
// This is box, the QuickDraw 3D starter program.  Written for the
// Quickdraw 3D sample code
// This file contains utility routines for QuickDraw 3d sample code.
// This app shows how to apply a texture shader to an object.  Bear in
// mind that any object that you wish to texture map needs to have
// UV parameters applied.
// Nick Thompson, AppleLink: DEVSUPPORT (
// ©1994-5 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved
// system headers
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <DiskInit.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <PictUtils.h>
#include <QDOffScreen.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <SegLoad.h>
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
// for QuickDraw 3D
#include "QD3D.h"
#include "QD3DMath.h"
#include "QD3DDrawContext.h"
#include "QD3DShader.h"
#include "QD3DTransform.h"
#include "QD3DGroup.h"
#include "BoxTexShell.h"
#include "BoxTex3DSupport.h"
#include "Textures.h"
// function prototypes
static void         InitToolbox( void ) ;
static void         MainEventLoop( void ) ;
static void         HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *event) ;
static void         HandleOSEvent(EventRecord *event) ;
void InitDocumentData( DocumentPtr theDocument ) ;
TQ3Status DocumentDraw3DData( DocumentPtr theDocument ) ;
void DisposeDocumentData( DocumentPtr theDocument) ;
Boolean         gQuitFlag       = false ;
WindowPtr       gMainWindow     = nil ;
DocumentRec     gDocument ;
// main()
// entry point for the application, initialize the toolbox, initialize QuickDraw 3D
// and enter the main event loop.  On exit from the main event loop, we want to call
// the QuickDraw 3D exit function to clean up QuickDraw 3d.
void main(void)
    TQ3Status   myStatus;
    Rect        rBounds = { 50, 50, 350, 350 } ;
    Str255      title = "\pSpinning Box" ;
    InitToolbox() ;
    //  Initialize QuickDraw 3D, open a connection to the QuickDraw 3D library
    myStatus = Q3Initialize();
    if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
        DebugStr("\pQ3Initialize returned failure.");           
    // set up our globals
    gQuitFlag = false ;
    gMainWindow = NewCWindow(nil,&rBounds,title,true,noGrowDocProc,(WindowPtr)-1,true,0) ;
    InitDocumentData( &gDocument ) ;
    DisposeDocumentData( &gDocument ) ;
    //  Close our connection to the QuickDraw 3D library
    myStatus = Q3Exit();
    if ( myStatus == kQ3Failure )
        DebugStr("\pQ3Exit returned failure.");
void InitDocumentData( DocumentPtr theDocument ) 
    TQ3Point3D      myOrigin = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
    theDocument->fGroupScale = 1;               
    theDocument->fGroupCenter = myOrigin ;          
    // sets up the 3d data for the scene
    // Create view for QuickDraw 3D.
    theDocument->fView = MyNewView( (WindowPtr)gMainWindow ) ;
    // the main display group:
    theDocument->fModel = MyNewModel() ;
    // the drawing styles:
    theDocument->fInterpolation = Q3InterpolationStyle_New(kQ3InterpolationStyleNone) ;
    theDocument->fBackFacing = Q3BackfacingStyle_New(kQ3BackfacingStyleRemove ) ;
    theDocument->fFillStyle = Q3FillStyle_New(kQ3FillStyleFilled ) ;
    // set the rotation matrix the identity matrix
    AdjustCamera(   &gDocument, 
                    (gMainWindow->portRect.right - gMainWindow->portRect.left),
                    (gMainWindow->portRect.bottom - gMainWindow-> ) ;
void DisposeDocumentData( DocumentPtr theDocument)
    Q3Object_Dispose(theDocument->fView) ;              // the view for the scene
    Q3Object_Dispose(theDocument->fModel) ;             // object in the scene being modelled
    Q3Object_Dispose(theDocument->fInterpolation) ;     // interpolation style used when rendering
    Q3Object_Dispose(theDocument->fBackFacing) ;        // whether to draw shapes that face away from the camera
    Q3Object_Dispose(theDocument->fFillStyle) ;         // whether drawn as solid filled object or decomposed to components
TQ3Status DocumentDraw3DData( DocumentPtr theDocument )
    Q3View_StartRendering(theDocument->fView );
    do {
        SubmitScene( theDocument ) ;
    } while (Q3View_EndRendering(theDocument->fView) == kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse );
    return kQ3Success ;
short HiWrd(long aLong)
    return  (((aLong) >> 16) & 0xFFFF) ;
short LoWrd(long aLong)
    return  ((aLong) & 0xFFFF) ;
void InitToolbox()
    Handle      menuBar = nil;
    MaxApplZone() ;
    MoreMasters() ; MoreMasters() ; MoreMasters() ; 
    InitGraf( &qd.thePort );
    TEInit() ;
    InitDialogs(0L) ;
    FlushEvents( everyEvent, 0 ) ;
    // initialize application globals
    gQuitFlag = false;
void MainEventLoop()
    EventRecord     event;
    WindowPtr       window;
    short           thePart;
    Rect            screenRect, updateRect;
    Point           aPoint = {100, 100};
    while( !gQuitFlag )
        if (WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &event, 0, nil ))
            switch (event.what) {
                case mouseDown:
                    thePart = FindWindow( event.where, &window );
                    switch( thePart ) {
                        case inMenuBar: 
                        case inDrag:
                            screenRect = (**GetGrayRgn()).rgnBBox;
                            DragWindow( window, event.where, &screenRect );
                            break ;
                        case inContent:
                            if (window != FrontWindow())
                                SelectWindow( window );
                            break ;
                        case inGoAway:
                            if (TrackGoAway( window, event.where )) {
                                DisposeWindow ( window );
                                gQuitFlag = true;
                            break ;
                            break ;
                    break ;
                case updateEvt:
                    window = (WindowPtr)event.message;
                    updateRect = (**(window->visRgn)).rgnBBox;
                    SetPort( window ) ;
                    BeginUpdate( window );
                    DocumentDraw3DData( &gDocument ) ;
                    EndUpdate( window );
                    break ;
                case keyDown:
                case autoKey:
                case diskEvt:
                    if ( HiWrd(event.message) != noErr ) 
                        (void) DIBadMount(aPoint, event.message);
                case osEvt:
                case activateEvt:
        else {
            // we received a null event, rotate the cube
            TQ3Matrix4x4    tmp;
            Rect        theRect = ((GrafPtr)gMainWindow)->portRect ;
            SetPort((GrafPtr)gMainWindow) ;
            Q3Matrix4x4_SetRotate_XYZ(&tmp, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02);
            Q3Matrix4x4_Multiply(&gDocument.fRotation, &tmp, &gDocument.fRotation);
            InvalRect( &theRect ) ;
void HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *event)