Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Program: CPlusTESample 2.0 |
File: Document.h |
Uses: Application.h |
List.h |
by Andrew Shebanow |
of Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support |
Copyright © 1989-1990 Apple Computer, Inc. |
All rights reserved. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
#ifndef __DOCUMENT__ |
#define __DOCUMENT__ |
// Include necessary interface files |
#ifndef __TYPES__ |
#include <Types.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__ |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __WINDOWS__ |
#include <Windows.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __FILES__ |
#include <Files.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __STANDARDFILE__ |
#include <StandardFile.h> |
#endif |
/* canonical file specification */ |
struct CanonicalFileSpec |
{ |
short vRefNum; /* volume reference number */ |
long dirID; /* directory ID */ |
Str63 fileName; /* file name */ |
}; |
#ifndef __APPLICATION__ |
#include "Application.h" |
#endif |
#ifndef __LIST__ |
#include "List.h" |
#endif |
// max and min inlines |
inline max(long a, long b) |
{ |
return a > b ? a : b; |
} |
inline min(long a, long b) |
{ |
return a < b ? a : b; |
} |
// Define inlines to convert between Points & Rects for convenience. |
inline Point TopLeft(Rect r) |
{ |
Point pt; |
pt.v =; |
pt.h = r.left; |
return pt; |
} |
inline Point TopRight(Rect r) |
{ |
Point pt; |
pt.v =; |
pt.h = r.right; |
return pt; |
} |
inline Point BotLeft(Rect r) |
{ |
Point pt; |
pt.v = r.bottom; |
pt.h = r.left; |
return pt; |
} |
inline Point BotRight(Rect r) |
{ |
Point pt; |
pt.v = r.bottom; |
pt.h = r.right; |
return pt; |
} |
const long kMaxSleepTime = 60; // 1 second worth of ticks |
// we derive from handle object to prevent fragmentation |
class TDocument : public HandleObject { |
protected: |
WindowPtr fDocWindow; |
CanonicalFileSpec fFile; |
short fFileRefNum; |
OSType fFileType; |
Boolean fNewDoc; |
Boolean fReadOnly; |
Boolean fDirty; |
Boolean fActive; |
// internal file i/o routines - these are the guys that do the |
// actual work of manipulating files |
virtual void OpenFile(Boolean readOnly, Boolean createIfNecessary); |
// OpenFile opens the file referred to by fFile. If createIfNecessary |
// is true and the file doesn't exist, it will be created. |
// If readOnly is true, the fReadOnly field will be set correctly |
// and the file will be opened with a read-only access path. |
// You shouldn't need to override this routine. |
virtual void CloseFile(); |
// close file just closes the file specified by fFileRefNum |
// You shouldn't need to override this routine. |
virtual void ReadFromFile(short refNum) = 0; |
// this routine reads the file's data from the data fork |
// specified by refNum. The file will already be open, |
// and in the correct position for reading. |
// You MUST override this routine. |
virtual void WriteToFile(short refNum) = 0; |
// this routine writes the files data to the data fork |
// specified by refNum. The file will already be open, |
// and in the correct position for writing. |
// You MUST override this routine. |
virtual YNCResult PresentSaveDialog(Boolean quitting); |
// this routine puts up the standard Save dialog, |
// using the filename specified by fFile. The quitting |
// parameter is used to make sure we have the right |
// phrasing in the dialog box - either |
// 'Save "x" before quitting?' or 'Save "x" before closing?' |
public: |
// Constructor & Destructor |
TDocument(short resID, OSType theFileType); |
// creates new, untitled document using resID as window template |
virtual ~TDocument(); |
// our destructor - disposes of window |
// Routines to handle basic user interface events |
// you MUST override these in your subclasses!!! |
virtual void DoZoom(short partCode) = 0; |
virtual void DoGrow(EventRecord* theEvent) = 0; |
virtual void DoContent(EventRecord* theEvent) = 0; |
virtual void DoKeyDown(EventRecord* theEvent) = 0; |
virtual void DoUpdate() = 0; |
// called when activating/deactivating document. |
// default version just sets fActive variable, so |
// you will need to override this to hilite your selection |
// and such |
virtual void DoActivate(Boolean becomingActive); |
// these routines are called after a TDocument object has been |
// created to initialize its contents. You probably won't need to |
// override these, since they are fairly generic. |
virtual void OpenNewDoc() {}; |
// OpenNewDoc sets up a new, untitled document - by default, this |
// has already been done in the TDocument constructor, so this routine |
// is just a placeholder. |
virtual void OpenOldDoc(CanonicalFileSpec theFile, Boolean readOnly); |
// OpenOldDoc opens a document, reads its contents, sets the window |
// title, and so on. |
// high level, user-oriented file handling routines |
// You probably won't need to override these |
virtual YNCResult DoClose(Boolean askUserToSave, |
YNCResult defaultAnswer, |
Boolean quitting); |
// DoClose closes the document. If askUserToSave is true, |
// the user is asked whether or not he wants to save the documents |
// contents. If it is false, the document will be saved if defaultAnswer |
// is yesResult. |
virtual void DoSave(); |
// DoSave saves the documents contents. If the document is a new, |
// untitled document, DoSave will call DoSaveAs (below). Otherwise, |
// it sets up the file for writing and calls WriteToFile to save the |
// actual data. |
virtual void DoSaveAs(); |
// DoSaveAs asks the user for a file to save the document into. |
// It saves the data in the same manner as DoSave, and sets up |
// the file-related data members (fFile, fFileRefNum, etc). |
virtual void DoRevert() {}; |
// DoRevert is a hook for a revert routine. Currently, this |
// isn't implemented, but it is here for future enhancement. |
virtual void DoPrint() {}; |
// we don't support printing yet either |
// standard edit menu actions |
// with the exception of DoUndo, you MUST override these routines |
virtual void DoUndo() {}; |
// by default, undo is unimplemented, so you don't have to |
// override this method |
virtual void DoCut() = 0; |
virtual void DoCopy() = 0; |
virtual void DoPaste() = 0; |
virtual void DoClear() = 0; |
virtual void DoSelectAll() = 0; |
// idle time routines: you can override these to do cursor handling, |
// TE caret blinking, marquee effects, etc... |
virtual void DoIdle() {}; |
virtual unsigned long CalcIdle() { return kMaxSleepTime; }; |
// we never need idle in typical applications, so return a very large number |
virtual void AdjustCursor() {}; |
// where is in local coords |
// query state of document - useful for adjusting menu state |
// You will probably need to override at least a few of |
// these to accurately reflect the state of your document |
virtual Boolean HaveUndo() { return false; }; |
virtual Boolean HaveSelection() { return false; }; |
virtual Boolean HavePaste() { return false; }; |
virtual Boolean CanClose() { return (FrontWindow() != nil); }; |
virtual Boolean CanSave() { return fDirty; }; |
virtual Boolean CanSaveAs() { return true; }; |
virtual Boolean CanRevert() { return false; }; // not implemented |
virtual Boolean CanPrint() { return false; }; // not implemented |
// utility routine to get window pointer for document |
inline WindowPtr GetDocWindow() { return fDocWindow; } |
}; |
// TDocumentList is a simple linked list of documents, |
// implemented C++ style. |
class TDocumentList : public TList { |
public: |
virtual void AddDoc(TDocument* doc); |
virtual void RemoveDoc(TDocument* doc); |
// find the TDocument associated with the window |
virtual TDocument* FindDoc(WindowPtr window); |
// return number of active documents |
inline int NumDocs() { return Count(); } |
}; |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14