
/*  BoxMooV_QuickTime.c                                                                         
 *  Rick Evans  Sept. 1996                                              
 *  Robert Dierkes                                                                              
 *  (c)1994-96 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved                             
/*  Include Files   */
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Movies.h>
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include "QD3D.h"
#include "QD3DStorage.h"
#include "BoxMoov_QuickTime.h"
 *  Routine:    QuickTime_Init()
 *  Comments:   Intialize QuickTime Toolbox.
void QuickTime_Init(
 *  Routine:    QuickTime_Delete()
 *  Comments:   Stop movie playback, and dispose of its memory
void QuickTime_Delete(
            Movie *moviePtr)
    if (*moviePtr != NULL)
        *moviePtr = NULL;
 *  Routine:    QuickTime_GetNewMooVTexture()
 *  Comments:   Query user for a MooV File, and set up animated texture
Boolean QuickTime_GetNewMooVTexture(
            Movie *theMovie)
    StandardFileReply   reply;
    short               numTypes = 1 ;
    SFTypeList          myTypes = { 'MooV', 0 } ;
    /* Clean up any previous movie */
    if (*theMovie != NULL) 
        QuickTime_Delete( theMovie );
    /* Get movie file from user */
    StandardGetFilePreview(nil, numTypes, myTypes, &reply);
    if ( ! reply.sfGood ) 
        return (false);
    return (QuickTime_LoadMovie(&reply.sfFile, theMovie));
 *  Routine:    QuickTime_LoadMovie()
 *  Comments:   Takes a FSSpec and loads a movie into a TQ3StoragePixmap structure
Boolean     QuickTime_LoadMovie(
            FSSpec      *pFile,
            Movie       *pMovie)
    QDErr           err;
    short           fref;
    Rect            bounds;
    /* Load movie */
    err = OpenMovieFile(pFile, &fref, fsRdPerm);
    if (err) return false;
    err = NewMovieFromFile(pMovie, fref, nil, (StringPtr)nil, newMovieActive, nil);
    if (err) return false;
    /* Figure out movie dimensions */
    /* Set movie to identity matrix. we hope this means "its natural size" */
    SetMovieMatrix(*pMovie, nil);
//  GetMovieBox(*pMovie, &bounds);
//  OffsetRect(&bounds, -bounds.left,;
    SetRect(&bounds, 0, 0, 128, 128);
    SetMovieBox(*pMovie, &bounds);
    return true;
 *  Routine:    QuickTime_LoopMovie()
 *  Comments:   Start movie playing in a loop
void QuickTime_LoopMovie(Movie  pMovie, GWorldPtr pGWorld)
    TimeBase            timeBase;
    SetMovieGWorld(pMovie, pGWorld, nil);
    /* Draw the movie first */
    MoviesTask(pMovie, 0);
    MoviesTask(pMovie, 0);
    /* throw the movie into loop mode */
    timeBase = GetMovieTimeBase(pMovie);
    SetTimeBaseFlags(timeBase, GetTimeBaseFlags(timeBase) | loopTimeBase);
    /* start the movie a' playin' */