CloudPhotos (OS X).swift/CloudPhotos/MapViewController.swift

Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
View controller that shows the location of a photo in a popover.
import Cocoa
import Foundation
import MapKit
class MapViewController : NSViewController {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var mapLocation: CLLocation!
    @IBOutlet private weak var mapView: MKMapView!
    // MARK: - View Controller Lifecycle
    override func viewDidAppear() {
        guard mapLocation != nil else { return }
        // Set the location and spanning region to our map view.
        let location: CLLocationCoordinate2D =
            CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: mapLocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude: mapLocation.coordinate.longitude)
        let newRegion: MKCoordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMake(location, MKCoordinateSpanMake(0.008, 0.008))
        mapView.region = newRegion
        // Geocode the location for setting the annotation data.
        let geocoder: CLGeocoder = CLGeocoder()
        geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(mapLocation, completionHandler: { (placemarks, error) -> Void in
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                guard let placemarks = placemarks, placemarks.count > 0 else { return }
    /// Adds an annotation (where the CloudPhoto was taken from the camera) to the map.
    private func setMapAnnotation(_ placemarks: [CLPlacemark]) {
        let myAnnotation: MKPointAnnotation = MKPointAnnotation()
        myAnnotation.coordinate = mapLocation.coordinate
        guard (placemarks.count > 0) else { return }
        let placemark: CLPlacemark = placemarks[0]
        if placemark.locality != nil && placemark.administrativeArea != nil
            myAnnotation.title = title
            if placemark.thoroughfare != nil
                myAnnotation.subtitle = String(format: "%@: %@, %@", placemark.thoroughfare!, placemark.locality!, placemark.administrativeArea!)
                myAnnotation.subtitle =
                    String(format:"%@, %@", placemark.locality!, placemark.administrativeArea!)
            mapView.selectAnnotation(myAnnotation, animated: false)