
/*  main.c                                                                          
  This is BoxPaint, a sample app designed to show how getting UV data from
  a pick object can be used to draw on a texture. This app does not have        
  graceful error handling - it's purpose is to demonstrate UV picking.                                                                      
  Michael Bishop - August 21 1996                                                   
  Nick Thompson
  Robert Dierkes                                                                                
  (c)1994-96 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved                               
/*  system headers */
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <DiskInit.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <PictUtils.h>
#include <QDOffScreen.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <SegLoad.h>
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
#include    "BoxPaint_main.h"
#include    "BoxPaint_utility.h"
#include    "BoxPaint_menu.h"
#include    "BoxMooV_window.h"
#include    "BoxMooV_event.h"
#include    "BoxMooV_document.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** function prototypes
static void InitToolbox( void ) ;
static void Main_EventLoop( void ) ;
static void Main_Init( short mBarResourceID, short numMoremasters);
static void Main_Destroy( void );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Global Variables
Boolean         gQuitFlag       = false ;
Boolean         gForeground     = true ;
short           gTicks          = 1 ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  main() 
**  entry point for the application, initialize the toolbox, initialize QuickDraw 3D 
**  and enter the main event loop.  On exit from the main event loop, we want to call 
**  the QuickDraw 3D exit function to clean up QuickDraw 3d. 
void main( void ) 
    Main_Init( kMBARResID, 5 ) ;            /* initialise the toolbox, load our menubar */
    Main_EventLoop() ;
    /* tear down any we allocated */
    Main_Destroy() ;    
    /* and bail */
    ExitToShell() ;
/*  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Main_Init
**  Initialize our environment, pass in the mbar resource ID, and also the number of calls 
**  to make to moremasters
void Main_Init( short mBarResourceID, short numMoremasters)
    Handle      menuBar = nil;
    short       loopCounter ;
    TQ3Status   myStatus ;
    MaxApplZone() ;     /* max out the apps heap */
    for( loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < numMoremasters ; loopCounter++ )
        MoreMasters() ;
    InitToolbox() ;
    /* initialize anything else we need to */
    /* init QuickDraw 3D, open a connection to the QuickDraw 3D library */
    myStatus = Q3Initialize();
    if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
        DebugStr("\pQ3Initialize returned failure.");           
    /*  initialize application globals */
    gQuitFlag = false;
    gForeground = true;
    gTicks      = 1;
    /* load the application menu bar */
    menuBar = GetNewMBar( mBarResourceID ); /* Read menus into menu bar, MBAR res id is 128 */
    if ( menuBar == nil )
         ExitToShell();                     /* if we dont have it then quit - your app */
                                            /* needs a dialog here */
    SetMenuBar(menuBar);                    /* Install menus */
    AddResMenu(GetMHandle(mApple), 'DRVR'); /* Add DA names to Apple menu, ID 128 */
    Menu_Adjust() ;
void Main_Destroy( void )
    Q3Exit() ;
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  InitToolbox
**  Initialize the toolbox managers
void InitToolbox( void )
    InitGraf( &qd.thePort );
    InitDialogs( nil ) ;
    FlushEvents( everyEvent, 0 ) ;
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Main_EventLoop
**  The heart of the app. Handles all interaction
void Main_EventLoop()
    EventRecord     theEvent;
    WindowPtr       theWindow;
    short           thePart;
    Rect            screenRect;
    Point           aPoint = {100, 100};
    Boolean         eventPresent = false;
    while( !gQuitFlag )
        eventPresent = WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &theEvent, gTicks, nil );
        if (eventPresent == true)
            switch (theEvent.what) {
                case mouseDown:
                    thePart = FindWindow( theEvent.where, &theWindow ) ;
                    switch( thePart ) {
                        case inMenuBar: 
                            Menu_Adjust() ;
                        case inDrag:
                            screenRect = (**GetGrayRgn()).rgnBBox;
                            DragWindow( theWindow, theEvent.where, &screenRect );
                            break ;
                        case inContent:
                            if (theWindow != FrontWindow())
                                SelectWindow( theWindow );
                            Window_DoContent(theWindow, &theEvent);
                            break ;
                        case inGoAway:
                            if (TrackGoAway( theWindow, theEvent.where )) {
                                Document_Delete( Document_GetFromWindow(theWindow) ) ;
                            break ;
                            break ;
                    break ;
                case updateEvt:
                    theWindow = (WindowPtr)theEvent.message;
                    Window_Update( theWindow ) ;
                    break ;
                case keyDown:
                case autoKey:
                case diskEvt:
                    if ( Utility_HiWrd(theEvent.message) != noErr ) 
                        (void) DIBadMount(aPoint, theEvent.message);
                case osEvt:
                case activateEvt:
        else {
                Event_DoNull();     /* Handle the Null Event */
/*  --------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Main_DoAbout
**  Display the About Box
void Main_DoAbout( void )
    short               itemHit ;
    itemHit = Alert ( 128, nil ) ;