
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A component that attaches to an entity. This component creates a particle effect for a geometry node. It also creates and manages a flickering light for a geometry node.
import SpriteKit
import SceneKit
import GameplayKit
class ParticleComponent: GKComponent {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A convenience property to access the entity's geometry component.
    var geometryComponent: GeometryComponent? {
        return entity?.component(ofType: GeometryComponent.self)
    /// Keeps track of whether the entity's box has a particle effect or not.
    var boxHasParticleEffect = false
    /// Creates and manages the box's particle effect.
    let particleEmitter: SCNParticleSystem
    /// The light attached to the box that illuminates its surroundings.
    let boxLight = SCNLight()
        The brightness of the box's light. Changes the light's brightness when 
    var lightBrightness: CGFloat = 1 {
        didSet {
            boxLight.color = SKColor(white: lightBrightness, alpha: 1)
    /// Generates random numbers. Used to make the light flicker randomly.
    let randomSource = GKRandomSource()
        Returns a light brightness slightly closer to the target light
        brightness than the current brightness. This is used to produce a 
        smooth, yet still random flickering effect, making it feel realistic.
        This is a property because it's idempotent.
    var nextLightBrightness: CGFloat {
            If the light's brightness is below target, return an increased 
            brightness. Otherwise, return a decreased brightness.
        let delta: CGFloat = lightBrightness < targetLightBrightness ? 0.025 : -0.025
        return lightBrightness + delta
    /// The brightness that the light is attempting to match.
    var targetLightBrightness: CGFloat = 0.5
    // MARK: Initialization
    init(particleName: String) {
        // Create the particle emitter.
        particleEmitter = SCNParticleSystem(named: particleName, inDirectory: "/")!
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    // MARK: Methods
    override func update(deltaTime _: TimeInterval) {
            Ensure that the particle system and light will properly attach when 
            the geometry node is added, even if it is not available when the
            component is constructed. 
        // Generate a new target brightness for the light every frame.
        targetLightBrightness = nextTargetLightBrightness()
        // Update the light's brightness every frame, causing the light to flicker.
        lightBrightness = nextLightBrightness
        Attaches the particle emitter and light to the box if the entity has a geometry component and has not had them attached previously.
    func updateGeometryComponent() {
            If the geometry component has been created, but the particle effect 
            has not been attached to the box yet, then add the particle system 
            and light to the box node.
        if let geometryComponent = geometryComponent, !boxHasParticleEffect {
            geometryComponent.geometryNode.light = boxLight
            Update the flag indicating if the particle effect has been attached 
            to the box, so the next call to `updateGeometryComponent(_:)` has
            accurate information about the state of the geometry component.
        boxHasParticleEffect = geometryComponent != nil
    // MARK: Light Flickering Algorithm
        Randomly adjusts the light's target brightness, the brightness that
        the light is attempting to match.
        This is a method because it is not idempotent, since it uses a random
        source to produce different results each time it is called. 
    func nextTargetLightBrightness() -> CGFloat {
        // Randomly decide to increase or decrease the light's target brightness.
        let increaseLightTargetBrightness = randomSource.nextBool()
        let delta: CGFloat = increaseLightTargetBrightness ? 0.2 : -0.2
        // Calculate the adjusted value.
        let newTargetLightBrightness = targetLightBrightness + delta
        // Keep the light's target brightness between 0 and 1.
        let clampedLightBrightness = (newTargetLightBrightness...newTargetLightBrightness).clamped(to: (0...1)).lowerBound
        return clampedLightBrightness