
# A script for using Server-to-Server keys to make public database requests with CloudKit JS
## Install dependencies
Our script uses the npm module *node-fetch* and the *CloudKit JS* library. Install them by running the following
commands from the same directory as this README.
npm install
npm run-script install-cloudkit-js
## Configure the script to use a test container
Note that this must be a container for which you have admin access, as the server-to-server key will inherit your
privileges to modify the public database. Insert your container ID in the appropriate place within the file `config.js`.
## Generate a private key
If you are using a Mac, you already have OpenSSL installed and you can generate a private key with this command (make
sure you are in the same directory as this README).
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out eckey.pem
This will create the file `Node/node-client-s2s/eckey.pem`.
## Create a Server-to-Server key in CloudKit Dashboard
In [CloudKit Dashboard]( select your test container and navigate to
`API Access -> Server-to-Server Keys`. Copy the public key in the output of this command:
openssl ec -in eckey.pem -pubout
and paste it into the *Public Key* text field of the new key. Hit *Save* and the *Key ID* attribute will get populated.
Copy this ID and fill in the **keyID** property in `config.js`.
## Create a Test record type in CloudKit Dashboard
In [CloudKit Dashboard]( go to *Record Types* and create a **Test** record type.
## Run the script
node index.js
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