Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: Sample.c |
Contains: Sample Appearance-savvy, Mac OS X-compatible custom MDEF. |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include <Carbon.h> |
#include "Sample.h" |
/* |
This sample code demonstrates how to write an Appearance-savvy, Mac OS X-compatible MDEF. |
It imitates the appearance the standard system MDEF as far as possible. |
Features of the standard MDEF that aren't implemented here: |
kMenuDrawItemsMsg |
icons |
glyph-based command keys |
custom menu font |
custom menu item text encoding, font, and style |
right-to-left drawing |
pencil glyph substitution |
This code has not yet been compiled or run on Mac OS 9. It should be fairly close to |
implementing an Appearance-savvy MDEF for 9, but will require at least CarbonLib 1.3.1 |
for DrawThemeTextBox. |
There are several tricky platform-specific and OS-version-specific issues to deal with |
in writing an Appearance-savvy MDEF. The major ones: |
- Because menus use a window buffer that contains an alpha channel, drawing into the |
menu must be done with CoreGraphics and not Quickdraw if you would like to have |
a transparent menu. Quickdraw does not understand alpha channels and will simply |
set the alpha channel component of each pixel to 0xFF (making the menu opaque). |
If you are drawing with the Appearance Manager menu-drawing APIs, you will automatically |
use CoreGraphics and your menus will be transparent. |
- Because Quickdraw does not deal with alpha channels, you cannot use Quickdraw to |
scroll a menu's contents without making the menu opaque. Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and |
CarbonLib 1.5 and later, provide a new ScrollMenuImage API that scrolls the menu |
using CoreGraphics. On Mac OS X 10.0.x, there is no good substitute for ScrollMenuImage; |
this sample code just uses ScrollRect. |
- Because menus are partially transparent on Mac OS X, when the Appearance Manager |
draws the menu background inside DrawThemeMenuBackground, it composites the menu |
background together with whatever was previously visible in the menu's window |
buffer. If the menu background is being redrawn because a previously selected menu |
item is being redrawn in an unhilited state, then the previous content of the |
menu's buffer is the blue hilited menu item, and a small fraction of the blue hilite |
will show through the background of the unhilited menu item. The solution to this |
is to erase the area where the menu background will be drawn before drawing the |
background. Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and CarbonLib 1.5 and later, will offer a new |
API to do this, EraseMenuBackground; on Mac OS X 10.0.x, you must use CoreGraphics |
directly. |
- The GetThemeMetric API in Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and in CarbonLib 1.5 and later, has |
several new theme metrics to aid in the layout of a menu. These metrics are not available |
in 10.0.x and must be hard-coded on earlier systems. |
- The check, diamond, bullet, and dash characters, when drawn as mark characters for a |
menu item by the Appearance Manager, are drawn with special customized glyphs that are |
different from the glyphs in the system font. On Mac OS 10.0.x, the public Appearance |
Manager APIs do not provide any way to get these special glyphs. On Mac OS X 10.1 and |
later, the DrawThemeTextBox API has been modified to provide these glyphs automatically, |
so an MDEF should simply always use DrawThemeTextBox to draw the mark characters. |
- When drawing the command, option, control, and shift modifier glyphs in a menu item, |
for compatibility with both Mac OS X 10.0.x and 10.1, you must create the CFString |
containing the glyph characters using CFStringCreateWithBytes, providing a source |
string containing the kMenuCommand/Option/Control/Glyph character codes from Menus.h |
and using the kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs encoding. If you do not need compatibility |
with 10.0.x, and your MDEF will only run on later releases of Mac OS X, then you can |
create the CFString by specifying the Unicode characters for these glyphs directly |
(these Unicode characters are listed in Events.h). |
- The following theme fonts are used when drawing a menu: |
kThemeMenuItemFont used for: menu item text, menu command key |
kThemeMenuItemMarkFont used for: menu mark character |
kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont used for: command key modifier glyphs, menu |
command key if specified by glyph instead of |
character code, menu mark if the mark's character |
code is less than 32 (ASCII space) |
- DrawThemeTextBox uses the ThemeDrawState constant to modify the shadow and boldness |
of the text; it does not, however, modify the text color based on the draw state. |
It assumes that you have already set up the text color appropriately using |
SetThemeTextColor. However, there is currently no API for setting the text color |
of a CoreGraphics context based on ThemeDrawState. For this reason, DrawThemeTextBox |
makes an exception to its no-text-color-setup rule; if you pass NULL for the context, |
the text color will be set up appropriately for you. This sample code therefore always |
passes NULL as the CGContextRef parameter to DrawThemeTextBox, even though a context |
is passed to the MDEF by the Menu Manager. |
*/ |
// |
// determines whether the MDEF is compatible with Mac OS X 10.0.x (set to zero) |
// or only with Mac OS X 10.1 and later (set to one) |
// |
#define AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x 0 |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
/* ¥ÊConstants */ |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
// for our wrapper around GetThemeMetric |
enum |
{ |
kThemeMenuMetricMarkColumnWidth, |
kThemeMenuMetricExcludedMarkColumnWidth, |
kThemeMenuMetricMarkIndent, |
kThemeMenuMetricTextLeadingEdgeMargin, |
kThemeMenuMetricTextTrailingEdgeMargin, |
kThemeMenuMetricIndentWidth, |
kThemeMenuMetricIconTrailingEdgeMargin |
}; |
typedef int ThemeMenuMetric; |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
/* ¥ÊTypes */ |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
// for our wrapper glue around EraseMenuBackground, ScrollMenuImage, and CGContextClearRect |
typedef OSStatus |
(*EraseMenuBackgroundProc)( |
MenuRef inMenu, |
const Rect * inEraseRect, |
CGContextRef inContext); |
typedef OSStatus |
(*ScrollMenuImageProc)( |
MenuRef inMenu, |
const Rect * inScrollRect, |
int inHScroll, |
int inVScroll, |
CGContextRef inContext); |
typedef void |
(*CGContextClearRectProc)( |
CGContextRef context, |
CGRect rect); |
// useful metrics for menu drawing |
typedef struct |
{ |
SInt16 extraWidth; // extra width for each item |
SInt16 extraHeightPlain; // extra height for plain text items |
SInt16 extraHeightIcon; // extra height for items with icons |
SInt16 markWidth; // width of the column used to draw the mark character |
SInt16 excludedMarkWidth; // width of the column when the mark character is excluded |
SInt16 markIndent; // indent into the mark column where drawing starts |
SInt16 textLeadingMargin; // margin on the leading edge of the text to where text drawing starts |
SInt16 textTrailingMargin; // margin on the trailing edge of the text to the end of the text box |
SInt16 indentWidth; // space allocated per indent level as set by SetMenuItemIndent |
SInt16 itemHeight; // height of a plain text icon |
SInt16 separatorHeight; // height of a separator |
SInt16 itemBaseline; // distance from top of item text to baseline |
SInt16 cmdGlyphWidth; // width of the command key symbol; used as command key width for items without command keys |
SInt16 cmdCharWidth; // width of 'W' in the menu item font; used as width of all command chars |
} |
MenuMetrics; |
// info needed to calculate the size of an item |
typedef struct |
{ |
MenuMetrics metrics; |
MenuItemDataRec itemData; |
} |
MenuItemCalcInfo; |
// our MenuItem drawing callback gets a pointer to this in its userData |
typedef struct |
{ |
MenuRef menu; |
MenuAttributes menuAttr; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
CGContextRef context; |
Boolean itemSelected; |
} |
MenuItemDrawInfo; |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
/* ¥ Prototypes */ |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
static void DrawMenu( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context ); |
static void SetupItemDrawInfo( MenuRef menu, CGContextRef context, MenuItemDrawInfo* outDrawInfo ); |
static void SetupItemRect( const Rect* menuBounds, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Rect* outItemRect ); |
static void DrawItem( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, |
const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean eraseFirst, |
const MenuItemDrawInfo* drawInfo, CGContextRef context ); |
static void FetchMenuItemData( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, MenuItemDataRec* outItemData ); |
static void ReleaseMenuItemData( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData ); |
//static ThemeMenuType GetThemeMenuType( MenuRef menu ); |
static ThemeMenuState GetItemState( MenuItemAttributes attr, Boolean hilite ); |
static ThemeMenuItemType GetItemType( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const MenuItemDataRec* itemData, Boolean eraseFirst ); |
static MenuItemDrawingUPP GetItemDrawingProc(); |
static pascal void ItemDrawingProc( const Rect *inBounds, SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice, SInt32 inUserData); |
static void DrawCharTextBox( Byte ch, TextEncoding encoding, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState, |
const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context ); |
static int MeasureUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font ); |
static void DrawUnicode( const UniChar*, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState, const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context ); |
static void DrawScrollArrow( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean downArrow, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ); |
static void SizeMenu( MenuRef menu, Point maxSizes ); |
static void GetMenuMetrics( MenuMetrics* outMetrics ); |
static UniChar GetCommandGlyph( void ); |
static void CalcItemSize( MenuRef menu, const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo, int* outWidth, int* outHeight ); |
static int GetCommandKeyWidth( const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo ); |
static const UniChar* BuildModifierString( UInt32 modifiers, ByteCount* outLength ); |
static void CalcMenuPopUpRect( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int mouseH, int mouseV, short* whichItem ); |
static void FindMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context ); |
static void AutoScroll( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, MenuItemIndex prevItemSelected, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ); |
static void DrawScrolledItem( MenuRef menu, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ); |
static void HiliteMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, HiliteMenuItemData* hiliteData, CGContextRef context ); |
static void HiliteItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, int i, Boolean hilite, CGContextRef context ); |
static void CalcMenuItemBounds( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int i ); |
static void GetItemRect( MenuRef menu, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* bounds, int whichItem, int hintItem, int hintBottom, const MenuItemCalcInfo* whichItemInfo, Rect* itemRect ); |
static int GetThemeMenuMetric( ThemeMenuMetric metric ); |
static Boolean HasNoBackground(); |
static Boolean HasAqua(); |
static void DoEraseMenuBackground( MenuRef menu, const Rect* rect, CGContextRef context ); |
static void DoCGContextClearRect( CGContextRef context, const Rect* rect ); |
static void DoScrollMenuImage( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, int dh, int dv, CGContextRef context ); |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
/* ¥ÊFunctions */ |
/*==================================================================================================*/ |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
inline Boolean |
HasCommandKey( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData ) |
{ |
// the standard MDEF also checks for cmdKeyGlyph and kMenuItemAttrUseVirtualKey here |
return itemData->cmdKey != 0; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
inline CGContextRef |
GetTextContext( CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
// |
// There is currently no API for setting up the appropriate text color for a ThemeDrawState |
// in a CGContext. If you pass NULL to DrawThemeTextBox, it will set up the color for you, |
// so we use NULL even though ideally we should be passing the actual context. |
// |
return NULL; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
pascal void |
SampleMDEF( short msg, MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, short* whichItem ) |
{ |
switch ( msg ) |
{ |
case kMenuInitMsg: |
*whichItem = noErr; |
break; |
case kMenuDisposeMsg: |
break; |
case kMenuDrawMsg: |
DrawMenu( menu, bounds, (MenuTrackingData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFDrawData*) whichItem)->context ); |
break; |
case kMenuSizeMsg: |
SizeMenu( menu, hitPt ); |
break; |
case kMenuPopUpMsg: |
CalcMenuPopUpRect( menu, bounds, hitPt.v, hitPt.h, whichItem ); |
break; |
case kMenuFindItemMsg: |
FindMenuItem( menu, bounds, hitPt, (MenuTrackingData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFFindItemData*) whichItem)->context ); |
break; |
case kMenuHiliteItemMsg: |
HiliteMenuItem( menu, bounds, (HiliteMenuItemData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFHiliteItemData*) whichItem)->context ); |
break; |
case kMenuCalcItemMsg: |
CalcMenuItemBounds( menu, bounds, *whichItem ); |
break; |
case kMenuThemeSavvyMsg: |
*whichItem = kThemeSavvyMenuResponse; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawMenu( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
int i; |
int cItems; |
MenuItemDrawInfo drawInfo; |
Rect itemRect; |
trackingData->virtualMenuBottom = 0; |
NormalizeThemeDrawingState(); |
SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo ); |
SetupItemRect( bounds, trackingData, &itemRect ); |
cItems = CountMenuItems( menu ); |
for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ ) |
{ |
int height; |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
CalcItemSize( menu, &drawInfo.calcInfo, NULL, &height ); |
itemRect.bottom = + height; |
if ( ! ( itemRect.bottom <= bounds->top || >= bounds->bottom ) ) |
DrawItem( menu, i, bounds, &itemRect, trackingData, false, &drawInfo, context ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
trackingData->virtualMenuBottom = itemRect.bottom; | = itemRect.bottom; |
} |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top ) |
DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, false, &drawInfo.calcInfo.metrics, context ); |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom ) |
DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, true, &drawInfo.calcInfo.metrics, context ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
SetupItemDrawInfo( MenuRef menu, CGContextRef context, MenuItemDrawInfo* outDrawInfo ) |
{ |
outDrawInfo->menu = menu; |
GetMenuAttributes( menu, &outDrawInfo->menuAttr ); |
GetMenuMetrics( &outDrawInfo->calcInfo.metrics ); |
outDrawInfo->context = context; |
outDrawInfo->itemSelected = false; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
SetupItemRect( const Rect* menuBounds, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Rect* outItemRect ) |
{ |
outItemRect->left = menuBounds->left; |
outItemRect->right = menuBounds->right; |
outItemRect->top = trackingData->virtualMenuTop; |
outItemRect->bottom = outItemRect->top; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawItem( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, |
const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean eraseFirst, |
const MenuItemDrawInfo* drawInfo, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
if ( eraseFirst ) |
DoEraseMenuBackground( menu, itemRect, context ); |
if ( ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrSeparator ) != 0 ) |
{ |
DrawThemeMenuSeparator( itemRect ); |
} |
else |
{ |
DrawThemeMenuItem( menuRect, itemRect, |
trackingData->virtualMenuTop, trackingData->virtualMenuBottom, |
GetItemState( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr, drawInfo->itemSelected ), |
GetItemType( menu, item, &drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData, eraseFirst ), |
GetItemDrawingProc(), (UInt32) drawInfo ); |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
FetchMenuItemData( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, MenuItemDataRec* outItemData ) |
{ |
BlockZero( outItemData, sizeof( MenuItemDataRec ) ); |
outItemData->whichData = kMenuItemDataMark |
| kMenuItemDataCmdKey |
| kMenuItemDataCmdKeyModifiers |
| kMenuItemDataSubmenuID |
| kMenuItemDataSubmenuHandle |
| kMenuItemDataEnabled |
| kMenuItemDataAttributes |
| kMenuItemDataCFString |
| kMenuItemDataIndent; |
CopyMenuItemData( menu, item, false, outItemData ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
ReleaseMenuItemData( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData ) |
{ |
if ( itemData->cfText != NULL ) |
CFRelease( itemData->cfText ); |
} |
#if 0 // not currently used |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static ThemeMenuType |
GetThemeMenuType( MenuRef menu ) |
{ |
ThemeMenuType menuType; |
GetMenuType( menu, &menuType ); |
if ( !IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, 0 ) ) |
menuType |= kThemeMenuTypeInactive; |
return menuType; |
} |
#endif |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static ThemeMenuState |
GetItemState( MenuItemAttributes attr, Boolean hilite ) |
{ |
if ( hilite ) |
return kThemeMenuSelected; |
else if ( ( attr & kMenuItemAttrDisabled ) != 0 ) |
return kThemeMenuDisabled; |
else |
return kThemeMenuActive; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static ThemeMenuItemType |
GetItemType( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const MenuItemDataRec* itemData, Boolean eraseFirst ) |
{ |
ThemeMenuType menuType; |
ThemeMenuItemType itemType = kThemeMenuItemPlain; |
GetMenuType( menu, &menuType ); |
if ( itemData->submenuHandle != NULL || itemData->submenuID != 0 ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierarchical; |
if ( item == 1 ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemAtTop; |
else if ( item == CountMenuItems( menu ) ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemAtBottom; |
if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierBackground; |
else if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypePopUp ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemPopUpBackground; |
if ( !eraseFirst && HasNoBackground() ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemNoBackground; |
return itemType; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static MenuItemDrawingUPP |
GetItemDrawingProc() |
{ |
static MenuItemDrawingUPP sDrawingProc; |
if ( sDrawingProc == NULL ) |
sDrawingProc = NewMenuItemDrawingUPP( ItemDrawingProc ); |
return sDrawingProc; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static pascal void |
ItemDrawingProc(const Rect *inBounds, SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice, SInt32 inUserData) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDepth, inIsColorDevice ) |
MenuItemDrawInfo* drawInfo = (MenuItemDrawInfo*) inUserData; |
ThemeDrawState drawState; |
Rect bounds = *inBounds; |
Rect boundsT; |
int baseline = + drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.itemBaseline; |
if ( drawInfo->itemSelected ) |
drawState = kThemeStatePressed; |
else if ( ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrDisabled ) != 0 ) |
drawState = kThemeStateInactive; |
else |
drawState = kThemeStateActive; |
// indent |
if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.indent > 0 ) |
bounds.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.indent * drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.indentWidth; |
// mark character |
if ( ( drawInfo->menuAttr & kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn ) == 0 ) |
{ |
boundsT = bounds; |
bounds.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.markWidth; |
if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark != 0 ) |
{ |
ThemeFontID font = kThemeMenuItemMarkFont; |
TextEncoding encoding = GetApplicationTextEncoding(); |
if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark < kSpaceCharCode ) |
{ |
font = kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont; |
encoding = kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs; |
} |
boundsT.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.markIndent; |
boundsT.right = bounds.left; |
DrawCharTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark, encoding, font, drawState, |
&boundsT, baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context ); |
} |
} |
// text |
if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cfText != NULL ) |
{ |
boundsT = bounds; |
boundsT.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.textLeadingMargin; |
DrawThemeTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cfText, kThemeMenuItemFont, drawState, |
false, &boundsT, teFlushDefault, GetTextContext( drawInfo->context ) ); |
} |
// command key |
if ( HasCommandKey( &drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData ) ) |
{ |
ByteCount cch; |
const UniChar* modifiers; |
// the command key character itself |
boundsT = bounds; |
boundsT.left = boundsT.right - drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.cmdCharWidth; |
DrawCharTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cmdKey, GetApplicationTextEncoding(), kThemeMenuItemFont, |
drawState, &boundsT, baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context ); |
// the modifiers |
boundsT.right = boundsT.left; |
boundsT.left = bounds.right - GetCommandKeyWidth( &drawInfo->calcInfo ); |
modifiers = BuildModifierString( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cmdKeyModifiers, &cch ); |
DrawUnicode( modifiers, cch, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, &boundsT, |
baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context ); |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawCharTextBox( Byte ch, TextEncoding encoding, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState, |
const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
Rect adjustedBounds = *bounds; |
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, &ch, 1, encoding, false ); |
/* |
Menu item text drawn with the .Keyboard font (used for kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont) won't |
always have the same ascent and baseline as text drawn with the regular menu item font, |
since the glyphs in the .Keyboard font may have a different height. Therefore, we first |
determine the baseline of the text and then adjust the bounds rect so the baseline aligns |
with the overall baseline of the menu item. |
*/ |
if ( font == kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont ) |
{ |
Point size; |
SInt16 cmdKeyBaseline; |
GetThemeTextDimensions( string, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, false, &size, &cmdKeyBaseline ); |
OffsetRect( &adjustedBounds, 0, baseline - bounds->top - size.v - cmdKeyBaseline ); |
} |
DrawThemeTextBox( string, font, drawState, false, &adjustedBounds, just, GetTextContext( context ) ); |
CFRelease( string ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static int |
MeasureUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font ) |
{ |
CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( NULL, chars, length ); |
Point pt = {0, 0}; |
SInt16 baseline; |
GetThemeTextDimensions( str, font, kThemeStateActive, false, &pt, &baseline ); |
CFRelease( str ); |
return pt.h; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState, |
const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
Rect adjustedBounds = *bounds; |
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( NULL, chars, length ); |
/* |
Menu item text drawn with the .Keyboard font (used for kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont) won't |
always have the same ascent and baseline as text drawn with the regular menu item font, |
since the glyphs in the .Keyboard font may have a different height. Therefore, we first |
determine the baseline of the text and then adjust the bounds rect so the baseline aligns |
with the overall baseline of the menu item. |
*/ |
if ( font == kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont ) |
{ |
Point size; |
SInt16 cmdKeyBaseline; |
GetThemeTextDimensions( string, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, false, &size, &cmdKeyBaseline ); |
OffsetRect( &adjustedBounds, 0, baseline - bounds->top - size.v - cmdKeyBaseline ); |
} |
DrawThemeTextBox( string, font, drawState, false, &adjustedBounds, just, GetTextContext( context ) ); |
CFRelease( string ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawScrollArrow( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean downArrow, |
const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
Rect itemRect = *bounds; |
ThemeMenuState menuState; |
ThemeMenuType menuType; |
ThemeMenuItemType itemType; |
if ( downArrow ) | = itemRect.bottom - metrics->itemHeight; |
else |
itemRect.bottom = + metrics->itemHeight; |
// |
// If the entire menu is inactive, disable the item so that it matches the rest of the menu. |
// The menu still scrolls, so technically the item really shouldn't be inactive, but it looks |
// wrong otherwise. |
// |
if ( IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, 0 ) ) |
menuState = kThemeMenuActive; |
else |
menuState = kThemeMenuDisabled; |
if ( downArrow ) |
itemType = kThemeMenuItemScrollDownArrow; |
else |
itemType = kThemeMenuItemScrollUpArrow; |
GetMenuType( menu, &menuType ); |
if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierBackground; |
else if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypePopUp ) |
itemType |= kThemeMenuItemPopUpBackground; |
// the arrow's background will be drawn on top of whatever was there before, so erase first |
DoEraseMenuBackground( menu, &itemRect, context ); |
DrawThemeMenuItem( bounds, &itemRect, trackingData->virtualMenuTop, trackingData->virtualMenuBottom, |
menuState, itemType, NULL, NULL ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
SizeMenu( MenuRef menu, Point maxSizes ) |
{ |
int i; |
int cItems; |
int menuWidth = 0; |
int menuHeight = 0; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
SInt32 result; |
int maxWidth; |
int maxHeight; |
Boolean hasCmdKey = false; |
// determine the maximum allowed width and height of the menu |
if ( ( Gestalt( gestaltMenuMgrAttr, &result ) == noErr ) |
&& ( result & gestaltMenuMgrSendsMenuBoundsToDefProcMask ) != 0 ) |
{ |
maxWidth = maxSizes.h; |
maxHeight = maxSizes.v; |
} |
else |
{ |
Rect mainDeviceRect = (*GetMainDevice())->gdRect; |
maxWidth = mainDeviceRect.right - mainDeviceRect.left; |
maxHeight = mainDeviceRect.bottom - - GetMBarHeight(); |
} |
GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics ); |
// |
// Determine the true width and height of the menu. Note that we must examine every item, |
// even if the height of the menu has already exceeded the maximum height, because we need |
// to calculate the maximum width based on the width of every item. |
// |
cItems = CountMenuItems( menu ); |
for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ ) |
{ |
int itemWidth; |
int itemHeight; |
int newHeight; |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData ); |
hasCmdKey |= HasCommandKey( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, &itemWidth, &itemHeight ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
if ( itemWidth > menuWidth ) |
menuWidth = itemWidth; |
newHeight = menuHeight + itemHeight; |
if ( newHeight <= maxHeight ) |
menuHeight = newHeight; |
} |
// |
// CalcItemSize will add the command key width to every item, even if the item doesn't have a command key. |
// This gives a better appearance when just some items have command keys. However, if no item has a command |
// key, then we remove the command key width entirely. |
// |
if ( !hasCmdKey && menuWidth >= calcInfo.metrics.cmdGlyphWidth ) |
menuWidth -= calcInfo.metrics.cmdGlyphWidth; |
if ( menuWidth > maxWidth ) |
menuWidth = maxWidth; |
if ( menuHeight > maxHeight ) |
menuHeight = maxHeight; |
SetMenuWidth( menu, menuWidth ); |
SetMenuHeight( menu, menuHeight ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
CalcItemSize( MenuRef menu, const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo, int* outWidth, int* outHeight ) |
{ |
MenuAttributes menuAttr; |
// initial height |
if ( outHeight != NULL ) |
{ |
if ( ( calcInfo->itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrSeparator ) != 0 ) |
*outHeight = calcInfo->metrics.separatorHeight; |
else |
*outHeight = calcInfo->metrics.itemHeight; |
} |
// initial width |
if ( outWidth == NULL ) |
return; |
else |
*outWidth = 0; |
// indent |
if ( calcInfo->itemData.indent > 0 ) |
*outWidth += calcInfo->itemData.indent * calcInfo->metrics.indentWidth; |
// mark character |
GetMenuAttributes( menu, &menuAttr ); |
if ( ( menuAttr & kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn ) != 0 ) |
*outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.excludedMarkWidth; |
else |
*outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.markWidth; |
// text |
if ( calcInfo->itemData.cfText != NULL ) |
{ |
Point pt; |
SInt16 baseline; |
GetThemeTextDimensions( calcInfo->itemData.cfText, kThemeMenuItemFont, kThemeStateActive, false, &pt, &baseline ); |
*outWidth += pt.h + calcInfo->metrics.textLeadingMargin + calcInfo->metrics.textTrailingMargin; |
} |
// command key and modifiers |
*outWidth += GetCommandKeyWidth( calcInfo ); |
// theme-specified extra spacing |
*outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.extraWidth; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static int |
GetCommandKeyWidth( const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo ) |
{ |
int width = 0; |
if ( HasCommandKey( &calcInfo->itemData ) ) |
{ |
width = calcInfo->metrics.cmdCharWidth; |
if ( calcInfo->itemData.cmdKeyModifiers == 0 ) |
{ |
width += calcInfo->metrics.cmdGlyphWidth; |
} |
else |
{ |
ByteCount cch; |
const UniChar* modifiers = BuildModifierString( calcInfo->itemData.cmdKeyModifiers, &cch ); |
width += MeasureUnicode( modifiers, cch, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont ); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
width = calcInfo->metrics.cmdGlyphWidth; |
} |
return width; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static const UniChar* |
BuildModifierString( UInt32 modifiers, ByteCount* outLength ) |
{ |
static UniChar ustr[4]; |
ByteCount cch = 0; |
/* |
Mac OS X 10.0.x expects the CFStringRef used when drawing with kMenuItemCmdKeyFont to contain |
characters with values in the range given in Menus.h for glyph codes in the .Keyboard font. |
Those glyph codes are actually not valid Unicode values for the associated characters; that |
Mac OS X 10.0.x requires them is a bug in that release. |
Mac OS X 10.1 and later expects the CFStringRef to contain characters with the proper Unicode |
values (kCommand/Option/Shift/ControlUnicode). |
It so happens that creating a CFStringRef with CFStringCreateWithBytes, using byte values from |
the .Keyboard font encoding, and specifying kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, will create a CFString |
with the right Unicode values on both platforms. That is the approach used by this sample code. |
However, if your MDEF will only run on Mac OS X 10.1 and later, then it's somewhat more efficient |
to just create the CFString by specifying the correct Unicode values in the first place. |
*/ |
#if AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuControlModifier ) != 0 ) |
ustr[cch++] = kControlUnicode; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuOptionModifier ) != 0 ) |
ustr[cch++] = kOptionUnicode; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuShiftModifier ) != 0 ) |
ustr[cch++] = kShiftUnicode; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuNoCommandModifier ) == 0 ) |
ustr[cch++] = kCommandUnicode; |
#else |
static Byte str[4]; |
CFStringRef cfString; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuControlModifier ) != 0 ) |
str[cch++] = kMenuControlGlyph; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuOptionModifier ) != 0 ) |
str[cch++] = kMenuOptionGlyph; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuShiftModifier ) != 0 ) |
str[cch++] = kMenuShiftGlyph; |
if ( ( modifiers & kMenuNoCommandModifier ) == 0 ) |
str[cch++] = kMenuCommandGlyph; |
cfString = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, str, cch, kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, false ); |
check( cfString != NULL ); |
check( CFStringGetLength( cfString ) <= 4 ); |
CFStringGetCharacters( cfString, CFRangeMake( 0, cch ), ustr ); |
CFRelease( cfString ); |
#endif |
*outLength = cch; |
return ustr; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
CalcMenuPopUpRect( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int mouseH, int mouseV, short* whichItem ) |
{ |
MenuTrackingData trackingData; |
Rect itemRect; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics ); |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, *whichItem, &calcInfo.itemData ); |
trackingData.virtualMenuTop = 0; // GetItemRect uses only this field of the tracking data |
GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, *whichItem, 0, 0, &calcInfo, &itemRect ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
// itemRect.left and right will be garbage now, because they're based on the bounds rect, |
// which is uninitialized. But we don't care. |
if ( IsMenuSizeInvalid( menu ) ) |
CalcMenuSize( menu ); |
SetRect( bounds, mouseH, mouseV -, mouseH + GetMenuWidth( menu ), |
mouseV + GetMenuHeight( menu ) - ); |
*whichItem = bounds->top; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
FindMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
Rect visibleBounds = *bounds; |
MenuItemIndex prevItemSelected = trackingData->itemSelected; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics ); |
trackingData->itemSelected = 0; |
trackingData->itemUnderMouse = 0; |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top ) | += calcInfo.metrics.itemHeight; |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom ) |
visibleBounds.bottom -= calcInfo.metrics.itemHeight; |
if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &visibleBounds ) ) |
{ |
int i; |
int cItems; |
Rect itemRect; |
SetupItemRect( bounds, trackingData, &itemRect ); |
cItems = CountMenuItems( menu ); |
for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ ) |
{ |
int height; |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData ); |
CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, NULL, &height ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
itemRect.bottom = + height; |
if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &itemRect ) ) |
{ |
trackingData->itemUnderMouse = i; |
trackingData->itemRect = itemRect; |
if ( IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, i ) ) |
trackingData->itemSelected = i; |
break; |
} |
// prepare for next item | = itemRect.bottom; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
AutoScroll( menu, bounds, hitPt, trackingData, prevItemSelected, &calcInfo.metrics, context ); |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
AutoScroll( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, |
MenuItemIndex prevItemSelected, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
enum |
{ |
kSlowScrollSpeed = 10, |
kFastScrollSpeed = 1 |
}; |
int scrollDist = 0; |
Rect arrowRect; |
Rect itemRect; |
Rect scrollRect = *bounds; |
UInt32 temp; |
MenuTrackingData deepestTrackingData; |
UInt32 delayTime = 0; |
// are we in the top scrolling arrow? |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top ) |
{ |
// there's a top arrow, so remove that item from the scrollRect | += metrics->itemHeight; |
arrowRect = *bounds; |
arrowRect.bottom = + metrics->itemHeight; |
if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &arrowRect ) ) |
{ |
// this will be the bounds of the item that's newly exposed |
itemRect = arrowRect; |
// scrolling up means that bits move down on the screen |
scrollDist = metrics->itemHeight; |
if ( hitPt.v >= ( ( + arrowRect.bottom ) / 2 ) ) |
delayTime = kSlowScrollSpeed; |
else |
delayTime = kFastScrollSpeed; |
} |
} |
// or the bottom scrolling arrow? |
if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom ) |
{ |
// there's a bottom arrow, so remove that item from the scrollRect |
scrollRect.bottom -= metrics->itemHeight; |
arrowRect = *bounds; | = arrowRect.bottom - metrics->itemHeight; |
if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &arrowRect ) ) |
{ |
// this will be the bounds of the item that's newly exposed |
itemRect = arrowRect; |
// scrolling down means that bits move up on the screen |
scrollDist = -metrics->itemHeight; |
if ( hitPt.v <= ( ( + arrowRect.bottom ) / 2 ) ) |
delayTime = kSlowScrollSpeed; |
else |
delayTime = kFastScrollSpeed; |
} |
} |
if ( scrollDist == 0 ) |
return; |
// don't scroll if there are other menus open above us |
verify_noerr( GetMenuTrackingData( NULL, &deepestTrackingData ) ); |
if ( != menu ) |
return; |
// turn off the hilite on the previous item |
if ( prevItemSelected != 0 ) |
HiliteItem( menu, bounds, trackingData, prevItemSelected, false, context ); |
// scroll me, baby |
DoScrollMenuImage( menu, &scrollRect, 0, scrollDist, context ); |
trackingData->virtualMenuTop += scrollDist; |
trackingData->virtualMenuBottom += scrollDist; |
// draw the newly exposed item |
OffsetRect( &itemRect, 0, scrollDist ); |
DrawScrolledItem( menu, trackingData, bounds, &itemRect, metrics, context ); |
// draw the arrows, if necessary |
if ( scrollDist < 0 && trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top ) |
DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, false, metrics, context ); |
if ( scrollDist > 0 && trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom ) |
DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, true, metrics, context ); |
Delay( delayTime, &temp ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DrawScrolledItem( MenuRef menu, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
int i; |
MenuItemDrawInfo drawInfo; |
i = ( itemRect->top - trackingData->virtualMenuTop ) / metrics->itemHeight; // zero-based item number |
i++; // one-based item number |
SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo ); |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
DrawItem( menu, i, menuRect, itemRect, trackingData, true, &drawInfo, context ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
HiliteMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, HiliteMenuItemData* hiliteData, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
MenuTrackingData trackingData; |
Boolean oldFirst = false; |
Boolean oldLast = false; |
MenuItemDrawInfo oldDrawInfo; |
MenuItemDrawInfo newDrawInfo; |
Rect oldItemRect; |
Rect newItemRect; |
GetMenuTrackingData( menu, &trackingData ); |
SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &oldDrawInfo ); |
newDrawInfo = oldDrawInfo; |
// |
// determine whether previousItem or newItem comes first in the menu so we can get the item rect |
// for the earlier item first, and use its position as a hint to GetItemRect for the later item |
// |
if ( hiliteData->previousItem != 0 ) |
{ |
oldFirst = hiliteData->previousItem < hiliteData->newItem; |
oldLast = !oldFirst; |
} |
if ( oldFirst ) |
{ |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->previousItem, 0, 0, |
&oldDrawInfo.calcInfo, &oldItemRect ); |
} |
if ( hiliteData->newItem != 0 ) |
{ |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->newItem, &newDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->newItem, hiliteData->previousItem, |
oldItemRect.bottom, &newDrawInfo.calcInfo, &newItemRect ); |
} |
if ( oldLast ) |
{ |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->previousItem, hiliteData->newItem, |
newItemRect.bottom, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo, &oldItemRect ); |
} |
if ( hiliteData->previousItem != 0 ) |
{ |
check( oldDrawInfo.itemSelected == false ); |
DrawItem( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, bounds, &oldItemRect, &trackingData, true, &oldDrawInfo, context ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
} |
if ( hiliteData->newItem != 0 ) |
{ |
newDrawInfo.itemSelected = true; |
DrawItem( menu, hiliteData->newItem, bounds, &newItemRect, &trackingData, true, &newDrawInfo, context ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &newDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
HiliteItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, int i, Boolean hilite, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
MenuItemDrawInfo drawInfo; |
Rect itemRect; |
if ( i == 0 ) |
return; |
SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo ); |
drawInfo.itemSelected = hilite; |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
GetItemRect( menu, trackingData, bounds, i, 0, 0, &drawInfo.calcInfo, &itemRect ); |
DrawItem( menu, i, bounds, &itemRect, trackingData, true, &drawInfo, context ); |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
CalcMenuItemBounds( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int i ) |
{ |
MenuTrackingData trackingData; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
Rect itemRect; |
int width; |
// find the top of the menu, or use zero if the menu isn't open |
if ( GetMenuTrackingData( menu, &trackingData ) != noErr ) |
trackingData.virtualMenuTop = 0; |
GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics ); |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData ); |
// use GetItemRect to determine the item's vertical position in the menu |
// use CalcItemSize to determine the item's actual width (GetItemRect will use the menu's width) |
GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, i, 0, 0, &calcInfo, &itemRect ); |
CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, &width, NULL ); |
*bounds = itemRect; |
bounds->right = bounds->left + width; |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
GetItemRect( MenuRef menu, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* bounds, int whichItem, |
int hintItem, int hintBottom, const MenuItemCalcInfo* whichItemInfo, Rect* itemRect ) |
{ |
int i; |
MenuItemCalcInfo calcInfo; |
itemRect->left = bounds->left; |
itemRect->right = bounds->right; |
calcInfo.metrics = whichItemInfo->metrics; |
// |
// It would be possible to modify this code to use hintBottom even for items that are past whichItem |
// (by working backwards and subtracting off the height instead of adding it), but I didn't feel like |
// adding that complication to the code at this time. |
// |
if ( hintItem >= whichItem ) |
hintItem = 0; |
if ( hintItem == 0 ) |
itemRect->bottom = trackingData->virtualMenuTop; |
else |
itemRect->bottom = hintBottom; |
i = hintItem + 1; |
while ( i <= whichItem ) |
{ |
int height; |
if ( i == whichItem ) |
calcInfo.itemData = whichItemInfo->itemData; |
else |
FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData ); |
CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, NULL, &height ); |
if ( i != whichItem ) |
ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData ); |
itemRect->top = itemRect->bottom; |
itemRect->bottom += height; |
i++; |
} |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
GetMenuMetrics( MenuMetrics* outMetrics ) |
{ |
UniChar uchCmdGlyph = GetCommandGlyph(); |
FontInfo fi; |
GetThemeMenuSeparatorHeight( &outMetrics->separatorHeight ); |
GetThemeMenuItemExtra( kThemeMenuItemPlain, &outMetrics->extraHeightPlain, &outMetrics->extraWidth ); |
GetThemeMenuItemExtra( kThemeMenuItemHasIcon, &outMetrics->extraHeightIcon, &outMetrics->extraWidth ); |
outMetrics->markWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricMarkColumnWidth ); |
outMetrics->excludedMarkWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricExcludedMarkColumnWidth ); |
outMetrics->markIndent = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricMarkIndent ); |
outMetrics->textLeadingMargin = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricTextLeadingEdgeMargin ); |
outMetrics->textTrailingMargin = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricTextTrailingEdgeMargin ); |
outMetrics->indentWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricIndentWidth ); |
outMetrics->cmdGlyphWidth = MeasureUnicode( &uchCmdGlyph, 1, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont ); |
UseThemeFont( kThemeMenuItemFont, smSystemScript ); |
GetFontInfo( &fi ); |
outMetrics->itemHeight = fi.ascent + fi.descent + fi.leading + outMetrics->extraHeightPlain; |
outMetrics->itemBaseline = fi.ascent; |
outMetrics->cmdCharWidth = fi.widMax; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static UniChar |
GetCommandGlyph( void ) |
{ |
// see prior discussion in BuildModifierString for why this is here |
#if AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x |
return kCommandUnicode; |
#else |
static UniChar uch; |
Byte ch; |
CFStringRef str; |
if ( uch == 0 ) |
{ |
ch = kMenuCommandGlyph; |
str = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, &ch, sizeof( ch ), kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, false ); |
CFStringGetCharacters( str, CFRangeMake( 0, 1 ), &uch ); |
CFRelease( str ); |
} |
return uch; |
#endif |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static int |
GetThemeMenuMetric( ThemeMenuMetric metric ) |
{ |
SInt32 value; |
/* |
We first try to get the metric using GetThemeMetric. If that returns an error, |
we use some hardcoded constants that correspond to the values used by the Mac OS 9 |
and Mac OS X system MDEFs. |
Unfortunately, we need to check for GetThemeMetric returning noErr but a metric |
value of zero also, because GetThemeMetric will return noErr for some out-of-bounds |
and unsupported metrics on 10.0.x. |
*/ |
switch ( metric ) |
{ |
case kThemeMenuMetricMarkColumnWidth: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuMarkColumnWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( HasAqua() ) |
{ |
value = 21; |
} |
else |
{ |
FontInfo fi; |
UseThemeFont( kThemeSystemFont, smSystemScript ); |
GetFontInfo( &fi ); |
value = fi.widMax; |
} |
} |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricExcludedMarkColumnWidth: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuExcludedMarkColumnWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
value = 5; |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricMarkIndent: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuMarkIndent, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( HasAqua() ) |
value = 5; |
else |
value = 0; |
} |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricTextLeadingEdgeMargin: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuTextLeadingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( HasAqua() ) |
value = 0; |
else |
value = 2; |
} |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricTextTrailingEdgeMargin: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuTextTrailingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( HasAqua() ) |
value = 19; |
else |
value = 8; |
} |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricIndentWidth: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuIndentWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
value = 12; |
break; |
case kThemeMenuMetricIconTrailingEdgeMargin: |
if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuIconTrailingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( HasAqua() ) |
{ |
value = 4; |
} |
else |
{ |
value = CharWidth( kSpaceCharCode ); |
} |
} |
break; |
default: |
value = 0; |
} |
return value; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
// Determines whether kThemeMenuItemNoBackground is available. It is only available on Mac OS X and later. |
static Boolean |
HasNoBackground() |
{ |
static Boolean sHasNoBackground; |
static Boolean sInited; |
if ( !sInited ) |
{ |
SInt32 result; |
Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &result ); |
sHasNoBackground = result >= 0x1000; |
sInited = true; |
} |
return sHasNoBackground; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static Boolean |
HasAqua() |
{ |
static Boolean sHasAqua; |
static Boolean sInited; |
if ( !sInited ) |
{ |
Collection c = NewCollection(); |
Str255 name; |
Size size = sizeof( name ); |
GetTheme( c ); |
sHasAqua = GetTheme( c ) == noErr |
&& GetCollectionItem( c, kThemeNameTag, 0, &size, name ) == noErr |
&& EqualString( name, "\pAqua", true, true ); |
DisposeCollection( c ); |
sInited = true; |
} |
return sHasAqua; |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DoEraseMenuBackground( MenuRef menu, const Rect* rect, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
static EraseMenuBackgroundProc eraseProc; |
static Boolean checked; |
if ( !checked ) |
{ |
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") ); |
eraseProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("EraseMenuBackground") ); |
checked = true; |
} |
if ( eraseProc != NULL ) |
(*eraseProc)( menu, rect, context ); |
#else |
if ( EraseMenuBackground != NULL ) |
EraseMenuBackground( menu, rect, context ); |
#endif |
else |
DoCGContextClearRect( context, rect ); |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DoCGContextClearRect( CGContextRef context, const Rect* rect ) |
{ |
Rect portBounds; |
CGRect cgRect; |
static CGContextClearRectProc clearProc; |
static Boolean checked; |
if ( !checked ) |
{ |
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") ); |
clearProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("CGContextClearRect") ); |
checked = true; |
} |
#endif |
// convert from Quickdraw coordinates (zero at top) to CG coordinates (zero at bottom) |
GetPortBounds( GetQDGlobalsThePort(), &portBounds ); |
cgRect.origin.x = rect->left; |
cgRect.origin.y = ( portBounds.bottom - ) - rect->bottom; |
cgRect.size.width = rect->right - rect->left; |
cgRect.size.height = rect->bottom - rect->top; |
(*clearProc)( context, cgRect ); |
#else |
CGContextClearRect( context, cgRect ); |
#endif |
} |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
static void |
DoScrollMenuImage( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, int dh, int dv, CGContextRef context ) |
{ |
static ScrollMenuImageProc scrollProc; |
static Boolean checked; |
if ( !checked ) |
{ |
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") ); |
scrollProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("ScrollMenuImage") ); |
checked = true; |
} |
if ( scrollProc != NULL ) |
(*scrollProc)( menu, bounds, dh, dv, context ); |
#else |
if ( ScrollMenuImage != NULL ) |
ScrollMenuImage( menu, bounds, dh, dv, context ); |
#endif |
else |
ScrollRect( bounds, dh, dv, NULL ); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30