
The CIColorTracking sample application is an Objective-C applicaton that implements a GPU-based technique to 
find  the location of a uniquely colored object in a scene  and  then uses the position information 
to apply video effects.
AppController.h and AppController.m
These files contain a declaration and impelmentation of the AppController class. This class is a 
subclass of NSObject that allows you to control the user interface. The user interface allows the 
user to  to select a source movie, change tracking options, view the tracking video, see a preview 
of the mask used for the video, and overlay the mask image onto the tracking video.
VideoCIView.h and VideoCIView.m
These contain the declaration and implementation for the VideoCIView class which is a subclass of the
NSOpenGLView class. VideoCIView sets up and manages the OpenGL context that shows the video.
VideoHandler.h and VideoHandler.m
These files contain a declaration and impelmentation of the Viewhandler class, which is a subclass
of NSObject. VideoHandler sets up a Core Video display link and manages the display and context for
the tracking video (which is a QuickTime movie).
TrackingImageUnit is a self-contained project that creates an Image Unit. An image unit is a 
Core Image filter that is packaged as an NSBundle object. Filters  packaged as an image unit are
easy to distribute and use with other applications. This image unit is used by the CIColorTracking
project, but you can just as easily use the filters in TrackingImageUnit in any Mac OS X application
by copying the image unit to /Library/Graphics/Image Units. For more information on creating and
using Image Units and Core Image filters, got to and search for
"Image Unit Tutorial" and "Core Image Programming Guide".
TrackingFilters.h and TrackingFilters.m
These files are in the TrackingImageUnit folder and contain the declaration and implementation for 
the TrackingFiltersPlugInLoader class, which takes care of registring the filters contained in these
files. These files also contain the declaraion and implementation for these CIFilter subclasses: 
CompositeFilter, Centeroid, CoordinateMaskWithColor, MaskFromColor, and GPUGemsAreaMean.
Mac OS X v10.4 or later
Macintosh with Intel or G5 processor.
Xcode version 2.3 
Interface Builder version 2.5
When you launch the application, you wil be asked to select a movie to use for tracking. After the movie opens, click  the Tracking Color color well and
choose the color  that you want to track in the movie. You can use the loupe provided by the color picker to precisely select the color. Next set the
Tolerance slider  so that the entire object you want to track shows in the Mask Preview area. 
Play the movie by clicking the Play  control in the lower right corner. Turn on Show Composite in Viewer 
to see the duck on top of the tracked color object. You see a live preview of the mask in the preview or
you can overlay it in the main view by setting the opacity of the Overlay Mask.