
/* This is the default source file for new CIPlugin bundles. */
#include <QuartzCore/CIPlugInInterface.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// The layout for an instance of MyType.
typedef struct _MyType {
    CIPlugInFilterInterfaceStruct *_filterPlugInInterface;
    CFUUIDRef _factoryID;
    UInt32 _refCount;
} MyType;
// Forward declaration for the IUnknown implementation.
static void _deallocMyType( MyType *myInstance );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Implementation of the IUnknown QueryInterface function.
static HRESULT myQueryInterface( void *myInstance, REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv )
    //  Create a CoreFoundation UUIDRef for the requested interface.
    CFUUIDRef interfaceID = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes( NULL, iid );
    // Test the requested ID against the valid interfaces.
    if( CFEqual( interfaceID, kCIPlugInFilterInterfaceID ) ) {
        //  If the TestInterface was requested, bump the ref count, set the ppv parameter
        //  equal to the instance, and return good status.
        ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_filterPlugInInterface->AddRef( myInstance );
        *ppv = myInstance;
        CFRelease( interfaceID );
        return S_OK;
    else if( CFEqual( interfaceID, IUnknownUUID ) ) {
        //  If the IUnknown interface was requested, same as above.
        ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_filterPlugInInterface->AddRef( myInstance );
        *ppv = myInstance;
        CFRelease( interfaceID );
        return S_OK;
    else {
        //  Requested interface unknown, bail with error.
        *ppv = NULL;
        CFRelease( interfaceID );
        return E_NOINTERFACE;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Implementation of reference counting for this type.
//  Whenever an interface is requested, bump the refCount for the instance.
//  NOTE: returning the refcount is a convention but is not required so don't rely on it.
static ULONG myAddRef( void *myInstance )
    ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_refCount += 1;
    return ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_refCount;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  When an interface is released, decrement the refCount.
//  If the refCount goes to zero, deallocate the instance.
static ULONG myRelease( void *myInstance )
    ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_refCount -= 1;
    if ( ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_refCount == 0 ) {
        _deallocMyType( (MyType *) myInstance );
        return 0;
        return ( (MyType *) myInstance )->_refCount;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The implementation of the custom initialization function.
static bool myInitialize(void *theCIPlugInHost, void *myInstance )
    printf("plugin initialized\n");
    return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The TestInterface function table.
static CIPlugInFilterInterfaceStruct filterPlugInInterfaceFtbl = {
        NULL,                    // Required padding for COM
        myQueryInterface,        // These three are the required COM functions
        NULL };              // Interface implementation
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Utility function that allocates a new instance.
static MyType *_allocMyType( CFUUIDRef factoryID )
    //  Allocate memory for the new instance.
    MyType *newOne = (MyType *)malloc( sizeof(MyType) );
    //  Point to the function table
    newOne->_filterPlugInInterface = &filterPlugInInterfaceFtbl;
    //  Retain and keep an open instance refcount for each factory.
    if (factoryID) {
        newOne->_factoryID = (CFUUIDRef)CFRetain( factoryID );
        CFPlugInAddInstanceForFactory( factoryID );
    //  This function returns the IUnknown interface so set the refCount to one.
    newOne->_refCount = 1;
    return newOne;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Utility function that deallocates the instance when the refCount goes to zero.
static void _deallocMyType( MyType *myInstance )
    CFUUIDRef factoryID = myInstance->_factoryID;
    free( myInstance );
    if ( factoryID ) {
        CFPlugInRemoveInstanceForFactory( factoryID );
        CFRelease( factoryID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Implementation of the factory function for this type.
void *MyFactoryFunction( CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFUUIDRef typeID )
    //  If correct type is being requested, allocate an instance of TestType and return
    //  the IUnknown interface.
    if ( CFEqual( typeID, kCIPlugInTypeID ) ) {
        MyType *result = _allocMyType( kCIPlugInFilterInterfaceID );
        return result;
    else {
        // If the requested type is incorrect, return NULL.
        return NULL;