
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This code sample demonstrates how to save a subscription to the private database.
import CloudKit
class SaveSubscriptionSample: CodeSample {
    init() {
            title: "saveSubscription",
            className: "CKDatabase",
            methodName: ".saveSubscription()",
            descriptionKey: "Subscriptions.SaveSubscription",
            inputs: [
                SelectionInput(label: "subscriptionType", items: [
                    Input(label: "RecordZone", toggleIndexes: [1]),
                    Input(label: "Query", toggleIndexes: [2,3,4,5,6])
                TextInput(label: "zoneName", value: ""),
                TextInput(label: "name BEGINSWITH", value: "", isHidden: true),
                BooleanInput(label: "FiresOnRecordCreation", value: true, isHidden: true),
                BooleanInput(label: "FiresOnRecordUpdate", value: true, isHidden: true),
                BooleanInput(label: "FiresOnRecordDeletion", value: true, isHidden: true),
                BooleanInput(label: "FiresOnce", value: false, isHidden: true)
    override var error: String? {
        if let subscriptionType = data["subscriptionType"] as? String where subscriptionType == "RecordZone", let zoneName = data["zoneName"] as? String {
            if zoneName.isEmpty {
                return "zoneName cannot be empty"
            } else if zoneName == CKRecordZoneDefaultName {
                return "Cannot create a subscription on the Default Zone"
        return nil
    override func run(completionHandler: (Results, NSError!) -> Void) {
        if let subscriptionType = data["subscriptionType"] as? String {
            let container = CKContainer.defaultContainer()
            let privateDB = container.privateCloudDatabase
            let subscription: CKSubscription
            let notificationInfo = CKNotificationInfo()
            let recordType = "Items"
            notificationInfo.shouldBadge = true
            if let zoneName = data["zoneName"] as? String where subscriptionType == "RecordZone" {
                let zoneID = CKRecordZoneID(zoneName: zoneName, ownerName: CKOwnerDefaultName)
                subscription = CKSubscription(zoneID: zoneID, options: CKSubscriptionOptions(rawValue: 0))
                notificationInfo.alertBody = "Zone \(zoneName) has changed."
                subscription.notificationInfo = notificationInfo
            } else {
                let predicate: NSPredicate
                var subscriptionOptions = CKSubscriptionOptions(rawValue: 0)
                if let firesOnRecordCreation = data["FiresOnRecordCreation"] as? Bool where firesOnRecordCreation {
                if let firesOnRecordUpdate = data["FiresOnRecordUpdate"] as? Bool where firesOnRecordUpdate {
                if let firesOnRecordDeletion = data["FiresOnRecordDeletion"] as? Bool where firesOnRecordDeletion {
                if let firesOnce = data["FiresOnce"] as? Bool where firesOnce {
                if let beginsWithText = data["name BEGINSWITH"] as? String {
                    predicate = NSPredicate(format: "name BEGINSWITH %@", beginsWithText)
                } else {
                    predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
                subscription = CKSubscription(recordType: recordType, predicate: predicate, options: subscriptionOptions)
                notificationInfo.alertBody = "Changed \(recordType) satisfying \(predicate.predicateFormat)"
                subscription.notificationInfo = notificationInfo
            privateDB.saveSubscription(subscription) {
                (subscription, nsError) in
                let results = Results()
                if let subscription = subscription {
                completionHandler(results, nsError)