
/*  document.h                                                                          
    This contains all the document-specific code.
    Michael Bishop - August 21 1996                                                 
    Nick Thompson
    Robert Dierkes                                                                              
    (c)1994-96 Apple computer Inc., All Rights Reserved                             
#ifndef _DOCUMENT_H_
#define _DOCUMENT_H_
#include <QuickDraw.h>
/*  for QuickDraw 3D */
#include    "QD3D.h"
#include    "BoxMooV_texture.h"
struct _documentRecord {
    WindowPtr           fWindow ;               /* the window associated with this document */
    TQ3ViewObject       fView ;                 /*  the view for the scene */
    TQ3GroupObject      fModel ;                /*  object in the scene being modelled */
    TQ3StyleObject      fInterpolation ;        /*  interpolation style used when rendering */
    TQ3StyleObject      fBackFacing ;           /*  whether to draw shapes that face away from the camera */
    TQ3StyleObject      fFillStyle ;            /*  whether drawn as solid filled object or decomposed to components */
    TQ3Matrix4x4        fRotation;              /*  the transform for the model */
    TQ3Point3D          fGroupCenter ;          /*  the center of the group (for rotation)  */
    float               fGroupScale ;           /*  scaling factor to apply before drawing */
    TAnimatedTextureHdl fTexture;               /*  The QuickTime texture   */
typedef struct _documentRecord DocumentRec, *DocumentPtr, **DocumentHdl ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DocumentHdl Document_New(void);
DocumentHdl Document_Open(void);
DocumentHdl Document_GetFromWindow( WindowPtr theWindow);
TQ3Status   Document_Draw( DocumentPtr theDocument ) ;
void        Document_Delete( DocumentHdl theDocument) ;
void        Document_Remap(DocumentHdl theDocument, int newResolution);
TQ3Status   Document_SubmitScene( DocumentPtr theDocument ) ;
void        Document_Animate(DocumentHdl theDocument);
TQ3Status   Texture_ChangeResolution(TAnimatedTextureHdl pAnimTxtr,int newResolution);