Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: menu.c |
Contains: |
Written by: Jason Hodges-Harris |
Copyright: Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/28/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
// Mac Toolbox headers |
#ifndef __DESK__ |
#include <Desk.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __ERRORS__ |
#include <Errors.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MEMORY__ |
#include <Memory.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MENUS__ |
#include <Menus.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__ |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TOOLUTILS__ |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __WINDOWS__ |
#include <Windows.h> |
#endif |
// Program headers |
#ifndef __CHROMAPPHEADER__ |
#include "ChromaKeyMovie.h" |
#endif |
// Global Variables |
extern short gKeyMode; |
extern Boolean gDone; // program loop test condition |
extern Boolean gMovieOpen; |
extern Boolean gMovieBackGrnd; |
extern GWorldPtr gOffscreenPort, |
gBackGroundPort, |
gBackGroundPicture; |
extern PixMapHandle gMoviePixmap, |
gBackGndPixmap, |
gBackGndPictPM; |
// Initialise the application menubar. |
#pragma segment Menu |
void MenuBarInit (void) |
{ |
SetMenuBar (GetNewMBar(rMenuBar)); |
AppendResMenu (GetMenuHandle(mApple),'DRVR'); |
DrawMenuBar(); |
} |
// Sets the menubar to the default settings during the application initialisation phase. |
// i.e. In the 'Keying Mode' menu, the 'Transparent Color Transfer' menu option has a |
// tick mark against it to indicate it as the currently selected mode. |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoAdjustMenus(void) |
{ |
DoAdjustFileMenu(); |
DoAdjustEditMenu(); |
DoAdjustKeyMode(); |
DoAdjustOptions(false,true); // set the default to loop movie and not play every frame |
DrawMenuBar(); |
return; |
} |
// The DoMenuCommand() function performs all of the handling of |
// the user's interaction with the application |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult) |
{ |
MovieDocHndl theDocHandle; |
Str255 daName; |
WindowPtr window,theNextWindow; |
short menuID, |
menuItem, |
daRefNum; |
static Boolean sLoopMovie = true; // set the movie to loop as default |
static Boolean sPlayAllFrames = false; // set don't play all frames as default |
menuID = HiWord(menuResult); |
menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); |
switch (menuID) |
{ |
case mApple: // Apple menubar items |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
/* Display the application about box. |
App name, copyright etc. */ |
case iAbout: |
DisplayAlert (rAboutBox,0,0); |
break; |
// handle all menubar Desk Accessories. |
default: |
GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName); |
daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName); |
break; |
} |
break; |
case mFile: // File menubar items |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iOpen: // Open movie file |
/* Do nothing if a window is already open. |
Currently this application can only handle |
one open window manily due to processor |
requirements in keeping a movie serviced |
at a high frame rate. */ |
if (!gMovieOpen) |
{ |
/* initialise environment for movie playback. |
If an error is encountered, the PlayMovieChroma() |
function will return false and the application will |
bail without displaying an error as it should have |
recovered gracefully. */ |
if (PlayMovieChroma()) |
{ |
gMovieOpen = true; // set boolean to indicate movie window open |
/* Perform tests to see if menu items to loop and play all |
frames of the movie are selected and set the movie according */ |
if (sPlayAllFrames) |
sPlayAllFrames = SetPlayAllFrames(!sPlayAllFrames); |
if (sLoopMovie) |
sLoopMovie = SetLoopMovie(!sLoopMovie); |
/* Test for which croma key mode is selected and set |
if the default Transparent Color Transfer mode isn't used. */ |
if (gKeyMode == graphix) |
VideoGraphicsMode(FrontWindow(),true); |
if (gKeyMode == modifierTrax) |
ModifierTrackMode(FrontWindow()); |
DoAdjustFileMenu(); |
} |
} |
break; |
case iClose: |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
/* close open movie window and reset boolean to indicate |
that another window can be opened */ |
gMovieOpen = false; |
DisposeWindowDocs (FrontWindow()); |
} |
break; |
case iQuit: |
/* As quit menu option selected, close the window (if open), |
and set the loop boolean to true to allow application to exit. */ |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
window = FrontWindow(); |
while (window) |
{ |
theNextWindow = &((WindowPeek)window)->nextWindow->port; |
DisposeWindowDocs (window); |
window = theNextWindow; |
} |
// SetPort(FrontWindow()); |
} |
gMovieOpen = false; |
gDone=true; |
break; |
} |
break; |
/* Edit menubar options. These aren't |
implemented but included for completeness. */ |
case mEdit: |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iUndo: |
break; |
case iCut: |
break; |
case iCopy: |
break; |
case iPaste: |
break; |
} |
DoAdjustEditMenu(); |
break; |
/* The (Keying Mode) mMode menu, controls the user interaction |
with the different methods of keying a movie |
and setting up the display options. */ |
case mMode: |
window = FrontWindow(); |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iKeyColor: |
/* Sets the color used as transparent to allow the background |
image to display thro the foreground image and updates |
the modifier track / graphix modes if either is the selected |
mode, as these only set the transparent color when initialised. */ |
TransparentColor(); |
switch (gKeyMode) |
{ |
case modifierTrax: |
// update the modifier track information |
break; |
case graphix: |
// update the graphix mode to key out new color |
VideoGraphicsMode(window,true); |
break; |
} |
break; |
/* Set the gMovieBackGrnd variable to position the movie in front or behind of the |
background image when using the 'Transparent Color Transfer' mode */ |
case iMovieBack: |
gMovieBackGrnd = true; |
break; |
case iMovieFront: |
gMovieBackGrnd = false; |
break; |
/* 'Transparent Color Transfer' mode selected. If a window isn't open |
just set the transfer mode global, else check the current |
mode of the movie window and remove information set by previous mode. */ |
case iTransparent: |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
theDocHandle=(MovieDocHndl)GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)window); |
switch (gKeyMode) |
{ |
case modifierTrax: |
HLock((Handle)theDocHandle); |
if (DestroyModifierTrack(theDocHandle)) |
DisplayAlert (rGenAlert,rErrMessages,4); |
HUnlock((Handle)theDocHandle); |
break; |
case graphix: |
VideoGraphicsMode(window,false); |
break; |
} |
SetMovieGWorld((**theDocHandle).theMovie,gOffscreenPort,nil); |
} |
gKeyMode = transparentMode; |
break; |
/* 'Graphix Mode' mode selected. If a window isn't open |
just set the transfer mode global, else check the current |
mode of the movie window and remove information set by previous mode. */ |
case iGraphix: |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
theDocHandle=(MovieDocHndl)GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)window); |
switch (gKeyMode) |
{ |
case modifierTrax: |
HLock((Handle)theDocHandle); |
if (DestroyModifierTrack(theDocHandle)) |
DisplayAlert (rGenAlert,rErrMessages,4); |
HUnlock((Handle)theDocHandle); |
break; |
} |
VideoGraphicsMode(window,true); // use VideoMediaGraphicsMode. See IM QuickTime 2:287 |
} |
gKeyMode = graphix; |
break; |
/* 'Modifier Track' mode selected. If a window isn't open |
just set the transfer mode global, else check the current |
mode of the movie window and remove information set by previous mode. */ |
case iModifier: |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
theDocHandle=(MovieDocHndl)GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)window); |
switch (gKeyMode) |
{ |
case graphix: |
VideoGraphicsMode(window,false); |
break; |
} |
ModifierTrackMode(window); |
} |
gKeyMode = modifierTrax; |
break; |
} |
DoAdjustKeyMode(); |
break; |
/* Options menu selected. These options set the playback options of the movie. |
The available options are currently looping and play every frame. Note |
that the Play Every Frame option mutes any active audio tracks when selected. */ |
case mOptions: |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iEveryFrame: |
sPlayAllFrames = SetPlayAllFrames(sPlayAllFrames); |
break; |
case iLoopMovie: |
sLoopMovie = SetLoopMovie(sLoopMovie); |
break; |
} |
DoAdjustOptions(sPlayAllFrames,sLoopMovie); |
break; |
} |
HiliteMenu(0); // Unhighlight what MenuSelect (or MenuKey) hilited. |
} |
// Adjust the file menubar items |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoAdjustFileMenu(void) |
{ |
MenuHandle menu; |
/* Enable the Open and Close File menu items dependent |
on whether a window is currently open */ |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mFile); |
if (gMovieOpen) |
{ |
DisableItem(menu,iOpen); |
EnableItem(menu,iClose); |
} |
else if (!gMovieOpen) |
{ |
EnableItem(menu,iOpen); |
DisableItem(menu,iClose); |
} |
return; |
} |
/* Adjust the Edit menu bar items. Currently as these items |
are disabled as they're not supported. */ |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoAdjustEditMenu(void) |
{ |
MenuHandle menu; |
short i; |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mEdit); |
for (i = iUndo; i <= iPaste; ++i) |
DisableItem(menu, i); |
return; |
} |
/* Sets the Keying Mode menu items. This is responsible for setting |
check marks against the currently selected transfer method and |
the position of the movie relative to the background. It also |
enables or disables the movie position items when the graphix |
and modifierTrax methods are used, as these both display in the foreground. */ |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoAdjustKeyMode(void) |
{ |
MenuHandle menu; |
short itemMark; |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mMode); |
switch (gKeyMode) |
{ |
case transparentMode: |
GetItemMark(menu,iTransparent,&itemMark); |
if (itemMark == 0x00) |
{ |
SetItemMark(menu,iTransparent,0x12); |
SetItemMark(menu,iGraphix,0x00); |
SetItemMark(menu,iModifier,0x00); |
EnableItem(menu,iMovieBack); |
EnableItem(menu,iMovieFront); |
} |
break; |
case graphix: |
GetItemMark(menu,iGraphix,&itemMark); |
if (itemMark == 0x00) |
{ |
SetItemMark(menu,iTransparent,0x00); |
SetItemMark(menu,iGraphix,0x12); |
SetItemMark(menu,iModifier,0x00); |
DisableItem(menu,iMovieBack); |
DisableItem(menu,iMovieFront); |
} |
break; |
case modifierTrax: |
GetItemMark(menu,iModifier,&itemMark); |
if (itemMark == 0x00) |
{ |
SetItemMark(menu,iTransparent,0x00); |
SetItemMark(menu,iGraphix,0x00); |
SetItemMark(menu,iModifier,0x12); |
DisableItem(menu,iMovieBack); |
DisableItem(menu,iMovieFront); |
} |
break; |
} |
GetItemMark(menu,iMovieBack,&itemMark); |
if (gMovieBackGrnd) |
{ |
if (itemMark == 0x00) |
{ |
SetItemMark(menu,iMovieBack,0x12); |
SetItemMark(menu,iMovieFront,0x00); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (itemMark != 0x00) |
{ |
SetItemMark(menu,iMovieBack,0x00); |
SetItemMark(menu,iMovieFront,0x12); |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
/* DoAdjustOptions() adjusts the Options menu items and |
placed / removes check marks against these items when |
they're selected / deselected. */ |
#pragma segment Menu |
void DoAdjustOptions(Boolean playAllFrames, Boolean loopMovie) |
{ |
MenuHandle menu; |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mOptions); |
if (playAllFrames) |
SetItemMark(menu,iEveryFrame,0x12); |
else |
SetItemMark(menu,iEveryFrame,0x00); |
if (loopMovie) |
SetItemMark(menu,iLoopMovie,0x12); |
else |
SetItemMark(menu,iLoopMovie,0x00); |
return; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14