
//  File:       BitBlitz.h
//  Contents:   Type definitions, global constants and variables, and routine declarations
//              used externally to the BitBlitz.c segment.
//  By Georgiann ("George") Delaney
//  ©Ê1989 - 1990, Apple Computer, Inc.
/*  Constants  */
#define  kClpRgn        0               /*  Region ID constants  */
#define  kVisRgn        1
#define  kMskRgn        2
#define  kSrcWindow     0               /*  Window ID constants  */
#define  kMskWindow     1
#define  kDstWindow     2
#define  kBitWindow     3
#define  kCopyMask      0               /*  Trap selection constants  */
#define  kCopyDeepMask  1
#define  kCopyBits      2
/*  Type definitions  */
typedef struct {                        /*  Struct which holds color information for    */
    short       menuIndex;              /*  setting the FG, BK, OP, and Hilite colors.  */
    RGBColor    rgb;
}  ColorAttributes;
typedef struct {                    
    short       type;           
    RgnHandle   rgn;
}  RgnAttributes;
typedef struct  {                       /*  Definition of the window attributes record  */
    WindowPtr   window;                 /*  describing the contents/status of each of   */
    short       bufferType;             /*  the 4 CopyMask windows                      */
    short       bufferDepth;
    union  {
        GWorldPtr   gworld;
        CGrafPtr    pixmap;
        GrafPtr     bitmap;
        } buffer;
    short       contentType;
    union  {
        short       saturation;
        RGBColor    RGB;
        PicHandle   pictInfo;
        } content;
}  WindowAttributes;
/*  Global Variables  */
RgnAttributes       gRList[3];
WindowAttributes    gWList[4];              /*  Window list containing the 4 CopyMask Windows
                                                attribute records.                              */
short       gCopyMode   = srcCopy;          /*  The current copy mode that will be applied 
                                                in the CopyMask() call.                         */          
short       gTrapSelect = kCopyMask;        /*  This global designates which of the two traps
                                                that the user wishes to test                    */
Boolean     gColorAvail;        /* Global variable designating that color QuickDraw is around   */
Boolean     gGWorldsAvail;      /* Global variable designating that GWorlds are implemented/    */
Boolean     gUseScreenBits = false;
Boolean     gDither        = false;
ColorAttributes gFGColor,
RgnHandle   gHoldVisRgn = nil;
RgnHandle   gHoldClpRgn = nil;
/*  Externally visible routines  */
Boolean myTrapAvailable         (theNumber,theType);
void    InitTestGlobals         (void);
void    InitColorSettings       (void);
void    InitRgnSettings         (void);
void    UpdateRgnSettings       (void);
void    DisposeRgnSettings      (void);
void    InitTestWindowAttributes(void);
Boolean CreateTestWindows       (void);
void    DisposeTestWindows      (void);
Boolean ResizeTestWindow        (Point *newDimen, short windowCode);
Boolean ChangeWindowAttributes  (short windowCode);
void    SelectFGColor           (short theItem);
void    SelectBKColor           (short theItem);
void    SelectOPColor           (short theItem);
void    SelectHiliteColor       (short theItem);
void    SelectRgn               (short rgnCode, short rgnType);
Boolean SelectTrap              (void);
void    DrawBuffer              (short windowCode);
void    DrawWindow              (short windowCode);
short   CopyMode2ModeMenuItem   (short theMode);
short   ModeMenuItem2CopyMode   (short theItem);
void    NeedSystem7Dlog         (void);
void    AboutBitBlitz           (void);