
# The CloudKit Catalog web app
This web app provides executable sample code for the core API methods provided by the CloudKit JS JavaScript library. 
Topics covered:
1. Authenticating users.
2. Retrieving users' discoverable information.
3. Querying records.
4. CRUD operations on zones.
5. CRUD operations on records within zones.
6. Fetching changed records within a zone using CloudKit's syncing capabilities.
7. CRUD operations on subscriptions.
8. Registering for notifications.
## Configuration
Before running the web app, modify the file *js/init.js*. Replace the container identifier with one that you own and insert an
API token generated through CloudKit Dashboard in the appropriate place. The web app assumes the existence of an **Items**
record type with the following fields.
* name : String
* location : Location
* asset : Asset
Create this record type through CloudKit Dashboard if it doesn't already exist.
## Runtime Requirements
For best results, use a recent version of Safari or Chrome.
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