstrates how to detect and respond to renderer changes in both |
an NSOpenGLView subclass and an NSView subclass. It also demonstrates how to enable |
the usage of offline renderers (renderers that are not connected to a display). |
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MyNSOpenGLView.h/.m |
This is an NSOpenGLView subclass. Demonstrates how to detect and respond to |
renderer changes if you are using an NSOpenGLView subclass. |
MyOpenGLView.h/.m |
This is an NSView subclass. Demonstrates how to detect and respond to renderer |
changes if you are not using NSOpenGLView. |
BoingRenderer.h/.m |
This class handles the rendering of a Boing ball using Core Profile. This class |
does not contain code relevant to multi-GPU support. |
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OS X v10.9 or later |
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OS X v10.8 or later |
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