
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
The authentication sample code with some helper functions to render the username/user record name and to construct
    the auth button containers.
CKCatalog.tabs['authentication'] = (function() {
  var displayUserName = function(name) {
    var userNameEl = document.getElementById('username');
    userNameEl.textContent = name;
    var displayedUserName = document.getElementById('displayed-username');
    if(displayedUserName) {
      displayedUserName.textContent = name;
  var createButtonContainersHTML = function() {
    return '<div>'+
      '<h2 id="displayed-username"></h2>'+
      '<div id="apple-sign-in-button"></div>'+
      '<div id="apple-sign-out-button"></div>'+
  var showDialogForPersistError = function() {
    var html = '<h2>Unable to set a cookie</h2><p>';
    if(window.location.protocol === 'file:') {
      html += 'The authentication option <code>persist = true</code> is not compatible with the <i>file://</i> protocol. ';
    html += 'Please edit <i>js/init.js</i> and set <code>persist = false</code> in <i>CloudKit.configure()</i>.</p>';, { title: 'Close' });
  var authSample = {
    run: function() {
      var content = this.content;
      content.innerHTML = createButtonContainersHTML();
      return this.sampleCode().then(function() {
        return content.firstChild;
    sampleCode: function demoSetUpAuth() {
      // Get the container.
      var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer();
      function gotoAuthenticatedState(userInfo) {
        if(userInfo.isDiscoverable) {
          displayUserName(userInfo.firstName + ' ' + userInfo.lastName);
        } else {
          displayUserName('User record name: ' + userInfo.userRecordName);
      function gotoUnauthenticatedState(error) {
        if(error && error.ckErrorCode === 'AUTH_PERSIST_ERROR') {
        displayUserName('Unauthenticated User');
      // Check a user is signed in and render the appropriate button.
      return container.setUpAuth()
        .then(function(userInfo) {
          // Either a sign-in or a sign-out button was added to the DOM.
          // userInfo is the signed-in user or null.
          if(userInfo) {
          } else {
  return [ authSample ];