
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This extends CKRecord to conform to the Result protocol.
import UIKit
import CloudKit
extension CKRecord: Result {
    var summaryField: String? {
        if let name = objectForKey("name") as? String {
            return name
        if let name = objectForKey("Name") as? String {
            return name
        for key in allKeys() {
            if let string = objectForKey(key) as? String {
                return string
        return recordID.recordName
    var attributeList: [AttributeGroup] {
        let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.MediumStyle
        var metadata = [Attribute]()
        var fields = [Attribute]()
        metadata += [
            Attribute(key: "recordType", value: recordType),
            Attribute(key: "recordID"),
            Attribute(key: "recordName", value: recordID.recordName, isNested: true),
            Attribute(key: "zoneID.zoneName", value: recordID.zoneID.zoneName, isNested: true),
            Attribute(key: "zoneID.ownerName", value: recordID.zoneID.ownerName, isNested: true),
            Attribute(key: "recordChangeTag", value: recordChangeTag ?? "")
        if let modificationDate = modificationDate {
            metadata.append(Attribute(key: "modificationDate", value: dateFormatter.stringFromDate(modificationDate)))
        if let creationDate = creationDate {
            metadata.append(Attribute(key: "creationDate", value: dateFormatter.stringFromDate(creationDate)))
        for key in allKeys() {
            let value = objectForKey(key)
            if let value = value as? String {
                    Attribute(key: key, value: value)
            } else if let value = value as? CLLocation {
                let coordinate = value.coordinate
                fields += [
                    Attribute(key: key),
                    Attribute(key: "coordinate.latitude", value: String(coordinate.latitude), isNested: true),
                    Attribute(key: "coordinate.longitude", value: String(coordinate.longitude), isNested: true)
            } else if let value = value as? CKAsset, path = value.fileURL.path {
                fields += [
                    Attribute(key: key),
                    Attribute(key: "fileURL.path", value: path, image: UIImage(contentsOfFile: path)!)
        var attributeGroups = [ AttributeGroup(title: "Metadata:", attributes: metadata) ]
        if fields.count > 0 {
            attributeGroups.append(AttributeGroup(title: "Fields:", attributes: fields))
        return attributeGroups