
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This extends CKSubscription to conform to the Result protocol.
import CloudKit
extension CKSubscription: Result {
    var summaryField: String? {
        if subscriptionType == .RecordZone {
            return "RecordZone(\(zoneID!.zoneName))"
        } else if subscriptionType == .Query {
            var info = [String]()
            if let recordType = recordType {
            if let predicate = predicate {
            let queryParams = info.joinWithSeparator(",")
            return "Query(\(queryParams))"
        } else {
            return subscriptionID
    var attributeList: [AttributeGroup] {
        var subscriptionType = ""
        var firesOnRecordCreation = "N"
        var firesOnRecordUpdate = "N"
        var firesOnRecordDeletion = "N"
        var firesOnce = "N"
        switch self.subscriptionType {
        case .RecordZone:
            subscriptionType = "RecordZone"
        case .Query:
            subscriptionType = "Query"
        if subscriptionOptions.contains(.FiresOnRecordCreation) {
            firesOnRecordCreation = "Y"
        if subscriptionOptions.contains(.FiresOnRecordUpdate) {
            firesOnRecordUpdate = "Y"
        if subscriptionOptions.contains(.FiresOnRecordDeletion) {
            firesOnRecordDeletion = "Y"
        if subscriptionOptions.contains(.FiresOnce) {
            firesOnce = "Y"
        var groups = [
            AttributeGroup(title: "", attributes: [
                Attribute(key: "subscriptionID", value: subscriptionID),
                Attribute(key: "subscriptionType", value: subscriptionType),
                Attribute(key: "predicate", value: predicate != nil ? predicate!.predicateFormat : "")
            AttributeGroup(title: "Options", attributes: [
                Attribute(key: "FiresOnRecordCreation", value: firesOnRecordCreation),
                Attribute(key: "FiresOnRecordUpdate", value: firesOnRecordUpdate),
                Attribute(key: "FiresOnRecordDeletion", value: firesOnRecordDeletion),
                Attribute(key: "FiresOnce", value: firesOnce)
        if let zoneID = zoneID {
            groups[0].attributes += [
                Attribute(key: "zoneID"),
                Attribute(key: "zoneName", value: zoneID.zoneName, isNested: true),
                Attribute(key: "ownerName", value: zoneID.ownerName, isNested: true)
        return groups