
    File:       Cheap_Studio.c
    Written by: Mark Cookson    
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/13/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include <SoundInput.h>
#include <Drag.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include "SAL_Public.h"
#include "SimpleApp_Sound.h"
typedef struct {
        long            sanitycheck;
        SPBPtr          recordRec;
        Ptr             pb0,
        Ptr             recBuffer0,
        Fixed           sampleRate;
        OSType          compression;
        unsigned long   totalBytes;
        long            myA5,
        short           whichBuffer,
        OSErr           theErr;     //last error returned by SPBRecord or PBWrite
} Vars, *VarsPtr;
OSErr   PrepairToRecordToDisk (VarsPtr myVars);
OSErr   RecordToDisk (VarsPtr);
OSErr   FinishRecording (VarsPtr myVars);
Vars                myVars;
static pascal OSErr MyIdleProc (const EventRecord *evt)
#ifndef __SC__
#pragma unused (evt)
    if (sound1Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo1) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo1, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton1;
        sound1Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (sound2Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo2) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo2, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton2;
        sound2Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (sound3Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo3) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo3, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton3;
        sound3Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (sound4Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo4) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo4, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton4;
        sound4Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (sound5Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo5) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo5, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton5;
        sound5Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (sound6Playing && ASoundIsDone (mySoundInfo6) == true) {
        ASoundDonePlaying (mySoundInfo6, nil);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton6;
        sound6Playing = false;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    if (playAll == true) {
        if (!sound1Playing && !sound2Playing && !sound3Playing && !sound4Playing && !sound5Playing && !sound6Playing) {
            gSAL_CurrentControl = playAllButton;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay All");
            playAll = false;
    } else {
        if (sound1Playing && sound2Playing && sound3Playing && sound4Playing && sound5Playing && sound6Playing) {
            gSAL_CurrentControl = playAllButton;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop All");
            playAll = true;
    return noErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay1(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound1Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo1);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo1, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound1Set = true;
            sound1Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound1Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo1);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo1);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound1Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton1;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo1);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay2(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound2Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo2);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo2, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound2Set = true;
            sound2Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound2Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo2);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo2);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound2Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton2;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo2);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay3(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound3Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo3);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo3, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound3Set = true;
            sound3Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound3Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo3);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo3);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound3Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton3;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo3);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay4 (const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound4Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo4);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo4, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound4Set = true;
            sound4Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound4Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo4);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo4);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound4Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton4;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo4);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay5(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound5Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo5);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo5, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound5Set = true;
            sound5Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound5Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo5);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo5);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound5Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton5;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo5);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlay6(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    if (sound6Set == false) {
        theErr = ASoundGetFileToPlay (mySoundInfo6);
        theErr = ASoundReadyForPlaying (mySoundInfo6, nil);
        if (theErr == noErr) {
            sound6Set = true;
            sound6Playing = false;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay");
    } else {
        if (sound6Playing == false) {
            if (playAll == true) {
                SndCommand  theCmd;
                SndChannelPtr   theChan;
                theChan = ASoundGetChan (mySoundInfo6);
                theCmd.cmd = syncCmd;
                theCmd.param1 = soundsToSync;
                theCmd.param2 = 'scme';
                theErr = SndDoImmediate (theChan, &theCmd);
            theErr = ASoundPlay (mySoundInfo6);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                sound6Playing = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton6;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop");
        } else {
            theErr = ASoundStop (mySoundInfo6);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoPlayAll(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    if (playAll == false) {
        playAll = true;
        soundsToSync = 0;
        if (sound1Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound2Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound3Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound4Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound5Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound6Set) soundsToSync++;
        if (sound1Set == true && sound1Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay1(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);soundsToSync--;}
        if (sound2Set == true && sound2Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay2(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);soundsToSync--;}
        if (sound3Set == true && sound3Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay3(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);soundsToSync--;}
        if (sound4Set == true && sound4Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay4(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);soundsToSync--;}
        if (sound5Set == true && sound5Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay5(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);soundsToSync--;}
        if (sound6Set == true && sound6Playing == false) { theErr = DoPlay6(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);}
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playAllButton;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop All");
    } else {
        playAll = false;
        if (sound1Set == true && sound1Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay1(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        if (sound2Set == true && sound2Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay2(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        if (sound3Set == true && sound3Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay3(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        if (sound4Set == true && sound4Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay4(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        if (sound5Set == true && sound5Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay5(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        if (sound6Set == true && sound6Playing == true) theErr = DoPlay6(pButtonItemRef,pModifiers);
        gSAL_CurrentControl = playAllButton;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pPlay All");
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr DoRecord (const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    if (!recording) {
        if (!prepairedToRecord) {
            theErr = PrepairToRecordToDisk (&myVars);
            if (theErr == noErr) {
                prepairedToRecord = true;
                gSAL_CurrentControl = recordButton;
                SAL_SetTitle ("\pRecord&Play");
        } else {
            theErr = RecordToDisk (&myVars);
            recording = true;
            gSAL_CurrentControl = recordButton;
            SAL_SetTitle ("\pStop record");
    } else {
        theErr = FinishRecording (&myVars);
        recording = false;
        prepairedToRecord = false;
        gSAL_CurrentControl = recordButton;
        SAL_SetTitle ("\pSetup Rec");
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound1(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck1, !GetControlValue (muteCheck1));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo1, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo1, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo1, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound2(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck2, !GetControlValue (muteCheck2));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo2, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo2, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo2, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound3(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck3, !GetControlValue (muteCheck3));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo3, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo3, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo3, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound4(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck4, !GetControlValue (muteCheck4));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo4, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo4, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo4, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound5(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck5, !GetControlValue (muteCheck5));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo5, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo5, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo5, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr MuteSound6(const ButtonItemRef pButtonItemRef,const SInt32 pModifiers)
    OSErr   theErr;
    unsigned short  leftVol, rightVol;
#pragma unused (pButtonItemRef,pModifiers)
    SetControlValue (muteCheck6, !GetControlValue (muteCheck6));
    theErr = ASoundGetVolume (mySoundInfo6, &leftVol, &rightVol);
    if (leftVol != 0 || rightVol != 0) {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo6, 0, 0);
    } else {
        theErr = ASoundSetVolume (mySoundInfo6, 0x100, 0x100);
    return theErr;
static pascal OSErr ClearAllSounds (long menuResult)
#pragma unused (menuResult)
    OSErr       err;
    mySoundInfo1 = ASoundNew (&err);
    mySoundInfo2 = ASoundNew (&err);
    mySoundInfo3 = ASoundNew (&err);
    mySoundInfo4 = ASoundNew (&err);
    mySoundInfo5 = ASoundNew (&err);
    mySoundInfo6 = ASoundNew (&err);
    sound1Set = false;
    sound2Set = false;
    sound3Set = false;
    sound4Set = false;
    sound5Set = false;
    sound6Set = false;
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton1;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 1");
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton2;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 2");
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton3;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 3");
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton4;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 4");
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton5;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 5");
    gSAL_CurrentControl = playButton6;
    SAL_SetTitle ("\pLoad Sound 6");
    return err;
        void    main (void)
    Rect    r;
    long    soundAttr;
    short   err;
    SAL_InitSimpleApp (2, kSAL_UseStandardMenu);        /* Simple App Sets up the Tool Box For us */
    SAL_GetDocumentWindow(128,nil);                 /* Get our stored window */
    SAL_SetRectLocation(&r, 10, 2);                 /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions(&r, 90, 20);              /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton(1, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 1", &r, (char)0, DoPlay1,nil);
    playButton1 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation(&r, 130, 2);                /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions(&r, 90, 20);              /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (2, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 2", &r, (char)0, DoPlay2,nil);
    playButton2 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 270, 2);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (3, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 3", &r, (char)0, DoPlay3,nil);
    playButton3 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 10, 25);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (4, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 4", &r, (char)0, DoPlay4,nil);
    playButton4 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 130, 25);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (5, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 5", &r, (char)0, DoPlay5,nil);
    playButton5 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 270, 25);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (6, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pLoad Sound 6", &r, (char)0, DoPlay6,nil);
    playButton6 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 10, 50);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (7, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pSetup Rec", &r, (char)0, DoRecord,nil);
    recordButton = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 110, 80);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallPushButton (8, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\pPlay All", &r, (char)0, DoPlayAll,nil);
    playAllButton = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 110, 2);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (9, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound1,nil);
    muteCheck1 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 250, 2);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (10, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound2,nil);
    muteCheck2 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 370, 2);               /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (11, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound3,nil);
    muteCheck3 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 110, 25);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (12, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound4,nil);
    muteCheck4 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 250, 25);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (13, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound5,nil);
    muteCheck5 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    SAL_SetRectLocation (&r, 370, 25);              /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
    SAL_SetRectDimensions (&r, 90, 20);             /* This Sets its size without changing it position */
    err = SAL_InstallCheckBox (14, gSAL_CurrentWindow, "\p", &r , (char)0, 1, MuteSound6,nil);
    muteCheck6 = gSAL_CurrentControl;
    mySoundInfo1 = ASoundNew (&err);
    if (err == noErr)
        mySoundInfo2 = ASoundNew (&err);
    if (err == noErr)
        mySoundInfo3 = ASoundNew (&err);
    if (err == noErr)
        mySoundInfo4 = ASoundNew (&err);
    if (err == noErr)
        mySoundInfo5 = ASoundNew (&err);
    if (err == noErr)
        mySoundInfo6 = ASoundNew (&err);
    SAL_InstallMenuItem (130, 9, "\pClear all sounds", 0, 'R', ClearAllSounds, nil);
    err = Gestalt (gestaltSoundAttr, &soundAttr);
    if ((soundAttr & (1 << gestaltPlayAndRecord)) == false) {
        DebugStr ("\pCan't play and record simultaniously.");
    if (err == noErr)
        SAL_Run();                              /* Let SimpleApp handle the rest */
// utility functions since I already keep the control handle around
static void EnableControl (ControlRef cr)
    if (cr != nil) {
        HiliteControl(cr, nil);
static void DisableControl (ControlRef cr)
    if (cr != nil) {
        HiliteControl(cr, 255);