
File: CDROMDriveCheck.c
What's this?
An MPW c tool that checks to see which SCSI IDs are AppleCD SC drives.  It
makes a status call(97) to the AppleCD SC driver (only works with this 
driver).  On exit from the status call, the byte at csParam+1 contains a 
bit field with bits 7 - 0 corresponding to SCSI IDs 7 - 0.  That is, a 
value of 10000010 means there are two AppleCD SCs attached, with SCSI 
IDs 7 and 1.
Code notes:
As the Blue …yster Cult says, I'm making a career of evil:  the refnum is 
hard-coded, which would cause Clarus to commence to bitin' on my kneecaps 
(dogcows aren't very tall) were s/he to find out.
Further references:
Apple CD SCª Developers Guide, Revised Edition, Macintosh CD-ROM device 
driver status calls section.   It's available from APDA.
Mark Baumwell 4/1/92
#include    <types.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <files.h>
#include    <osutils.h>
#include    <strings.h>
#include    <devices.h>
#include    <sane.h>
   pb.ioCompletion = nil;
   pb.ioVRefNum = 1;
   pb.ioCRefNum = -39; /*Don't hard code refnum!!!*/
   pb.ioNamePtr = nil;
   pb.csCode = 97; // checks bit for a CD ROM
   err = PBStatus ((ParmBlkPtr) &pb, false);
   if (err == noErr)
   char byte2; /*in c, char is an 8 bit value*/
   byte2 = ((char*) pb.csParam)[1];
   printf ("the csParam (in decimal) = %i\n",(short)byte2);
   printf ("error = %i\n",err);